Chapter 649 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss (21)


"The flowers in the valley are still blooming gorgeously, but I can't seem to find us back then."

"I have tried revisiting old places, but revisiting old places is just to let you deeply experience what is right and wrong."

"I know, I lost a very important person, I miss him."

"I miss my big brother Niu, I only think about him.

"But, I know you are not him, and there is no other cognition so clear that I cry when I think about it."

"I miss you, come back and see me, okay, I seem to always love you only."

"I love you once, and I hate you now."

"I think I still hate you after all."

Princess Iron Fan's voice was faint, as if she had passed through countless sleepless nights of tossing and turning until she was in despair.

"Ox Demon King, I am not a pure-hearted person. If you betray me, I will never say anything against my will. I hope you will be healthy and happy, and everything will be as you like."

"I am nostalgic for the you in the past, but I hate the you for the present. This kind of self-pull makes me crazy and depressed at times."

Princess Iron Fan's words caused Shengge to fall into silence for a long time.

To Princess Iron Fan, she didn't know what attitude to take, sympathy or pity?
In the wish of the Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan was never mentioned from the beginning to the end.

It seems that the wife he once vowed to be married to has been completely forgotten.

It's really a heartbreaker.

It is not difficult to understand why love becomes hate.

Alas, she thought Princess Iron Fan saw that she was not the real Bull Demon King, so she was a false alarm.


After pondering for a long time, Shengge spoke slowly.

Princess Iron Fan's extravagant wish is to have someone's heart never leave, neither the Bull Demon King nor she can give it.

Instead of letting Princess Iron Fan struggle and struggle in the devil, it is better to be born again.

The Bull Demon King may have had sincerity towards Princess Iron Fan, but in the long years, that throbbing has long been defeated by emptiness, and he is attracted by the countless freshness of the colorful world.

It seems that no matter where it is, those who can keep the ordinary are rare species, and not everyone knows that novelty is to experience new things with old people.

The word love has always troubled me.

She has experienced all kinds of life in an endless life for thousands of years, and she has watched too many mediocre things with a cold eye.

As far as feelings are concerned, it is best to keep a respectful distance.

Try to be a cute little fairy and appreciate the beauty, there is no need to put yourself in a dilemma.

"Ma'am, let's make up."

"I remember when I first met you, you were brisk and elegant, a freshness that is rarely seen in this demon world."

"But after all, the throbbing when we first met or the vigorous pursuit failed to turn into long-term companionship and affection."

"The years have passed, and you and I have changed beyond recognition."

"For a husband and wife, I will let you go."

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, she can even imagine Princess Iron Fan's heart riddled with holes under her domineering and proud appearance, and she can even see Midnight Dreaming and waking up from her dream again and again.

That kind of torture is tantamount to torture.

Princess Iron Fan thought that the Bull Demon King in the past could not make up his mind, so it would be better for her to take this step herself.

If affection cannot be responded to, it must be cut off.

When it is interrupted, it will suffer from chaos.

"Ox Demon King, are you really so cruel?"

Princess Iron Fan's eyes were wide open, tears filled her eyes, but she just refused to let them fall.

She struggled with herself for so long, why didn't she want to give herself a chance to give the Bull Demon King a chance to wake up and turn around.

She really wanted to kill the Bull Demon King just now, but she would not live alone if the Bull Demon King died.

She would rather die with the Bull Demon King than watch him have new loves and sing songs every night.

"Madam, you should be proud and beautiful, but look at your current appearance, despair and depression."

"Go get yourself back, I'm not a good man."

Shengge now feels that these words are the proper quotations of a scumbag.

What do you say you deserve better, I don't deserve you...

It's downright disgusting.

But after this incident, Shengge also really understood a truth, all the estrangement and separation are planned for a long time, and they are not enough love.

No amount of rhetoric can cover up the fact that you don't love.

What a ridiculous perception.


Sheng Ge took a long breath and suddenly felt dull.

She sees her feelings so clearly, presumably she is betting her life.

Fortunately, she didn't want to entrust her life to anyone.

She is my reliance, and she will reach the peak step by step.

So what about celibacy, marriage and love are never a necessity.

"Madam, I have finished writing the He Li book, and I will inform all the demons in the demon world later."

"If you want to avenge yourself, then live well."

Shengge saw Princess Iron Fan's wandering mental state. A person who had been suppressed for hundreds of years and was awakened by nightmares every night had already rotted inside.

In the daytime, he is tough and domineering, powerful and fearless, but at night he is like an abandoned baby, helpless and inferior.

It is said that tears are useless, but at that time, it seemed that only tears could vent emotions.

Every pain, every pull, was an unspeakable torture for Princess Iron Fan.

This kind of pain, if you ask yourself, she can't heal the Bull Demon King.

Even if the Bull Demon King returns someday, he won't take it seriously.

Princess Iron Fan fell into the devil's barrier of the bull devil, and the devil of the bull also fell into the devil's barrier of Zixia.

If you have to get it, you can't understand it.

Alas, emotional debt is really troublesome.

After this task is completed, we must find out—that spicy chicken system and have a good chat.

There are too many fireworks in this world, and there are too many injustices in this world. Can you change the direction.

If only Niu Xiangxiang could be beaten for a few days like some time ago, it would be great if Niu Xiangxiang could rein in the precipice.

It's a pity that Princess Iron Fan is not Niu Xiangxiang.

For Niu Xiangxiang, Zhizunbao is novelty, fun and impulsive.

But for Princess Iron Fan, the Bull Demon King is an existence who knows the torture, knows the pain and is unwilling to let go.

"The last time I call your wife, I owe you in this life, then I will owe you forever."

"If you are in trouble, I will do whatever it takes."

Shengge didn't give Princess Iron Fan a chance to hesitate, and Shengge's powerful voice sounded from the sky above the demon world.

A letter from He Lishu exploded in the demon world.

Several families were happy and some were sad. The vassal of the Bull Demon King silently wondered if his winning percentage had dropped again, while the Alliance of Demon World Army was secretly happy.

The other will prevail, and the victory is in sight.

Without the help of the famous Iron Lady and Princess Iron Fan, the Bull Demon King seems to have lost his right arm and right arm.

Today's bull demon king can be said to be a traitor.

The well-loved concubine, the jade-faced fox, has become the spiritual symbol of the Yaozu allied forces, and the strong and strong wife has also divorced, which is simply worse.

Sure enough, the people are doing the work and the sky is watching, and the cheap people have their own rewards. They want to see how the Bull Demon King can jump around.

(End of this chapter)

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