Chapter 652 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss (24)

Sheng Ge's cheap words were like a scoop of cold water in the scorching heat, causing the tragic and anxious scene to suddenly fall into a strange silence.

Facts have proved that flickering is still useful in many cases.

Although Shengge's words were suspected of sowing discord, there was some truth to it.

Ask yourself, Sheng Ge doesn't have the time and energy to offend the entire monster clan. The so-called attacking in groups is more about taking advantage of the fire and looting to see if they can get a share of the pie.

But no one thought that Shengge's bone was extremely difficult to crack.

When giving is not in direct proportion to receiving, people will naturally become unstable.

Look at those ethnic groups who were used as cannon fodder just now, it's too late to regret it now.

The Fox Clan is the biggest lesson learned.

So, let the leader go.

Every day he acts arrogantly and holds the treasure of the fox family in his hand. No matter how you look at it, he has a better chance of winning than this bruised cow.

Xiao Jiujiu appeared in the hearts of countless demons, but no one spoke first, but looked at the man in black silently.

Well, if eyes could speak, the man in black would have been drowned in spittle.

"Don't fan the flames here, sow discord, no one in this monster race knows that you, the Bull Demon King, have a great opportunity to be a good fortune, and we are beyond our reach."

"If you think about it, your great opportunity is hidden in the hill behind you."

The folding fan in the hands of the man in black opened and closed, and every time it opened and closed, it was accompanied by a strong smell of blood, sometimes mixed with the eerie howling of ghosts and wolves.

With the opening and closing of the fan, the pupils of those demon clans who had been swayed by Shengge gradually turned scarlet, their teeth and claws were bared, and the machinery rushed towards Shengge with incomparable toughness.

Shengge: ...

At this moment, this little fairy felt as if ten thousand muddy horses were whizzing by.

My brain hurts, my brain hurts.

This little fairy wasted so much talking, but she was dealt with so lightly by the other party.

Hehehe, who in this world is the Son of Destiny.

Okay, what about Supreme Treasure?

Why did the man in black, who was not even qualified to appear in the original book, turn into a big boss when she came.

"Bull Demon King, I want to see what secrets are guarding behind you."

The man in black's voice was indifferent, and his greed could not be concealed.

The former Bull Demon King was indeed a big boss of the monster clan, the kind who could defeat a hundred with one, but it was by no means at the current level.


That adventure made his heart itch.

If he had the strength of the Bull Demon King, how could he be a mere monster?
At that time, he will regroup, unify the demon clan, occupy the world, and direct his army to the heavens. What a sight it will be.

Hearing this, Sheng Ge's eyes turned cold for a moment, he really didn't expect Yaozu to have such rich brain power.

He dared to covet the great sage without looking at how much he weighed.

Back then the Great Sage was able to protect her comprehensively, now she must also protect the Great Sage comprehensively.

If you want to set foot on this mountain of flowers and fruits built by her, you have to ask the ugly rake in her hand for permission.


Shengge's contempt was fully revealed.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, these little minions can't be killed, and besides, she can't ask the monster clan to exterminate the clan.

So, mysterious little black, I wonder if you are mentally prepared.

Shengge once again increased the enchantment, and winked at Princess Iron Fan, "If you can't kill them all, can't you fan them away?"

Princess Iron Fan understood, and the plantain fan whirled, but the power was not as great as Shengge imagined.

It seems that the preparations of the Yaozu coalition forces are very thorough.

"You can do what you want with peace of mind, and leave this group of people to me."

Princess Iron Fan stood firmly beside Shengge, waving the plantain fan one after another, even though the power was greatly reduced.

She couldn't remember how long she hadn't fought side by side with the Bull Demon King, she missed it.

The matter of reconciliation has been settled, and she has no chance to pester the Bull Demon King again.

This battle should be regarded as the most colorful memory of each other.

Shengge's eye sockets became a little moister for no reason. Is it because of Princess Iron Fan that she can't move her, or has her heart softened and become sentimental in this world.

The Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess really agreed that a man who is too lazy can still get rid of it, but a woman who is too lazy can not get rid of it.

"be careful……"

Shengge didn't say too many tender words, no matter how much pity and sympathy she had for Princess Iron Fan, she couldn't replace the Bull Demon King.

That being the case, hopeless hope should not be given.

The drop when hope is shattered is enough to destroy anyone whose heart is already rotten.



"Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a broken fan in your hand?"

"Is the Supreme Treasure of the Fox Clan amazing?"

Heh, I almost forgot, if you count carefully, this little fairy is the ancestor of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

I think back when Su Daji fulfilled Su Daji's wish as a Nine-Tailed Fox, she did not act less.

The nine-tailed fox clan could not restore their ancient glory without her original support.

"I don't want to argue with you. Since you look down on this folding fan, let it meet you."

The man in black threw his folding fan, and the fan fell to the ground and turned into a young man with black air all over his body.

Shengge was a little dumbfounded looking at the young man who was smoking black, he seemed a little familiar.

Wu Geng?

Her cheap son back then?

Why did the well-respected king of the great businessman turn into a fan spirit?

Sheng Ge said that she was a little confused at the moment.

Although the relationship between her and Wu Geng's mother and child is very shallow, but no matter what, this is a child she taught with her own hands, and she personally helped him to the throne...

Who will tell her why there is Wu Geng in this world?
Messed up...

It's messed up, it's all messed up...

Looking at the cheap son in the past, Shengge's offensive subconsciously slowed down.

As a result, there was another wound on his body as expected.

Shengge sighed, is there anyone more unlucky than her in this world?
She was actually hurt by the cheap son she raised by herself, especially those few tricks that she seemed to have taught herself back then.

Time is really a killing knife, that clever and obedient cheap son turned into a brat who killed his mother.

Forget it, your own children still have to teach themselves.

Since you're not sensible, let's beat him first.

Some brats are obedient after beating them.

Don't ask her why she didn't try to awaken Wu Geng's mind with warm memories.

cough cough...

Sorry, she almost forgot about it herself.


Sheng Ge, who had done a good job of psychological construction in an instant, slammed the ugly rake on Shan Ling.

Since it is a fan spirit, it is not afraid of being knocked to death.

I saw that as Sheng Ge went down with rakes and feet, the black air on Wu Geng's body became weaker and weaker.

Man in black: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

(End of this chapter)

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