Chapter 77 Xianglin's Sister-in-Law Who Wants to be Reborn (28) Second Change


Anchor: Disrespect and disrespect, it's the little one who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai...

Shengge swears that her admiration comes from the bottom of her heart.

Lang Jiujiu: Let me tell you weakly, did the anchor and brother Tai Lang say something wrong?

Lang Jiujiu: Host, please continue your lessons, the notebook is ready.

Anchor: Touched face...

I really didn't expect there to be such a studious cutie in the live broadcast room.

Anchor: Is Comrade Xiao Gu fond of this anchor?This anchor punches the colorful tiger in Nanshan and kicks the dragon in Beihai. Do you need Comrade Xiao Gu to favor you if you are so passionate?
Shengge felt that after spending a long time with a bunch of glass bastards, she became poorer and poorer...

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: Please explain what the Banyan Tiger and the Hunjianglong look like...

Shengge got stuck, she just talked poorly, I have never seen it before.

I have spicy sticks to follow me: May I ask if the anchor said hey, didn’t you hear that the bandit brother has already called you five or six times?
I'm a magic stick: the old man figured it out, the anchor should be jealous of Miss Tailang's turbulent waves, and forgot in a moment of anger...

Anchor: God stick, don’t monks advocate that sex is emptiness and emptiness is sex?

I'm a magician: yes, but what does it matter to me.Sorry, maybe I forgot to introduce myself, I am not a monk.

oh so angry...

How do you feel that the cheap skills of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room are also self-taught.


Well, the person who created these three characters must be a great power.

Both appropriate and vivid.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Gu Huaiyuan slapped the table, and Sheng Ge came back to his senses.

Sure enough, you can't be too obsessed in chatting, you need to be cautious in chatting.

"Auntie, don't you still think that the Bawang will marry me by force."

Gu Huaiyuan subconsciously tightened his clothes, and sat upright dignifiedly.

Silently but firmly expressed his decision.

Hmph, don't follow, swear to die.

Shengge's head was full of black lines, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching.

Boy, how can you be so funny.

Could it be that you were sent by the Great Sage to entertain this girl?
At the beginning, she said that it was a joke that a family did not speak two languages ​​and held two families for three years, and she almost forgot.


Since it is rare for Gu Huaiyuan, who kills iron and blood, to be stupid, she would feel sorry for herself if she didn't tease him.

Thinking about it seriously, brother Tailang was actually right.

Although the term "arrogant and arrogant" is not appropriate, there is some truth to it.

She relied on Gu Huaiyuan not to care about her, that's why she became more and more presumptuous.

Shengge really wanted to know why they were all messing around, she relied on the help of the magic stick to gain a firm foothold in Shanghai Bund, and Gu Xiaoge became a big boss directly.

It stands to reason that she, who is familiar with the plot and the background of the times, shouldn't be the biggest bug?
Where is the halo?
Of course, Sheng Ge just thought about it casually, didn't take it to heart, and was very persistent.

She doesn't mind being a little guy, not to mention she's still a fake boss now?

"Little Gu, are you being too narcissistic?"

Sheng Ge glanced at Gu Huaiyuan and asked suspiciously.

She can't let Amao get too close to Gu Huaiyuan, if she learns about Gu Huaiyuan's narcissism, what should she do?

"Narcissistic? I don't think so."

"I'm relieved that Auntie doesn't have this idea."

Gu Huaiyuan really breathed a sigh of relief.

His popularity with women has always been good. Back then in Crouching Tiger Village, the young girls of the right age in the village followed him all the time, and even the young ones kept saying that they would grow up to be his bride.

After holding the army in his hands, there are still many famous ladies and warlords who throw themselves into their arms, but he has never thought of getting married.

As for marriage, he believed in fate even more.

Besides, he could see that his mother didn't have much affection for those girls.

It's been so hard to get his mother's forgiveness for so many years, so why should he ask for trouble again.

Auntie is different...

His mother always had an inexplicable appreciation for his aunt, and he was really afraid that if she said a word, his mother would pack him up and give him to her.

There is no doubt that this situation is very likely.

"Yo, you hate my aunt so much."

"Xiao Gu, you really hurt my aunt's heart like this."

Shengge is in the shape of a Xizi holding a heart, but it does not inherit too much of the beauty of Xishi, but more of the joy of Dongshi imitating it.

"Is it a fortune teller?"

Sheng Ge still felt that it was rare to fool Gu Huaiyuan once, so Bai Jin regarded it as a meeting gift for her.


After pondering for a moment, Gu Huaiyuan said firmly.

Fighting on the battlefield and holding a large army in his hands, he actually believes that man can conquer nature.

Gu Huaiyuan never believes that everything is predestined, but it is good that a divination can make mother feel at ease.


With a businesslike face, Sheng Ge stretched out his big hands and asked for a reward.

After receiving the deposit, Shengge began to call the magic stick in the live broadcast room.

Although she has also learned some fur from the magic stick, but at most it is a fool, and it cannot be taken seriously.

Anchor: Magic stick, magic stick, where is the magic stick?
Shengge called the magic stick three times in a row in the live broadcast room, but the magic stick answered.


Shengge had a bad idea in his heart, and he lost the chain at a critical moment.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: the magic stick seems to have left...

Anchor: ...

Lang Jiujiu: Is this the rhythm of opening the skylight?

"Auntie, is there something wrong?"

Looking at Sheng Ge's uncertain expression, Gu Huaiyuan felt uneasy, could it be that he is really facing disaster?

He shouldn't be so unlucky, right? Doing a calculation on a whim, is it really a catastrophe?
"Hold on."

"Marshal Gu's character is precious, so this hexagram must be more cautious."

Sheng Ge pretended to be mysterious and explained.

Gu Huaiyuan was already uneasy, but now he was even more frightened.

Character is precious...

Is the aunt seriously praising him so much?
While pretending to be mysterious, Shengge embarked on a journey of seeking help in the live broadcast room.

It's just that the live broadcast room, which has always been lively, seems to be suddenly frozen, and no one shows up anymore.

The glass bastards abandoned her...

Anchor: If you do this, you will lose your baby.

Hmph, it's rare to pretend to be mysterious in front of Gu Huaiyuan, but unexpectedly something went wrong.

Demon Prison: I can help you with a divination, anchor, I will give you Gu Huaiyuan's previous life for free...


Would he be so kind?
Shengge would not believe that pies would fall from the sky.

Sure enough, the nature of the devil prison will not change.

Demon Prison: Can the anchor dedicate Amao's soul to me...

Anchor: Roll the calf.

Without saying a word, Sheng Ge directly kicked Demon Prison out of the studio.

Is it possible that there are pedophiles in this devil prison? The last world wanted Niu Niu, but this world wants Amao. Do you really think she is easy to bully?
Ye Di: Gu Huaiyuan is indeed a noble character, and the anchor is right about that.

The first local tyrant in the live broadcast room will always be blingbling.

The large text with special effects lit up the entire live broadcast room.

Sheng Ge just wanted to reply out of the blue, don't talk nonsense and get to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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