Chapter 637 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss ([-])

It seems that even if Ruyi Golden Cudgel has supernatural powers, it is limited.

Of course, it's also possible that Ruyi Jinchoubang is rather aloof and doesn't bother to talk to her.

After all, an expert must have the demeanor of an expert.

Supreme Treasure stood dizzily on the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, with a face full of doubts about life.

Who is he and where is he.

I thought it was a slightly miraculous broken stick, but I didn't expect it to be a heaven-reaching magic weapon, and it seemed that I listened to the cow's words.

Woohoo, it was clearly picked up by the young master.

"What do you think?"

People are refreshed on happy occasions, and Shengge sees the golden cudgel as if he has seen the backbone.

It's like the ugly rake, seeing daddy...

As soon as his mind was relaxed, Shengge had the strength to toss Zhizunbao.

The Supreme Treasure and the Great Sage are not the same person, which proves that the world itself does not know how it will collapse.

"Zhizunbao, it's not okay for you to be such a coward, you are too weak but you will be discriminated against by the beautiful lady."

Shengge chuckled, picked up Supreme Treasure by playing tricks, and wobbled it, as if he was about to fall from mid-air by accident.

Don't ask her where she learned such a bad way.

To this day, she has never forgotten the scene of being forced to jump into the clouds by the Great Sage in the world of Journey to the West.

God knows how difficult it is for a little fairy who has received scientific and cultural education for a long time to accept that people can fly.

Supreme Treasure: ∑(°口°)
Boss, can we not do such a thrilling action?

Zhizunbao clearly felt that the cow was hanging in the air with two fingers, and deliberately shook it from side to side from time to time.

The slightly swift wind was blowing on his face, Zhizunbao just wanted to live now.

"Boss, boss, can you let me stand and talk?"

Supreme Treasure is trembling, humble to the extreme.

Humble little treasure, please let me go online.

"Stand still..."

"Indeed, it may be more secure to stand on the ground..."

Shengge tilted his head, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully
Zhizunbao had an ominous premonition in his heart, and always felt that the cow would not let him go so easily.

As it turned out, he still knew the cow pretty well.

I saw Shengge let go of the Supreme Treasure, allowing the Supreme Treasure to fall freely, accompanied by horrific screams.

Tut tut...

It seems a bit noisy.

Could it be that she was so embarrassing when she was learning how to ride the clouds?

The past is unbearable, and it is shameful to look back.

When Supreme Treasure was about to fall into meatloaf close to the ground, Sheng Ge flew down and carried him back into the air again.

Repeatedly, until Supreme Treasure fainted gorgeously.

Shengge: [┐'_'┌]


She originally wanted to teach him how to protect himself, and at least he could escape for his life because of the predestined relationship between Supreme Treasure and her.

But I didn't expect Supreme Treasure to be even more useless than she was back then.

People often say that without comparison, there is no harm.

However, why does she feel that, without comparison, there is no capital for narcissism.

Although Zhizunbao is a big waste, but after all, bringing the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to her is considered a great achievement.

Forget it, forget it, help people to the end.

Shengge stretched out his hand silently, put his hand on Zhizunbao's palm, and with the shining golden mana, it turned into strands of golden threads and penetrated into Zhizunbao's body.

Spells can be practiced by everyone in the world.

But the magic power of Shengge is different from ordinary people.

The power of time and space, coupled with the power of faith, gave her a proud confidence after all.

Well, cleared up.

For Shengge, whether it's worth it or not is just a matter of her opinion.

When she was worried, she had to meet the golden cudgel to make her feel at ease, then the Supreme Treasure was worthy of this mana.

She would never owe favors unless necessary.

It's just that she also knows that in the long time and space, some people's kindness may never be repaid.

So, in case there is any concern, she has tried her best to avoid it.

Shengge looked at Zhizunbao whose complexion was gradually turning rosy, and laughed.

As expected, she is still a soft-hearted little fairy. Back then, the Great Sage was not so gentle to her.

"Wake up, wake up..." Sheng Ge withdrew his hand, and kicked Supreme Treasure hard.

Zhizunbao woke up faintly, the moment he saw Shengge, his pupils dilated, and the fear was evident.

"Try again..."

Under the watchful eyes of Supreme Treasure, Shengge threw Supreme Treasure down again.

Supreme Treasure: ∑(°口°)
What kind of bad taste is this cow? Is it possible that he will not give up without tossing him to death?


Why did the young master suspend in mid-air this time and stop falling?

Supreme Treasure is very confused...

"Supreme Treasure, I see that you are really useless. I am afraid that you will be in danger, so I will give you mana."

"Well, thank you soon."

"Of course, if you insist on kowtow to recognize me as your teacher, it's not easy for me to refuse."

Shengge is not someone who does good deeds without leaving a name.

Anyway, Supreme Treasure can be regarded as the absolute protagonist in this world.

She is not intimidated, but it is a good fate that can be done with a little effort, why not do it?

Zhizun Bao suddenly looked up at Shengge, with doubts, disbelief, and more surprises.

All along, he has been protected by Jingjing, and when he is moved, he will inevitably complain and feel inferior.

But no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many geniuses and treasures Jingjing found for him, he could not embark on the path of cultivation.

Now, has this ugly cow he met in the desert fulfilled his long-cherished wish for many years?
Shengge felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by such devout eyes.

Sheng Ge is not afraid of the other party's glib tongue, let alone the other party's arrogance and unreasonableness, but he is afraid of the other party's sincerity and sincerity.

"Master is here, please accept the disciples."

Zhizunbao felt the majestic power in his body, his eyes were slightly red, and he kowtowed three times to Shengge heavily.

The word master is solemn and solemn, more like an oath.

Shengge was a little dazed, he didn't expect that Supreme Treasure had such a side.

In this way, he is also a pleasing person.

That's all, that's all, it's good to take an apprentice.

It is better to be Supreme Treasure than others. After all, Supreme Treasure has a face that is [-]% or [-]% similar to the Great Sage.

Well, it seems that Supreme Treasure can also taste the suffering she has suffered.


happy happy……

The thought of Supreme Treasure obediently and obediently calling her Master with this great saint-like face made Shengge feel that life was full of light.

Hey, does she want to beat Zhizun Bao so badly?
Back then, she had a bruised nose, a swollen face, and a lot of cuts and bruises all over her body.

Hi, I feel like my life has reached its peak.

"Cough cough..."

Sheng Ge pretended to be serious and cleared his throat, and spoke solemnly.

Of course, if Shengge could control the curvature of the corners of his mouth better, it would be even more deceptive.

(End of this chapter)

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