Chapter 647

It's not like now, just like a mad dog...

No, it should be Mad Cow.

Those who can be offended, those who cannot be offended, are all offended.

Now that the area is thousands of miles away, which big monster is not gnashing his teeth when he mentions his elder brother, wishing to peel his skin, cramp his tendons, drink blood and eat meat.

It is guessed that the eldest brother is crazy, but she is not alone.

This gossip seems to turn the world of the demon world upside down.

They agreed to eat delicious food and drink spicy food together, strengthen the monster clan, and turn themselves into masters.

It's ridiculous to say, the eldest brother is always carrying a broken rake, counting with his fingers, and whoever counts today will go to his cave to yell and clamor, and what he says is very arrogant and domineering.

Even if the other party was convinced, the eldest brother still relentlessly smashed down the gate of his cave with a rake, without any attitude of accepting surrender.

Immediately, like locusts crossing the border, they directly wiped out the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and pried away the spiritual veins of others by the way, which was unreasonable.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance, not to mention that like the big brother has aroused public anger.

"are you crazy?"

Princess Iron Fan glanced lightly at the Bull Demon King who was sound asleep and had no manners at all, and laughed.

"It's not crazy, it's just that there are more important things in his heart than the fear of public anger."

Father, like son.

Not to mention that from the very beginning, she was a little curious about that monkey.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that the demon clan recently held an emergency meeting to form a coalition army to conquer the eldest brother. All the big demons who can count on the name have signed the joint signature. If you don't get rid of the eldest brother, you will have a hard time sleeping."

"Do you think big brother can handle it?"

Niu Xiangxiang was very worried. Recently, there was a lot of turmoil in the demon world. Talking about Niu turned pale, and everyone was silent. She was so scared that she dared not leave the cave.

I know how many catties and taels I have.

With the hatred value that her eldest brother crazily pulled, she dared to bet that as long as she left the house with her front feet, her back feet would be tied up to sacrifice the flag.

"The sky is falling and there is a high point to support it. What are you afraid of?"

Princess Iron Fan drank her tea slowly, from time to time, she read the news presented by the patrolling minions, and replied slowly.

"If you have the skills, why don't you go and stare at your little sister-in-law to see the news."

Princess Iron Fan randomly pulled out a piece of paper and threw it at Niu Xiangxiang.


"What, those thieves still want to win over the jade-faced fox, in the name of avenging the old fox king and correcting the status of the jade-faced fox?"

"It's ridiculous, what does the death of the old fox king have to do with big brother?"

Niu Xiangxiang couldn't hold back her fiery temper, so she slapped the stone table with her palm.

With [-]% of the strength, the stone table was instantly reduced to ashes.

Hmph, although the eldest brother is arrogant and domineering, making people hate him, but he is also a person who dares to act and behave.

It's disgusting to poke and splash sewage.

"Who, who..."

"Is someone calling?"

Shengge sat up in shock, and subconsciously picked up the ugly rake and asked.

Let her see which dog who has eaten the heart of a bear dares to call on the door.

If it disturbed the Great Sage's recuperation, she would definitely let these people know why the flowers are so red.

The evil spirit all over his body made Niu Xiangxiang shudder subconsciously.

When did it start, the evil spirit on the eldest brother was so strong.

However, it is reasonable to think about it carefully, who made the eldest brother now have the No. 1 title in the demon world.

"No one, no one, I accidentally smashed the table."

Niu Xiangxiang explained repeatedly.

"That's good."

"Go tell Supreme Treasure to guard the Huaguo Mountain next to it carefully, and make no mistakes."

After finishing the words, Sheng Ge turned over and fell asleep again, but this time she didn't put down the ugly rake.


Niu Xiangxiang exhaled softly.

She really didn't dare to provoke the elder brother who was tense all over.

"Sister-in-law, you stay here, I will pass on the order of the elder brother, and keep an eye on the jade-faced fox by the way."

Niu Xiangxiang was in a hurry, and even with a simple and rude personality like her, she felt the oppressive feeling that the mountains and rains were about to come.

I hope Princess Yumian won't disappoint my elder brother.

Back then, the jade-faced fox was in a dangerous situation and struggled to no avail. It was the elder brother who handed her the straw to save her life from being reduced to a plaything.

The rich clothes and fine food are given by the eldest brother.

Calling the wind and calling the rain is given by the elder brother.

The stability and stability are still given by the eldest brother.

Even so, the eldest brother also covets the beauty of the jade-faced fox...

Ruoyu-faced fox is a cold-hearted person who repays kindness with revenge. Given time, she will definitely clean up the house for her eldest brother.



"Why did you come here?"

Zhizunbao, who was conscientiously incarnating as a mountain guardian beast, was covered in hairs the moment he saw Niu Xiangxiang.


This is the elder sister of the old master, and he is also his elder in terms of seniority.

Being thrown around like a sandbag, he can only accept his fate.

"Brother told you to guard this place, don't make mistakes."

Niu Xiangxiang said angrily.

Ask yourself, except that sometimes she can't control the itching of her hands and throws the Supreme Treasure around like a sandbag, but most of them are still caring and caring.

But why doesn't the Supreme Treasure show signs of softening?

Seeing her is like meeting a snake and scorpion, avoiding her for fear.

She kept saying that she would defend Bai Jingjing like a jade...

Who will tell her who Bai Jingjing is?

Some people don't need to do anything, and they can easily get what she longs for by staying quietly.

In terms of feelings, who has ever been spared?

Niu Xiangxiang, who is hot-tempered and straightforward, is still not immune.

But what the eldest brother said is also reasonable, since Supreme Treasure and Bai Jingjing are in love with each other until death, she intervenes abruptly and loses the price for nothing.

How can the younger sister of a big boss in the demon world lower herself into the dust?

No one likes people who are humble enough to be in the dust. You have to be good enough to be shining enough to be your own master.

At first, the elder brother let her toss about the Supreme Treasure, but after a long time, the elder brother feared that she would become obsessed with demons and become obsessed with her, so he talked with her for a long time with all his heart,

However, the process of chatting was not very good, so I won’t talk about it in detail here.

As long as it is clear that she has paid the price of blood, tears and sweat for her sudden awakening this time.

"Don't hide, make it look like Miss Ben still has to do with you."

"You keep an eye on the monkey inside, don't let big brother get distracted."

"Hmph, big brother is going to conquer the world."

Niu Xiangxiang could be considered to understand that everyone is an enemy, and it is not advisable to seek peace.

With the big brother's appearance of crazily accumulating money, it is absolutely impossible to cede land and pay compensation and kneel down and beg for mercy.

There are only two endings, either you fail, or you are invincible in the world, so that people dare not speak again.

Heh, the demon world always respects the strong.

Never talk about ownership ridiculously naively.

It's just a food chain, whose hands are clean again?
 I suddenly discovered last night that tomorrow, January [-]th, is the second anniversary of the release of this book.

  Happy second birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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