Chapter 656 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss (28)
In this life, there are very few people who can guard with their lives.

Without the great sage, she would not be able to make it this far.

So, don't think she has no principles.

It's just that she has always been a casual person, and her principles are different from those conventional principles of ordinary people.

But who can blame her, she was wrong?
"Qingxia, why do you insist on killing Supreme Treasure?"

"You are calmer than Zixia and you see it thoroughly. Is the root cause the Supreme Treasure?"

"Don't be stupid, good boy..."

Shengge couldn't help but yawned again. Sure enough, he didn't get enough sleep, and even his ability to tease people had declined.

Qingxia still had an indifferent expression on her face, like a wooden figure without any expression.

But as for whether the heart is so peaceful, no one knows.

Shengge: [┐'_'┌]

Alas, Qingxia didn't respond, but Zixia, you made no noise.

"I do not believe……"

Zixia looked at the Ziqing sword that was thrown on the ground by Shengge, and panicked.

Did she think she was the destined lover but she was just being sentimental?
"Do not believe?"

Shengge raised her eyebrows, Zixia is really stubborn.

"Then you put the Ziqing sword back into the scabbard, and you can shoot anyone at will."

"If you still don't give up, you can try any of the monster races as you like."

For Fairy Zixia, Shengge was willing to be patient.

After all, she still has to marry someone else, she can be tricked and cheated, as long as it works.

"Come on, Xiangxiang, why don't you try it?"

Shengge waved to Niu Xiangxiang.


Niu Xiangxiang was a little dumbfounded, but then he gave a thumbs up quietly in his heart, the elder brother's move is really cruel.

However, since the eldest brother has ordered, she will not blink even if she goes up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire.

Without any accident, Niu Xiangxiang pulled out the Ziqing sword effortlessly.

The corner of Shengge's mouth is smiling, hiding his achievements and fame.

Well, the restrictions on her have been broken, so naturally anyone can draw this sword.

Alas, if you want to blame it, blame the bull devil's wish for being too disturbing.

However, judging from the current situation, for Fairy Zixia, the Yaozu is a good place to stay.

In the Buddhist world of Western Heaven, it is destined that there will be no battle to defeat the Buddha, no matter which world.

As long as she is there.

Zixia Qingxia, as the wick of the sun and moon magic lamp, first violated the rules in the lower realm without permission, and has not fulfilled the wish of the Tathagata.

Going back to the Buddhist world, I am afraid that punishment will be indispensable.

Zixia escaped her charming temperament, and could live a more wanton and happy life in this monster clan.

It must be admitted that her tolerance for Zixia is more due to the classic tears of Fairy Zhu Yin on the screen.

"Fairy Zixia, have you seen it?"

Shengge spared no effort to hit Zixia, making her see the reality clearly.

Up to now, the way Zixia looks at Zhizunbao is no longer as simple as a man destined for love, so she has to aspire to get it.

Stubborn people tend to have demonic obstacles in their hearts, trap themselves in it, and never get out.

Up to now, I am afraid that even Zixia Fairy herself can't tell how much she loves Zhizunbao's determination to get it.

The deeper you get in, the harder it is to get out.

After experiencing so many worlds, Shengge discovered that most of them are women who are obsessed with themselves, obsessed with the past, no matter how hard it is to be happy.

"Is this all fake?"

Fairy Zixia squatted on the ground holding Ziqing sword in embarrassment, lonely like an abandoned child.

The soul drawn out by Shengge seemed to become more transparent with Zixia's mood swings.

Shengge sighed, one body with two souls is not a long-term solution after all.

If things go on like this, they will either assimilate into one, or the stronger one will swallow the other invisibly.

Even if the stronger side has no intention of devouring it.

In the current situation, Qingxia definitely has the upper hand.

Zixia didn't know what happened when she was asleep, but Qingxia knew it all.


I can't break Qingxia's soul and body, and make Zixia complete.

This approach is unreasonable no matter how you look at it.

"Don't give up yet?"

Shengge sighed, Zixia's appearance clearly shows her deep-rooted love for Supreme Treasure.

Who will tell her, how did Supreme Treasure die during this time?
To be honest, when she was watching Westward Journey back then, she herself was a little confused, and she didn't know who Zhizunbao cared more about.

Supreme Treasure: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Supreme Treasure said he was innocent.

"Master, can you lend me the Moonlight Box?"

"I want to bring Jingjing here. I promised Miss Zixia before that when the time comes, I will introduce Jingjing to her."

"Tu'er thought to himself, now is the time."

Zhizunbao understood that bringing Bai Jingjing here at this time would be like adding frost to Zixia's snow.

However, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

If he hesitates and wanders left and right, it will hurt people the most.

Hearing this, Shengge raised his eyebrows.

Hmm, I didn't expect Supreme Treasure to be quite good.

Well, she decided to hit Zhizunbao softly next time.

To be honest, she quite agrees with Supreme Treasure's vigorous approach.

When it comes to relationships, cleanliness is very important at any time.

"That's right, you have been worshiping this seat for so long, it's time to bring your family to visit this seat."

Bai Jingjing's appearance was even more unexpected by Zixia.

Of course, besides Zixia, Niu Xiangxiang, who is used to being a melon eater, also became more cautious.

Clear eyebrows, white teeth, red lips, beautiful appearance.

If we only talk about appearance, to be honest, Bai Jingjing is not particularly outstanding.

After all, Zixia is absolutely stunning.

But the tenderness and care with which Zhizunbao looked at Bai Jingjing was something they had always expected but could not get.


Zhizunbao's voice couldn't hide his excitement, he trotted over and took Bai Jingjing's hand in his palm.

"Master, this is Jingjing, my beloved."

Supreme Treasure Xinyue Bai Jingjing is upright and needs no cover up.

A true love is really enviable.

He can introduce the people around him to everyone with a particularly proud tone.

He likes her...

He is proud of her...

Shengge is brilliant, such a Supreme Treasure really makes her appreciate it a bit.

Who said that a relationship without going through ups and downs is not necessarily strong.

Is it possible that there must be a bloody love triangle, what is lost and reunited to be cherished?
It's enough for Supreme Treasure to treat Bai Jingjing like this.

Niu Xiangxiang looked at Zhizunbao's eyes sore like a child with smiling faces and eyes.

Sure enough, some people really can be loved easily without doing anything.

Ever since Bai Jingjing appeared, Supreme Treasure's eyes have never left.

very nice……

Niu Xiangxiang was once again thankful that she was woken up by her elder brother's beating, otherwise how would she deal with seeing such a scene of dog abuse today.

But Zixia...

The leak in the house happened to happen in Lian Yeyu, first the elder brother simply and rudely destroyed what he had always believed in, and then he met Bai Jingjing...

Zixia Xinyue Supreme Treasure, she can see clearly.

 In the world of the Bull Demon King, I have mixed too many personal emotions, and it may be a bit negative. If you don't like it, you can wait for a while and see it in the next world.


(End of this chapter)

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