Chapter 640 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss ([-])

This short is none other than his big ugly master.

"You're smart..."

Sun Wukong said noncommittally.

That's all, that's all, Shengge's rampant, simple and rude temperament, it's a good idea to have the Supreme Treasure like an old fritters by his side.

Now that he has become like this, the road to repairing his internal injuries is long, and he is really powerless.

"Small vegetable chicken..."

"Little chicken, you're so hurt, you're still worried, are you afraid that you won't die early enough? Or do you want me to dig a pit for you in sackcloth and mourning..."

Seeing Sun Wukong's dying state, Sheng Ge felt inexplicably agitated.

Indeed, she wanted to become a serf and sing.

But seeing the Great Sage so weak, she couldn't control her state of mind.

That's right, in her heart, in her memory, the Great Sage will always look down on the world and move forward indomitably.

The fidgety Sheng Ge in his heart, the skill of poisonous tongue is automatically launched, and the words that poke the heart seem to be thrown out as if they don't need money, until they stab people beyond recognition and bruises all over their bodies.

Supreme Treasure covered his face, he had really lost sight of his master.

How some people die, it must be the kind of death, the kind that can't be stopped even if you want to stop it.

Alas, I don't know who collected the body for whom after the master continued.


"Little chicken, what do you look at, it's you..."

Shengge seemed perplexed, and finally gave Monkey King a vicious look, with the illusion that a bully was bullying the little scholar.

Monkey King: o((⊙﹏⊙))o
Who is he and where is he.

It's been a long time since I saw it, and Sheng Ge seems to have drifted a lot.

However, if Shengge is willing to wear hemp and mourning and dig a hole, it is not impossible for him to cooperate and die for a while.

Well, he would never admit it. After digging so many pits, he felt unbalanced.

"and many more……"

Sun Wukong silently waited for Shengge to vent his emotions before opening his mouth slowly.

"This great sage is a born monkey. Please be educated when cursing people, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be heard by others."

"I don't know, when did the stone monkey and the chicken become the same race?"

The Great Sage corrected him pretending to be serious, and Sheng Ge suddenly became a little annoyed by that serious look.

Shengge: ...

Hehehe, you don't need to think about it to know that this stinky monkey did it on purpose.

"As for the food..."

"Look at this, return the food?"

I saw Monkey King stretching out his monkey claw lightly, like throwing cotton, casually pointing towards the hill not far away.

The hill that the fingertips were pointing at suddenly collapsed.

This move is obviously in retaliation for what Sheng Ge said just now. Could it be that I am envious of my mighty and majestic body that can knock down a mountain with one punch?
Shengge: "(Д*)
The script she envisioned is not like this...

Sheng Ge said that she was really shocked.

Compared with Shengge's astonishment, Zhizunbao looked calm and clear, as if he knew this beforehand.

"Ahem, Great Sage, you misheard, old man."

"Just now I was talking about my stupid apprentice. You don't know how badly my stupid apprentice was thrown from mid-air by me."

Sheng Ge is always timid, it seems that this is the normal style of painting when he meets the Great Sage.

Cai Cai's style of painting has completely gone astray.

Supreme Treasure stared blankly at how his master was talking nonsense with red lips and white teeth.

Forget it, forget it, disobedience to master is always bad.

"My lord, I don't know what your old man's plan is going to be?"

With a smile all over his face, Sheng Ge said in a doggy manner.

The Great Sage's casual finger made Shengge's heart completely at ease.

It seems that although the great sage was severely wounded and fundamentally injured, he did not accidentally swallow his last breath.

"What do you think……"

The Great Sage glanced at Sheng Ge coldly and arrogantly, waiting for the other party's performance.

"Great Sage, the most important thing is to heal your wounds."

"I think this small mountain is beautiful and full of spiritual energy. It is a paradise, and it is a good place to heal your wounds."

"You continue to recuperate, and the younger ones won't bother you..."

The corners of Sheng Ge's mouth curved, and he said jokingly.

Just kidding, she traveled long distances, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found the Great Sage, how could she have the heart to throw the severely injured Great Sage here.

Repaying kindness with kindness is fundamental.

Well, this little fairy is kind-hearted, and she should be a role model.

However, being a role model is one thing, but taking advantage of it is another.

Sun Wukong was speechless, and he didn't know who Sheng Ge's cheap temper followed.

What to do, he almost couldn't control his little claws that had nowhere to rest, and wanted to hold the golden cudgel and teach Sheng Ge how to be a human being.

Even if it hurts more...

After all, some people are just too hateful.

Sheng Ge looked at the unpredictable eyes of the Great Sage, and the smile on the corner of his mouth continued to enlarge until it turned into a hearty laugh.

Hahaha, life is so beautiful, there is hope in the world.

"Let's go..."

I saw Shengge carrying Monkey King on his shoulders, and bouncing back the same way.

Alas, after being out for so long, I don't know if the flowery wife of the Bull Demon King is worried.

Life is a winner, but that's all.

Supreme Treasure felt the earth shaking and shaking, looking at the cheerful master jumping in front of him, with black lines all over his head.

Master, do you, old man, think that you are a delicate, cute and dainty little girl?
With your physique, this picture is unavoidably a bit eye-catching.

Who will tell him why Master became mentally retarded...

That's right, mental retardation.

He also understood that this monkey with a mysterious origin is of great significance to Master.

Otherwise, how could Master's emotions change so richly?

"Master, master, you wait for disciple..."

"Master, master, do you want to change your posture, I'm afraid it will hurt you more..."

The Supreme Treasure is like a Tang monk possessed, chattering endlessly.

"To shut up……"

Shengge couldn't take it anymore...

emmm, so nagging, meeting Tang Seng in this world, just forming a chatty group to make their debut, and they will definitely be invincible in the world.

She carried it on purpose.

Within the appropriate limits, she would be very happy to toss the Great Sage.

Besides, is she the kind of person who has no sense of proportion?
She would never allow such a thing as adding injury to injury.

Therefore, Supreme Treasure is completely meddling with dogs and mice.


She is a fairy, not a mouse...

"If you keep nagging, I will cut off your tongue..."

"Find the way, don't force Lai Lai, if you have the ability, see the real chapter."

Shengge frightened Zhizunbao viciously, and didn't feel that she was ashamed to bully the weak...

I'm afraid that if you want to see the real chapter with your apprentice, the world is so big, and only Sheng Ge can say it so brazenly and with peace of mind.

Zhizunbao covered his mouth fiercely, he must not cut off his tongue, he still has to go back to see Jingjing intact.

 Surprised, not surprised, not surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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