Chapter 96

Sheng Ge pretended to be calm and calm, and said casually without knowing the seriousness, but actually carefully observed Fan Jin's reaction and expression changes.

Walking too rough will flash your waist: anchor 666, I didn't expect the anchor to think of this trick, are you going to kill this cheap son-in-law?

Huahua World Huahuaxin: Can't the anchor see that Fan Jin's sentence just now is actually a compliment?
The Frog Bringing Special Products Home: I guess Fan Jin must be as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Beicheng Nansheng: Am I the only one who thinks the method of anchoring is very good?Don't forget, Fan Jin failed the exam for more than 30 times in 20 years, and he didn't even pass the exam for a scholar. You said that if the anchor passed the exam with a foolish appearance, what would happen to Fan Jin...

What will happen to Fan Jin?

Sheng Ge curled his lips, Fan Jin is doing very well.

Fan Jin is a typical late bloomer. In the first 50 years, everything went wrong as if he had offended God, but when he met Zhou Xuedao at the age of 54, his bad luck was wiped out, and God opened his eyes again, just like cheating. All the way forward without stopping.

He's just a scholar, but Fan Jin is a Jinshi in the future, learning Taoism...

Well, it's a high official.

Learning Tao is to manage the education work of the whole province. The local senior officials of the third grade are second only to the governor, and are at the same level as the chief envoy and the inspector.

Similar to the provincial director of education in her era.

Thinking about it this way, Shengge instantly felt that his son-in-law was simply amazing.

Anchor: You underestimated my cheap son-in-law.

Shengge is familiar with Fan Jin's ending, but the glass bastards in the live broadcast room don't know.

Once opened, Fan Jin is definitely the protagonist.

Although what she said just now came on a whim, she didn't just say it casually, she really thought about it.

"Why, can't you?"

Seeing that Fan Jin hadn't spoken for a long time, Sheng Ge asked in a rough voice.

Fan Jin just felt dizzy, everything seemed abnormal today.

"It's not impossible..."

Fan Jin seemed to be unable to speak, he stumbled and couldn't say a single useful word for a long time.

Heh, Fan Jin just felt that it was not possible, he even felt that Butcher Hu was a little whimsical.

Isn't he just being polite, why did my father-in-law climb up the pole.

Scholars, who didn't start studying to gain fame at a young age, how can they be like a 60-year-old father-in-law who suddenly came up with the idea of ​​studying.

Maybe it's still a whim, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

He could already imagine how his classmates would laugh at him.

It's a big joke that he failed for decades, but now he has a father-in-law.

Father-in-law is an out-and-out butcher, he can't read a single word, and he speaks vulgarly, how can he take the hospital examination as a child.

Just kidding.

"Since it's not impossible, then let's make a decision."

Sheng Ge didn't care about the worries in Fan Jin's heart, and said to himself.

"Although I am your father-in-law, I am only a few years older than you, so you don't have to feel embarrassed."

Fan Jin lowered his head and secretly rolled his eyes. Shouldn't the embarrassment be his father-in-law himself?
"Tell me if there are any requirements to take part in the academy exam."

Although Sheng Ge had a certain understanding of the imperial examination system in this era, he still asked a few more questions in case there were any deviations.


Fan Jin was silent. It seemed that his father-in-law really planned to take the exam, and he seemed quite interested.

"Speak, you are not afraid that I will overtake you..."

"Young man, you can't be so unconfident. It's the worst thing to belittle yourself."

Sheng Ge patted Fan Jin's shoulder with his rough hand, and then quickly withdrew.

Well, I almost forgot to protect my cute little hands.

Fan Jin was speechless, young man?

The last sentence also said that he was not much older than him, but now he is a young man.

Hehehe, you are the father-in-law and the elder, you have the final say.

"Father-in-law preached..."

It is this sentence that has almost become a custom.

Shengge raised his forehead, you are answering the question.

"Anyone who takes the exam, regardless of age, is called a Confucian boy, and is customarily called a boy student."

"Only students who have passed the county examination and the government examination can be called Tongsheng."

"Only by passing the county examination and the government examination can you take the college examination as a child and be a scholar."

Fan Jin was also somewhat reliable, and he explained Sheng Ge's doubts under Sheng Ge's questioning.

Shengge scratched her washed, gray hair in great distress.

She used to think that there were young scholars everywhere in ancient times, and she could take the exam casually.

I didn't read those romantic stories, and the book is always a poor and down-and-out scholar.

I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to be a scholar.

County test, government test, what is that?
"Son-in-law, when are the county examinations and government examinations usually held?"

Looking at the sunny day, Shengge felt that she might have missed the county and government examinations this year.

When she was a student, the exams were usually in June and July, so how could she take the exam in midsummer.

"County exams are held in each county, presided over by the county magistrate, held in February every year, and there are five consecutive exams.

After passing, the government examination hosted by the officials of the government will be held in April, and there will be three consecutive exams. "

Seeing that his father-in-law was interested, Fan Jin sighed and answered in detail, dutifully and resignedly.

He wanted to refuse impatiently, but he didn't dare.

When your father-in-law scolds others, it will definitely make you doubt the value of living.

It's rare that the father-in-law is in a good mood, so he still doesn't ask for trouble to touch his brow.

Although the county examination and the government examination are the most basic and low-level examinations, he doesn't think his father-in-law can pass.

With the violent temper of the father-in-law, listening to the private school teacher's lecture will definitely explode within an hour.

Besides, my father-in-law has no foundation at all, and he doesn't know any words. If he passes the county examination, he won't know that it's a matter of the year of the monkey, let alone take the college examination with him.

Thinking about it this way, Fan Jin's heart became a lot smoother, and he lowered his eyebrows and looked at Sheng Ge even more pleasingly.

Sheng Ge didn't know Fan Jin's mood change.

"Then when is your college exam?"

"The college exams are generally taken twice every three years. The years of Chou, Wei, Chen, and Shu are the year exams, and the years of Yin, Shen, Si, and Hai are scientific exams."

"The last hospital exam is a few days away."

"The next time will be at the end of next year, in December."

Fan Jin didn't tell Sheng Ge too far. After all, the township examination will take the palace examination and so on, and he has no chance to get in touch with it.

It is impossible for his father-in-law, who has become a monk halfway, to pass, so why think so much.

Shengge pinched his fingers and made the calculations. The college examination at the end of next year will be the starting point for Fan Jin to start his life.

A noble person in life, Zhou Xuedao also came here as an examiner.


"It doesn't matter if you fail the exam this year. Let's take the exam together next year, father and son."

Father-in-law and father-in-law are barely considered fathers, aren't they?

 Outing is back
  Tired baby, dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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