Chapter 959 Yunshan who wants to save himself ([-])


In the Douqi Continent, the strong are respected, and Jiaohua, who grew up in the greenhouse, is destined to be hard-pressed to be proud of the crowd, and no one can be an exception.

Even she, along the way, felt a lot of embarrassment when talking about the past.

Anyway, with her around, the Misty Cloud Sect would not have ended miserably, so Nalan Yanran was not indispensable.

She brought Nalan Yanran by her side to teach. First, she had regrets for Nalan Yanran, and second, she hoped that the three-year agreement would be more interesting.

Nalan Yanran's heart shuddered, and she didn't dare to say any more.

In the past two months, the master gave her a very complicated and strange feeling.

It is not as cold and indifferent as the rumors say, but full of yearning and nostalgia for the fireworks in the world, as if the different moonlight every night can make the heart of the master.

She couldn't help but get close to such a master.

However, the imposing manner and indifference shown by the master inadvertently made her feel daunted.

Master, really is a complicated person.

However, she was sure that Master was a good person.

While Nalan Yanran was full of thoughts, Xiao Yan under the black robe also set off a turbulent wave in his heart.

From the quick glance just now, if I read it correctly, it should be Yun Shan, the old suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect, and his ex-fiancee, Nalan Yanran.

Well, even if you want to admit your mistakes, it's hard.

Yun Shan's white hair is particularly conspicuous.

"Teacher, why did the old suzerain of Yunshan appear here?" Xiao Yan rubbed the ring and asked in his heart.

Of course it's because of you!
Yao Lao smiled mysteriously and roared silently.

But can he say these words to Xiao Yan openly?

Obviously not!

To be honest, he really didn't understand the situation.

Small head, big doubt.

That old guy Yunshan is so abnormal, could it be that he has taken a fancy to Xiao Yan and plans to do it himself without his disciple?
Thinking of this, Yao Lao couldn't help feeling chills, but he couldn't help but wonder, who made Yun Shan's face so stunning.

"Maybe this auction house has what he needs." Yao Lao said perfunctorily.

Under the black robe, Xiao Yan curled his lips subconsciously. Does Yao Lao believe this?
In the small Wutan city auction house, mighty Douzong powerhouses are present, and no one will believe the rumors.

"Teacher, you should be careful when you lie next time."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Yao Lao snorted unconvinced.

Conscience of heaven and earth, although what he said was perfunctory and general, he was absolutely not lying.

If you think about it with your feet, you know that the old guy Yunshan definitely came for Xiao Yan, otherwise the small Wutan City would not be worth the number one powerhouse of the Jia Ma Empire to linger on.

Isn't Xiao Yan a thing?
It is also a rare treasure in the world.

Well, it cannot be said that Xiao Yan is not a thing.

"Little guy, shouldn't you be concerned about your predestined fiancée?" Yao Lao changed the topic somewhat inexplicably.

He couldn't see through Yunshan's true cultivation, let alone Yunshan's thoughts.

When did the Jia Ma Empire, which was in a remote corner, become so hidden, or it was said that he had been dead for too long, and the world was different from what he remembered.

"I'm kind enough to tell you that Nalan Yanran's fighting spirit has also become thicker and fuller."

Xiao Yan's eyes were fixed, and he remained silent.

The auction was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Xiao Yan even saw his own father spend thousands of dollars, overwhelming everyone to bid for the elixir refined by Yao Lao.

Xiao Yan: ...

Yao Lao: ...

Xiao Yan and Yao Lao looked at each other in blank dismay, no one thought that the money would go to Xiao Zhan.

As for the mysterious high-level kung fu "Feng Juan Jue" that set off the climax of the auction, it was auctioned by Sheng Ge.

Xiao Yan realized it later, and suddenly realized, "Teacher, so you didn't lie."

The corner of Yao Lao's mouth twitched, he could guarantee that Feng Juan Jue would not have the slightest temptation for this old Yun Shan.

The wind-attributed exercises of the Misty Cloud Sect are unique, and although they belong to the same mysterious rank, they cannot be compared casually.

If he hadn't known, Yunshan would not have heard the conversation between him and Xiao Yan, and he might have thought that that old bastard Yunshan suddenly became kind and deliberately cooperated with him.

"This old man doesn't bother to tell lies." Yao Lao was noble and glamorous, with a demeanor of a master.

Xiao Yan laughed, the teacher is really a lovely old man.

After the auction was over, except for the Xiao family, the patriarchs of the major families in Wutan City asked Ya Fei about the identity of the mysterious person in the private room.

After all, the structure of Wutan City has been set, and no one wants to lose profits and territory for nothing.

Yafei, who has always been good at dancing with long sleeves and good at dancing, changed her usual face, and said in a distant yet polite way, "Patriarchs, listen to Yafei's persuasion, if you don't want the family to be destroyed, you should not inquire about that person's origin."

The only one who can make Nalan Yanran, that delicate, self-willed girl with a sky-high heart, stand respectfully behind her can only be a senior from the Misty Cloud Sect.

If you make a bolder guess, maybe the one who closed the death test and vowed to break through the Dou Zong has passed the test.

If it was really that person, not to mention the small families in Wutan City, even the three major families of the Jia Ma Empire plus the royal family, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to act presumptuously.

Dou Zong!
That kind of level is something she can't reach in this life.

"Ya Fei still has matters to deal with aftermath, so she left first.

In Ya Fei's eyes, in the auction house, apart from the one in the private room, the most valuable person is the refiner of the Foundation Establishment Spiritual Liquid.

No matter when, the pharmacist is a favorite.

If she can get to know each other at a young age, it will definitely help her gain a foothold in the Mittel family.

So, after Yafei warned everyone present, she went back to the appraising room to test Xiao Yan.

It wasn't that she didn't want to hug the thigh of the Misty Cloud Sect, it was because that person left without anyone noticing after taking the photo of Fengjuanjue, and only put a elixir to improve the body's physique on the table.

A elixir, Yafei is like a treasure.

Ya Fei's words made everyone present shudder.

The background of Mittel's auction house is well known to those in charge of the family.

Therefore, if Ya Fei, who was born in the Mittel family, could keep such secrets, it meant that the mysterious person was definitely not something they could get in touch with.

Outside Utan City.

Shengge held the scroll in one hand, and patted the palm of the other hand, frowning slightly.

She probably doesn't need this storm.

To her, this thing is not as good as a few sheets of soft toilet paper.

I bought it all, and I can't throw it away.

Shameful waste!
To this day, she still remembers the terrible life when she was the empress dowager and had to burn her head bald for money.

Forget it, forget it, if she can't study this stuff, it's better to leave it to her cheap disciple Yun Yun.

It is best to be able to master the skills of the Misty Cloud Sect. If not, then it will be rewarded as a prize to the outer disciples who have made outstanding contributions to the Misty Cloud Sect.

Alas, she is really a conscientious old suzerain.

Even after retiring, she is still shining for the growth of the Misty Cloud Sect.

Please present her with an award, the Most Dedicated Sovereign Master Award of the Misty Cloud Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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