Chapter 677 Wanting Jiang Yuyan Who Has No Worth ([-])

Girl, do you know what rival in love means?

In the plot, you died at the hands of Jiang Yuyan. Didn't someone tell you to cherish life, keep your eyes open, and stay away from the villains?

After all, the real protagonists in this world are Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque.

"Girl, you are still too young..."

Shengge sighed faintly, reached out to pat Tie Xinlan's shoulder, and said earnestly.

Tie Xinlan: (*╰╯`)

This Miss Jiang is really interesting. She originally looked like a fragile and boneless little girl, but her style of painting went astray.

Well, the more I look at it, the more I like it, as if nothing in this world can stop her.

"Sister, try it, do these still suit your taste?"

Tie Xinlan smiled softly, her originally bright and charming face now looked a little more like a motherly aura.

That's right, a loving mother.

Shengge can guarantee that she did not misread Tie Xinlan's smile.

cough cough...

If Tie Xinlan is a loving mother, is she considered a little pet to be fed?
So, is the painting style of the villain and the pseudo-heroine going astray in the direction of the breeder and the little piglet?

Thinking hard.

Absolutely not, this little fairy is a big villain who wants to be like heaven and earth, how can she become a little pig waiting to be fed.

"If I like it, I can cook it myself. Don't you know that this girl's cooking skills are also top-notch after observing for so many days?"

Back then, she thought she was good-looking, so she studied cooking painstakingly in order to match her appearance. After so many sublimation in the world, she could be a chef long ago, okay?

After all, a foodie without good cooking skills can only be called a rice bucket.

"Sister, you are talented and omnipotent, so small cooking skills are naturally not a problem."

"It's just my little thought. If my sister can accept it, I'm very happy."

Tie Xinlan praised it logically, looking like a fan girl.

Shengge is dumbfounded, who will tell her why Tie Xinlan has become her little fan girl for no reason.

Ask yourself, she doesn't go out these days, except for sneaking out in the middle of the night to do some shady things, to do some kindness and revenge for Tian Xingdao, she seems to be obedient and docile like a kitten.

Could it be that Tie Xinlan is a pet lover?

Tut tut...


The ominous premonition in Shengge's heart became stronger and stronger, and he always felt that the style of painting and the plot were about to collapse to the extreme.


Shengge frowned, why would there always be someone who would be a stumbling block on her path.

The big villain hangs in the sky and must not collapse.

Shengge would never admit that she was a little bit reluctant to be a big villain this time.

"This is what you insisted on letting me eat..."

Sheng Ge spoke very arrogantly, vividly interpreting the words reluctantly.

"Well, I forced you to eat."

Tie Xinlan responded kindly, and the smile on her face became more and more kind.

And Shengge saw it, and became more and more panicked.

Emmm, at this time, can she use her elder sister as a mother to comfort herself?

After eating a few pieces of pastries, the slightly sweet taste has a slight sour taste that stimulates the taste buds, which is inexplicably in line with Shengge's preferences.

She doesn't like sweets, she didn't expect Tie Xinlan to observe so carefully these days.

That's all, that's all, no matter what the other party is planning, she just turns a blind eye and closes it.

Even for the sake of these pastries and snacks.

"You are very attentive, I like it."

Shengge commented solemnly.

As for whether the intention is pure or not, she doesn't want to delve into it.

It's not that it's rare to be confused, but she is confident that no one can plot against her.

That being the case, after all, she is the poor guy who was avenged by Jiang Yuyan in the plot, so it is not impossible for her to show mercy.

To be honest, along the way, Shengge has never been afraid of plots and calculations, nor worried about ups and downs, but instead has a kind of fear of being close to home for the dedication and hard work of others.

Perhaps, her temperament is doomed not to be lively around her.

Well, maybe Zhu Gusheng, who the glass bastards in the live broadcast room have been clamoring for before, is likely to become a proverb.



Beicheng Nansheng: Looking at the anchor like this, I suddenly remembered a sentence, do you love her? You are just greedy for her body...

Nameless Monster: Will I drive as soon as I arrive?This speed is a bit fast, let me get used to it first.

If you walk too rough, you will lose your waist: Keke, everyone is an old driver, hold on, don't panic.

Shengge: (へ╮)
Hmph, the glass bastards in the live broadcast room seem to have deviated her serious live broadcast style again.

Bah, everyone is a new youth with five lectures and four beauties, driving or something, do you have a driver's license?
Besides, are you hungry?
Could it be that Jiang Yuyan is not beautiful enough?Still not domineering enough.

Anchor: This anchor is just greedy, you guys refuse to accept me.

Sheng Ge said provocatively.

A willful anchor like her is probably the only one in the world.

So, when the glass bastards in the live broadcast room were eager to try and teach Shengge how to behave, Shengge silently took Tie Xinlan's hand and motioned him to sit beside her.

Well, this is blatant provocation.

Needless to say, Tie Xinlan's hands are quite soft, and she doesn't look like she has practiced martial arts since she was a child.

Well, it's much more comfortable than Jiang Yuyan's hands full of old injuries.

Don't persuade others to be kind without going through other people's affairs.

This is the principle that Shengge has always been in the world.

Similarly, no one can persuade Jiang Yuyan to be kind.

Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue?

Tie Xinlan was stunned by Shengge's sudden act of getting up.

Just now it was clear that strangers should not get close, why is it so sudden now?

too suddenly……

Tie Xinlan only felt that her little heart was beating non-stop, and her face was blushing, like a girl in a boudoir who met her heart-throb for the first time, and she was in chaos.

Tie Xinlan, no matter what, you are also the daughter of the leader of the martial arts, and you have seen a lot since you were a child, how can you be so hopeless.

Tie Xinlan tried her best to control her restless emotions, but it was a pity with little success.

Well, the attributes of a fan girl are fully displayed.

These days, she has been secretly following Miss Jiang, witnessing the many faces of Miss Jiang, and the admiration in her heart has gradually taken root.

However, Miss Jiang rejected the three of them endlessly, and she was troubled for a long time because of this.

Now, now, is she keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight?
She knew that God has eyes.


Tie Xinlan was in a trance at the moment, unable to tell what was today and what was.

She also couldn't explain why she was so obsessed with being accepted by Jiang Yuyan, she just subconsciously felt that believing in Miss Jiang would give her eternal life.

Well, so, the thigh should be hugged decisively.

Shengge looked at Jiang Yuyan's glowing red face and was a little dumbfounded.

Is she subconsciously exuding charm again?
Her goddamned charm that has nowhere to go.

 Well, there are more strange cps again.

  The point is to pay attention to the baby Douyin.

(End of this chapter)

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