When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 965 Yunshan who wants to save himself

Chapter 965 Yunshan who wants to save himself ([-])


Her jade pendant, at most, is to make this life less twists and turns.

Shengge's figure disappeared into the night sky, and reappeared in the Warcraft Mountains.

She would like to see if Yun Yun from Misty Cloud Sect, who can't swear to her, will achieve a beautiful bridge with Xiao Yan in the Warcraft Mountains.

While poking the flaming horns of the Amethyst Winged Lion King once and for all, he frowned while perceiving the grand formation she set up.

Is this big formation too quiet?
Quiet as if falling into a deep sleep.

Wouldn't her cheap disciple die in the checkpoint she set?
It shouldn't be, no matter how bad Nalan Yanran is, she is the woman who ruined Emperor Hun's Millennium Plan, so she should have a halo to protect her more or less.

Shengge raised his hand, and the formation stopped.

Out of nothing, Nalan Yanran appeared in the open space without any warning.

Dirty face, ragged clothes, dark red blood stains on the tattered clothes, and in front of her was a hand-polished rake.

Shengge: Rake?

Nalan Yanran actually abandoned her elegant and unrestrained long sword, and raced against time to make a rake in the formation?

What kind of weird aesthetic is this?
The gray rake is really not delicate.

Nalan Yanran, who was suddenly ejected from the formation, held the rake in her arms, her eyes were blank, coupled with this dirty look, she really looked like a beggar on the street.

No, veteran of the beggar gang!
"Master!" Nalan Yanran exclaimed.

Staring at the rake in Nalan Yanran's hand, Sheng Ge's eyes were complicated.

This rake is somewhat similar to the one the Great Sage forged for her back then.

She also didn't expect that Nalan Yanran could sense the slightest thought she had left in her by accident in the formation, and then forged the rake desperately.

I have to admit that there is no simple person who can leave a lot of words in the small world of Dou Po.

Well, this is also fate.

She was also looking forward to the look of the stunning beauty wielding a rake in a vigorous manner.

However, Nalan Yanran has embarked on her path, and it may be a bit difficult for Xiao Yan to block and kill the god.

With a conscience of heaven and earth, she didn't intend to create trouble for Xiao Yan.

"Since you have this insight, and you resolutely and resolutely abandon the past cultivation path, then don't regret it."

In the Dou Qi Continent, perhaps in the near future, there will be a strange woman who does not rely on Dou Qi but can still reach the pinnacle of life, creating a new way of cultivation for this continent.

"The checkpoints set by this seat are useless to you, and you can sharpen and practice yourself in the next time."

"It's still the same sentence, no matter which path you choose to take, you must settle down."

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran nodded.

His back was straight, and his whole body exuded the aura of a sharp sword, which was extremely sharp, and he was no longer delicate.

Shengge looked at Nalan Yanran, who had already learned how to practice, and decided to go to the Soul Clan for the elderly as if resigned to her fate, and spent time with the Emperor of Soul, talking about the philosophy of life from poetry and songs.

Stretch out your hand, and touch the forehead of the huge and terrifying Amethyst Winged Lion King, and the big guy turns into a wild man.

Amethyst Winged Lion King: Isn't this extremely powerful and handsome man a god?

With a casual finger, he was reborn, transformed into a shape successfully, and his cultivation base greatly increased.

Shapeshifting Dan?
Does the legendary pill match with the god-man's finger?
When he was happy, the Amethyst Winged Lion King habitually shook his head, and his buttocks were also wiggling unconsciously.

This scene, let alone how terrifying.

Sheng Ge: Messy purple hair and red eyes, a bit unorthodox.

Even if this style was put on the funeral family that dominated the world at the time, it would be the leader.

Forget it, never mind, as the saying goes, "My sister said purple is very charming."

After setting up layers of protection for the Amethyst winged lion cub, Shengge took the non-mainstream little boss on the road.


Yun Yun, who is far away from the Yunlan Sect, has been feeling restless lately, unable to enter the state of cultivation at all, as if there is a piece of wild grass that grows in the wind, and the wild fire can't be exhausted, making her restless.

It seemed that there was a voice constantly urging her to go down the mountain to the Warcraft Mountains.

It seems that only in this way can we have a moment of peace.

Yun Yun sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and tried to hold her breath and concentrate, but the more she wanted to calm down, the more she felt the burning pain in her heart.

Blood spilled from the corner of her mouth again, Yun Yun wiped it away casually, and the conversation between her and the teacher appeared unconsciously in her mind.

What kind of deep and intense entanglements made her so worried and restless day and night.

The teacher has said ambiguous words that make people feel wronged, which means that the man who is about to have entanglements with her is about to give her a clear relationship.

Knowing that the mountain has a bad fate of constant cutting and chaos, she can't go there no matter what.

Yun Yun asked Pill King Gu He for a pill, and fell into a deep sleep.

Nie Yuan always has a time limit, she doesn't believe that she can survive the disaster after sleeping for several months.

At this moment, Xiao Yan, who had just left Wutan City and was about to go to the Warcraft Mountains to practice, felt a pain in his chest and felt a sense of loss.

"Xiao Yan, what's wrong?"

Looking at Xiao Yan, who was clutching his chest and his face turned pale, Yao Lao said nervously.

Xiao Yan let out a long breath of turbid air, the subtle pain disappeared, replaced by relaxation, as if something was lacking, this moment tended to be complete.

"Teacher, no..."

Before he could finish his words, Xiao Yan snorted, and quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, advanced!
Yao Lao: If he remembers correctly, Xiao Yan just became a four-star fighter yesterday.

These days, if you cover your chest, you will be able to advance?

While protecting Xiao Yan, Yao Lao subconsciously put his hands on his chest.

Well, he is not worthy of such a mysterious promotion method.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yan stood up refreshed and punched.

"and many more……"

Yao Lao's eyes widened, and he looked at Xiao Yan in disbelief.


"You directly advanced to a large segment?"

Even though he is well-informed and memorized, he has never seen such a weird advancement.

Directly promoted from a four-star fighter who gathers gas into a whirl to an eight-star fighter who gathers gas and turns into a liquid?

A quarter of an hour is worth years or decades of cultivation by others.

No, he was really flustered now.

It may not be a good thing for Xiao Yan that his level has been raised suddenly.

With a ray of mind, Yao Lao repeatedly checked the fighting spirit in Xiao Yan's body inside and out.

It's not as vain as he thought, but thick and powerful, as if the tree was tempered day and night instead of falling from the sky.

Yao Lao sighed, looked up at the sky, speechless, God, what kind of game is this going to do?
An old fellow of his age really couldn't bear to be frightened.

"Now we have to change our training plan."

"Slowly first, don't rush to improve your strength, the most urgent thing is to adapt to your skyrocketing level of fighting spirit."

If Sheng Ge were here, he couldn't help sighing that Emperor Yan is indeed God's own son.

(End of this chapter)

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