Chapter 654 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss (26)

I really didn't expect that Sui Yue's butcher's knife would torture Wu Geng into such a ghostly state.

This must not be her cheap son, she detests it.

"That's it……"

Wu Geng said in a spirited voice.

"Mother, how did you become like this?"

"Queen, let me tell you, the Great Shang Dynasty is still dead..."

"First declare, the king of subjugation is not me."

Perhaps Shengge's contempt was too obvious, and Wu Geng's fragile heart was hit.

His literary and martial arts strategy, his good manners, his political integrity, and the precarious Shang Dynasty revived his vitality. He was praised by future generations as a wise king through the ages.

Alas, how could he have the nerve to say these boastful words to the queen himself.

Need a sycophant right now...

Shengge glanced at Wu Geng, with an expression that strangers should not bother to answer.

After opening her mouth and shutting her mother, she is not as good as Amao in terms of EQ.

Didn't you see the raging fire burning in Niu Xiangxiang's little gossip eyes, which is almost unstoppable?

"To shut up……"

As for why Wu Geng chose to become the fan spirit of the most precious folding fan of the fox family, Shengge didn't want to go into details.

In the final analysis, they only met briefly, and there were very few bonds.

Everyone has their own choice, and it is better for others to be less critical.

Anyway, besides Wu Geng's brain is not working, other things seem to be going well.

"You should go back to the folding fan to cultivate yourself."

Rehabilitation, one is not too many, two are not many.

Shengge didn't give Wu Geng a chance to refuse at all, and directly slapped him close to the folding fan.

Chick, chirp, what's there to chatter about.

Besides, Wu Geng was beaten up badly by her, so it's better to recuperate if he has time to reminisce about the old days.



"Brother, why did he call you queen mother?"

In the end, Niu Xiangxiang still couldn't control her curiosity.

Great Shang Dynasty...

Although the Great Shang Dynasty was a long time ago to their Yaozu, it was also like thunder.

At that time, the master of the fox clan, Tianzong, was born out of nowhere, turned the tide, helped the righteous way in the world, and established the undefeated glory of the fox clan for nearly a thousand years.

"Do you believe what a sleepy man says?"

Shengge rubbed her slightly swollen temples and sighed.


Her injuries were not serious, but she was really tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

"But he's pretty..."

Niu Xiangxiang muttered to herself.

Shengge: ...

Well, well, Niu Xiangxiang's nympho attribute remains unchanged.

However, a fan spirit and a little demon are not out of the question.

let it go.

Shengge thought about it for a while, nodded his head, and slowly fell asleep.

She has no other thoughts now, she just wants to sleep.



When Shengge fell into a deep sleep, Fairy Zixia, who was determined to find the Supreme Treasure, arrived late.

"Since you have drawn the Ziqing sword, you are my destined one. You cannot escape, Supreme Treasure."

Zixia's eyes seemed to be in full bloom in the entire night sky, shining brightly, so beautiful that people couldn't look away.

The determination in the tone is also eye-catching.

Zixia breathed a sigh of relief seeing the undamaged Supreme Treasure. She first heard that the Yaozu was not peaceful, and then received the news that the Supreme Treasure had appeared in the Yaozu, so she rushed over starry night.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is still alive.

Also, why did her destined person die early.

Supreme Treasure: (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻
He went in and out, guarding Huaguo Mountain from morning to night, why Zixia was able to find him.

Please allow him to cry silently for a while, okay?

"Supreme treasure, have you thought about when to marry me?"

"Of course, if you don't want to marry, it's fine if I take the initiative to marry you."

As long as it's you, everything is fine.

The beauty of Fairy Zixia is not the kind of implicit and introverted beauty, but the stubbornness that is simple but stubborn, and can walk to the dark with a lonely courage.

As the wick of the magic lamp of the sun and the moon, as soon as he enters the world, he encounters the Supreme Treasure. Who can tell who is whose catastrophe.

In the original plot, both of them were doomed.

"My heart belongs to me, and I will not change it in this life."

After following Shengge for so long, Zhizunbao has also gained experience.

The sophistication is still the same, but there is more persistence and bottom line in this sophistication.

"I don't listen to..."

Fairy Zixia has a charming smile, and she has the courage to pursue her destined lover.

It's not that she was shameless and insisted on getting involved with Zhizunbao and Bai Jingjing, but that she always thought it was Zhizunbao's excuse.

She has met Supreme Treasure for a long time, but she has never seen a woman appearing beside her.

"Supreme treasure, you can only be mine."

Fairy Zixia holds the Ziqing sword in her hand, perfectly combining toughness and beauty.

As a melon eater, Niu Xiangxiang deeply feels that the recent melons seem to be a bit too much.

Mmm, it smells so good.

"Cough cough..."

"I prove that he really has someone he loves, don't ask me how I know."

"If you insist on asking, I can reluctantly tell you..."

"Well, we both suffer from the same disease, and I am also the one who was rejected."

Niu Xiangxiang silently raised her hand, feeling a sense of presence.

The same people from the end of the world, why do they know each other when they meet.

"Have you seen it?"

Fairy Zixia shifted her gaze to Niu Xiangxiang, and asked firmly.

She had indeed heard that Supreme Treasure said that his love was Bai Jingjing, but she sent out countless minions to search all over, but there was no news.

Bai Jingjing didn't, but the bones were everywhere.


Niu Xiangxiang choked, as if she had never seen it before.

However, if the eldest brother said yes, then there must be.

At this moment, Niu Xiangxiang's worship of Shengge has reached its peak.

"Since you have never seen it, how can you be sure."

Hearing this, Niu Xiangxiang fell silent.

It's not that she doubts whether Bai Jingjing really exists, but she's thinking whether Zixia's stubborn and honest nature is good or bad.

This kind of innocent and willing person who is deeply rooted in his bones has never been happy when he is caught up in feelings.

Alas, this is the first time I feel that my carefree and shameless personality is pretty good, at least I won't drag myself.

"Zhizunbao, what reason do you have to reject me now?"

"You don't like me now, get along day and night, and one day you will like me."

Fairy Zixia has the kind of vigor that doesn't turn back when she hits the south wall, and never gives up until she reaches her goal. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom.

She decided that Supreme Treasure was the one who could step on colorful auspicious clouds and wear golden armor and holy clothes to marry her, so she would be happy with it.

Supreme Treasure: ╮(﹀﹀﹀)╭
Conscience of heaven and earth, he really has never developed any relationship with Fairy Zixia, did it really start this relationship because he pulled out a sword?
Well, it's evil fate.

"Girl, please respect yourself."

"The time has not come, but if the time comes, I will bring my wife to meet you."

"The girl looks like a fairy, why waste time on her lower body."

 People who are too stubborn are often hard to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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