Chapter 673 Wanting Jiang Yuyan Who Has No Worth ([-])

Jiang Biehe thought he had done all his benevolence and righteousness, so he couldn't say he felt guilty.

Hearing this, Hongye nodded as a matter of course.

We have worked together for many years, and we know each other best.

But, will Sheng Ge, who has never played cards according to common sense, make Jiang Biehe's wish come true?



Under the hundred-year-old banyan tree on the street, there was a storyteller at some point.

Seeing the storyteller holding a folding fan in his hand, Xiao Bazihu ​​added a bit of joy for nothing, and his voice did not sound like other storytellers, which sounded vicissitudes and a sense of story, but was crisp and melodious.

The most important thing is that the stories told by this storyteller are exciting enough, but in a day's work, everyone in the streets and alleys for miles around knows everyone.

Well, storytellers are not afraid of death, so the judges just listen carefully.

All kinds of secrets in the world, especially Jiang Biehe, the most popular leader of the martial arts alliance.

Everyone knows that Jiang Biehe is a heartless and heartless man, and his poor daughter has traveled thousands of miles to find relatives but to no avail.

To be honest, Sheng Ge's level of storytelling is not as good as those of the authentic old people, but who made the stories she told easily lead to death.

Therefore, it is better for her to fight in person.

Alas, it's not easy for her to describe Jiang Biehe's life experience with such ups and downs.

In the story told by Sheng Ge, she did not deliberately conceal Jiang Yuyan's life experience, but instead revealed it to the world openly and openly.

Compared with pointing and pointing from others, Shengge dislikes the restraint that may be caused by concealing his life experience in the future.

Cough, don't talk about it, storytelling really sucks.

Shengge sat lazily on the rocking chair, squinting his eyes and feigning sleep, as if he didn't know anything about the figure flashing by outside the window illuminated by the candlelight.

The corners of Shengge's mouth curved, and his ears moved slightly.

There is a small sound of opening the door, and there is a cautious tiptoe, the air is gradually filled with a faint fragrance, and the coldness reflected in the reflection of the weapon on the ground...

Well, it seems that this group of people is quite well prepared.

Unfortunately, she is not a real storyteller.

"It's finally here..."

Shengge spoke suddenly.

The crisp and clean voice sounded like a thunderbolt blasting in the room.

"This seat has been waiting really hard."

Shengge got up, stretched slightly, and said slowly but extremely disgusted.

Jiang Biehe's cruelty really did not disappoint her.

"Since you're here, why don't you tell the story of tomorrow with me."

Before the group could react, they were knocked out by Sheng Ge and bound together.

Watching the excitement is never a big deal, it has always been human nature.

With these few sneaky things, presumably her story will be more convincing.

"Stay away..."

Shengge opened the door, slightly bent her middle finger, and shot a small bead towards a big tree under the night.

She doesn't have the habit of being watched and sleeping in the middle of the night.

The bead shot out, followed by a forbearable scream.

Hua Wuque covered his head, why is it always him who gets hurt?
It was Xiao Yuer who clearly proposed to come here.

He was only afraid that Xiao Yu'er would make a big fuss on a whim and anger Jiang Yuyan, so he reluctantly went together.

But the bead seemed to have eyes, and it hit him straight.

I can't hide even if I want to...

Hua Wuque jumped down from the tree, her sharp-edged face looked a little more round and cute because of the aggrieved expression at the moment.

"Why me again?"

Hua Wuque's grievance is almost about to become real.


Sheng Ge spread his hands and said solemnly.

The conscience of heaven and earth has nothing to do with her.

It may be that this bead has a predestined relationship with Hua Wuque.

As the old saying goes, sometimes fate cannot be stopped when it comes.

"Ha ha……"

Hua Wuque lowered his head and curled his lips, believing Jiang Yuyan's nonsense.

"Why, Miss Tie, you stared at these people with burning eyes, could it be that you met someone who was destined to fall in love at first sight?"

"Which one? I may be able to reluctantly send you."

"No thanks."

Shengge looked at Tie Xinlan and said with a playful smile.

Tie Xinlan: "(Д*)
Rao Tie Xinlan's sons and daughters don't care about trivial matters, and they are a little surprised at the moment.

I met this Jiang girl several times, and each time brought her a new impression.

"To tell you the truth, Miss Jiang, I am worried about my father's whereabouts, and I wonder if I can get a few words of news from these people."

Tie Xinlan spoke solemnly, which made Shengge a little uncomfortable.

"Of course you can, but after tomorrow."

"First of all, I don't intend to make friends with these people by handing them over to you, but to repay the three of you for trying to rescue them that day."

"I don't like to owe favors."

Jiang Yuyan's relationship with Hua Wuque began with the rescue from the brothel that day.

cause and effect.

There is a cause and an effect.

She cut off this cause and effect from the root.

If there is no debt, there is no need to tangle.

After the words fell, Sheng Ge stopped looking at the reactions of the three of them, turned around and went straight back to close the door.

In the dead of night, everything is silent, it is most suitable for a good sleep.

Recharge your batteries and continue storytelling tomorrow.

Don't really say it, the book is very good.



It’s still the century-old banyan tree, and it’s still the little showman with the mustache and the folding fan. The difference is that today’s story is even more exciting.

After all, after all...

After telling the story of Jiang Biehe to the world, the little storyteller was almost murdered that night.

Shengge looked at the onlookers with satisfaction, whispering to each other in twos and threes.

It seems that she is still very talented in storytelling.

If you have time in the future, why don't you bring a little horse under the overpass to be a storyteller.

Well, she called it a maze.

When she came to this world, she gave Jiang Biehe the first big gift, and she didn't know if he liked it or not.

After the crowd dispersed, Shengge threw those people who tried to kill her to Tie Xinlan last night, and walked away in a big way.

After the two are cleared up, don't expect this little fairy to be lenient in the future.

Now, all she needs to do is quietly wait for Jiang Biehe to pick her up and take her back home to be the eldest daughter.

This was not a gamble, she knew very well that Jiang Biehe would take her back to Jiang's house in a big way because of the little face left.

After all, only a loving father and a filial son can minimize losses.

Fear of internal affairs is not worth mentioning in front of fame, status and power.

Therefore, Sheng Ge was not at all worried that Jiang Biehe would continue to bear it because he was afraid of his wife.

Jiang Yuyan lived a miserable life in the Jiang family with a name like puppy.

Therefore, the Jiang family must return.

There is vengeance for vengeance, there is vengeance for vengeance.

However, this time she will let the Jiang family beg Jiang Yuyan to return home.

It's justifiable, of course.

Alas, this little fairy is really too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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