Chapter 92 The Butcher Hu Who Wants to Change His Job ([-])

Thinking about the summary of Hu Butcher's character image by later generations, Sheng Ge feels tired and doesn't love it.

Overbearing, vulgar, brutal and vulgar, of course he is also good at changing faces.

He was the one who pointed at Fan Jin's nose and scolded Fan Jinzhong, and he was the one who came down to earth one by one after Zhongju.

She really wanted to ask one by one, what kind of eyes does she have when she chooses people, isn't she afraid of falling fans?
If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: anchor, do you really want to have such a strong taste all the time?
This time, Brother Tailang didn't bother to ask if he was the anchor.

After all, there is only pig anchor who is so shocking and different from ordinary people.

Lang Jiujiu: Why do I feel that the anchor is getting worse and worse, I'm inexplicably excited.

Lingling on Qixian: Anchor, should you change your bath and change your clothes? Such a miserable and greasy appearance really challenged our appetite, and how can we eat like this.

Beicheng Nansheng: Agreed, it doesn't matter if you are poor, as long as you are clean.

In the live broadcast room, when you said something and I hated Sheng Ge, Sheng Ge also explained the plot.

Just as she imagined, she has indeed become the famous butcher Hu in the scholars.

Fan Jin and Fan Juren who went crazy after winning the exam are his son-in-law.

Once again becoming a celebrity, Sheng Ge's heart is extremely complicated.

Fan Jin is a scholar. He has been living in poverty, and has been taking exams non-stop. He passed the exam more than 20 times, and he was not selected as a scholar until he was 54 years old.This article writes that he then participated in the provincial examination and won the Juren. He was so happy that he was crazy, and then Hu Butcher slapped him...

This story can be briefly summarized in these dozens of words.

Shengge wondered, even if he wanted to wear it, shouldn't he be dressed as Fan Jin?Fan Jin is the main character in this story, what wish can Butcher Hu have for a bad old man.

"Live broadcast mission, butcher Hu wants to change his career."

"Fan Jinzhong passed the Jinshi examination for his mother Ding You after the examination, and he was an official in Shandong to learn Taoism."

"Butcher Hu intends to change his situation and position, but he doesn't know how to read and write, and his military strength is not deep.

"He wants to be a stable father-in-law, and a father-in-law who will learn the Tao in the future."

After listening to the live broadcast mission, Sheng Ge was speechless, how could Butcher Hu be so bullied that he couldn't fight back?
In the article Fan Jinzhong cited, didn't he beat and scold Fan Jin so viciously that Fan Jin didn't dare to speak out?

Could it be that Butcher Hu's life was not good afterwards, and did not rise with the promotion of Fan Jin's official position?

But it's normal to think about it.

An old saying once said, thirty old Mingjing, fifty young Scholars.

Although Fan Jin was over 50 years old when he was admitted to Juren, he might be [-] when Ding You was admitted to Jinshi in three years.

But it's not that there are no 60-year-old Jinshi, on the contrary, there are many.

It is a miracle for those in their 20s to be admitted to Jinshi in three consecutive years, which is equivalent to the later god of learning.

A title like Xueba is not enough to describe a young Jinshi.

Jinshi is a student of the Son of Heaven. Fan Jin was born as a Jinshi, so he can naturally want money, power, and beauty.

"A pair of red-rimmed eyes, a head of yellow hair, crooked legs and rotten feet..." This is how the wife of tenant farmer He Meizhi described Butcher Hu's daughter.

A wives of dross will not go down to court. For the sake of the reputation of scholars, Fan Jin will also maintain the position of Hu's official wife, but how much real respect and love can there be.

There are countless young, beautiful, gentle and virtuous talented women and beauties outside. Will Fan Jin really hang himself on the Hu family who is not even a crooked neck tree?

In this era, women started to discuss marriage when they were 13 years old, and Hu's 30-year-old boudoir still had no one to care about marrying, so he married Fan Jin carelessly.

In the years before Fan Jinzhong was raised, Hu Butcher's Fan Jin was insulting and contemptuous. Would Fan Jin really treat it like a gust of wind and nothing happened?
Heh, Fan Jin is not a true literati with a clean heart and integrity.

To sum up, it seems that Hu Tufu and his daughter will not live very well.

Shengge curled her lips. In fact, the live broadcast was fake. The real thing is that she came to help people improve their lives.

She thinks——should be renamed, Our Lady—…

However, Hu Tufu's wish is also very strange, he wants to live a good life, but he just pulls Fan Jin to be an old man who raises people and learns Taoism.

what's the idea...

Shengge looked at the few pork sold on the chopping board, and at the scorching sun, curled his lips bitterly.

In such a hot day, she might not be able to be lazy.

If the meat can't be sold, it might go bad, what should she do if she dies.

There were no refrigerators in this era, and such a luxury as ice cubes could only be enjoyed by wealthy families.

Isn't it just a pig?she sells...

Shengge took a deep breath, opened his throat and began to yell.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The price of pork is on sale. You can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled. It's the first choice to replenish your body and see people..."

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: Forgive me for laughing, as expected, anyone who can live broadcast is omnipotent.

A jackal with a female cat: Anchor, tell me what it feels like to be a 60-year-old man.

Host: I feel great, and my heart is so cool...

Big drops of sweat fell from his cheeks, Sheng Ge was really afraid that he would get sunburned if he stayed any longer.

Shouting again, and reducing the price, Shengge finally sold the pig, feeling the difficulty of making money once again holding the copper in his hand.

It is easy to spend money, but not easy to make money, and spend cautiously...

Singer Sheng tidied up the stall swiftly, then walked towards Butcher Hu's house.

Butcher Hu's house is located in Zhuangnantou. It's just an ordinary small courtyard, but it's much better than Xianglin's wife's dilapidated house.

Anyway, Butcher Hu is also a pork seller. Although he doesn't make much money, he still has a small income.

It's just that this chaotic shop doesn't even have a place to stand, and it's filled with a lingering fishy smell.

Flies whirled and buzzed incessantly.

She thought that her home would be cleaner than the pork stall.

If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: Should the anchor think about reducing the fire, out of sight, out of mind.

Lang Jiujiu: Brother Tai Lang has come up with bad ideas.

I have to say that Tai Lang's suggestion still fit Shengge's mood very well.

But thinking that the result of impulsiveness might be that she sleeps on the street and becomes an old beggar living in a ruined temple, Shengge's mind instantly cleared up.

Although the yard is dirty and messy, you can still meet people after tidying it up. It's better than living in a dilapidated temple with a group of people.

Hmph, she is that poor son-in-law who is even worse than her.

At least she still has a small courtyard and two houses, while Fan Jin is now in a shabby hut with a family crowded together.

Comparing the two, Shengge instantly felt satisfied.

I really want to see what the famous Fan Jin looks like.

The old man went to visit his son-in-law, why did he feel so awkward.

 I want to bring you a lovely Fan Jin...

(End of this chapter)

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