Chapter 69

Shengge was depressed, he was really mad at the baby.

You sold Mrs. Xianglin to He Laoliu before, but now you think Mrs. Xianglin can only marry someone who is about to die?
This is simply a bone-attached maggot, you can't get rid of it even if you want to...

Host: I told you I'm just a widow...

Sheng Ge spread his hands and said casually.

In fact, Shengge's heart has long been clouded, thick and depressing.

The shortest of the parents is always what she hates the most.

Mrs. Xianglin used to be the child bride-in-law of the Wei family, and because of this, Wei Xianglin's mother had always bossed Mrs. Xianglin around, treating Mrs. Xianglin as her personal property and disposing of it arbitrarily.

If he is really entangled by the Wei family, it will not be so simple to want a new life.

Some people are blood-sucking bugs, as long as you have value, you will never let go.

It turns out that there are too many top-notch people in this world.

Anchor: Caring little padded jackets, shall we discuss not to fight wolves?

Sheng Ge was already a little timid, and with the loose soil on the mountain road after the rain, if the wolf didn't kill her and she fell down the mountain instead, the loss would not be worth the loss.

Anchor: Little wolf is so cute, I really can't bear it.

If you walk too sloppy, you will lose your waist: It turns out that Miss Ben has only heard that rabbits are so cute, how can you eat them?

Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, don't forget that you came prepared, if you don't fight wolves with your bare hands, wouldn't it be a waste of hard work in the past three months...

Shengge was silent, how could she expect all the glass bastards in the live broadcast room to soften their hearts.


If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Intimate little padded jacket?Anchor, does your heart ache?
It rained for two full hours, and when the rain stopped, the sky was already getting dark, obviously it was not a good time to go into the mountains.

Shengge planned to rest at the same place for the night, and tomorrow morning he would search for medicinal herbs and wild wolves like mountains.

Others avoid wild wolves and are afraid of them, what about her?
But he insisted on bumping into it...

One night without dreams, of course, this does not mean that Sheng Ge slept soundly. In a room with air leaks everywhere that is comparable to a ruined temple, no matter how hard the heart beats, it is impossible to fall asleep peacefully.

With panda eyes open, Sheng Ge entered the mountain at dawn.

Maybe her luck is really not very good. The place where she killed wild wolves has been occupied by wolves and has become a den, and the medicinal herb she needs is only found here.

Shengge smiled wryly in her heart, God really didn't want to play with her to death, she wouldn't give up.

Anchor: Wake up, the time of fighting wolves that everyone is looking forward to is coming, are you excited?Looking forward to it?
Shengge intentionally concealed the word "unarmed"...

Tofu waist with copper head and iron bone, this is how to describe a wild wolf.

As long as the weapon is handy and the movement is fast, it is actually not difficult to overthrow this pack of wolves.

Knowing the other party's weakness, if she doesn't take advantage of it, she must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Without changing his face, Sheng Ge took out a shiny black iron rod from the basket, one end was cut very sharply, it was extremely sharp.

This is the weapon Shengge prepared.

Beicheng Nansheng: Should I say that the anchor cheated? I am so distressed.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: It is said that martial arts masters have famous weapons, and it is understandable for the anchor to use an iron rod, but the anchor should not choose again?

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: Girls are like girls, shouldn't they choose some beautiful weapons?
A glass of wine for the rest of your life: You haven't seen an anchor use a rake yet.

Walking too wavy will make your waist flash: Our live broadcast is so fresh and refined, not at all coquettish and artificial, where can I find such a down-to-earth anchor...

Anchor: ...

She doesn't intend to enter the rivers and lakes, and fighting wolves is not a beauty pageant, just use it.


There was an overwhelming howl of wolves, and a pair of dark green eyes stared at Shengge, and his thick limbs kept scratching the ground, ready to go, as if he was about to rush over in the next moment and smash Shengge's body into thousands of pieces.

Rao Shengge was well prepared, under such a aggressive situation, it was inevitable that he would feel guilty, and his palms would sweat for a while.

Woooooo, this girl is scared.

Why can't she be a quiet and beautiful woman and enjoy the life of a top student?
Gradually, Sheng Ge really felt that he was a scholar who was useless.

If you walk too rough, you will flash your waist: rush...

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room was swiped by these two words, and an inexplicable aura of enthusiasm appeared.

With an impulse in his head, Shengge couldn't control his steps and rushed into the pack of wolves.


It must not be her who is so arrogant...

Don't do anything and never stop. Although Sheng Ge is cowardly, he is also a person who makes decisions immediately.

Moving like clouds and flowing water, tigers and tigers waved the iron rod in their hands majesticly, there were constant shrill sounds, and hot blood sprayed Sheng Ge's face from time to time.

Walking too wavy will flash your waist: Have you noticed that this stick method is a bit familiar...

deja vu...

Upon seeing these four words, Sheng Ge felt a little guilty.

The great sage's stick technique has the ability to shake the earth, so what's wrong with her learning a little bit...

Don't be guilty, don't be guilty...

Walking too wavy will flash your waist: the combination of Ruyi Golden Cudgel and Nine-tooth Nail Rake?Anchor 666.

A jackal with a female cat: The great sage's stick technique is not so fancy. Just think about it, how many demons can make the great sage perform the third stick...

A wave of nostalgia suddenly rose in the live broadcast room, and the reverence for the Great Sage was like a surging river.

Shengge, who was struggling with wolves, fell out of favor.

Shengge was crying in his heart, it was you who kept yelling to be lazy and fight wolves, and you are the one who is blind now.

The baby is heartbroken.

Turning depression into strength, the result was that Shengge won this match beautifully.

Recalling that three months ago, she could only win by chance when facing a wolf, but now she can handle a pack of wolves with ease.

Anchor: This anchor hates you.

Shengge snorted softly, washed his hands, and started collecting herbs regardless of the blood all over his body.

If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: anchor, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first.

Host: None of them.

Hmph, this anchor also has a temper, so you can say whatever you want.

I'm a magic stick: the old man made a calculation, if the anchor doesn't listen, he will regret it.

Demon Prison: It's mysterious, isn't it just a few tall and three rough men going up the mountain under the leadership of a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks?

Shengge blinked. On this rainy day, is there anyone else who is as desperate as her?
If you walk too sloppy, your waist will flash: anchor, don't be so indifferent, that young man is called Wei Er Er...

Second Wei...

Seeing these three words, Sheng Ge felt as disgusted as swallowing a fly.

He likes leisure and hates work, and he gets married by selling Mrs. Xianglin. Now that the money is spent, he starts to think about Mrs. Xianglin again.

When did the Wei family get information about Hejiaao so quickly.

Knowing that these people were going up the mountain, she should have saved some wolves just now, and taught those mice in the Wei family how to behave.

How to solve it?
Apparently these personnel got the news and wanted to take her back and have a third marriage.

Is it possible to kill them all...

(End of this chapter)

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