When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 967 Yunshan who wants to save himself

In the middle of the night, a cloud of fog appeared at the bottom of the deserted cliff, and it still looked like a human being, and it was strange not to be afraid.

The little fairy doctor who was aggressively questioning Xiao Yan just now, jumped up in fright, and tightly grabbed Nalan Yanran's sleeve and did not let go.

She brought Nalan to hunt for treasure, not to die.

"Nalan, let's run." The little fairy doctor whispered.

Nalan Yanran patted the little fairy doctor's hand reassuringly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, this is a senior."

"I met the old gentleman."

"You must be Xiao Yan's teacher."

Nalan Yanran greeted politely.

Yao Lao waved his hand, "Your master mentioned me to you?"

Nalan paused, what should she say, the master just complained that Xiao Yan was followed by a poisonous old guy.

It's okay for her and her master to talk secretly behind closed doors, it's not enough for outsiders to understand.

However, this is not an old guy, this skin is no different from the master.

"Master said that Xiao Yan worshiped a good master."

As soon as Yao Lao's eyes lit up, he habitually wanted to silence his beard, but forgot that he was a handsome young man now.

Xiao Yan was speechless, did he always admit his relatives when he called for medicine?

Nalan Yanran secretly squeezed the little fairy doctor's hand, raised her chin, silently encouraged.

The little fairy doctor summoned up his courage and took a step forward, "Mr., you were rude just now."

"Don't be rude, don't be rude, since you are Yanran's friend, you can also be regarded as my junior."

"Besides, Xiao Yan saw me for the first time back then..."

Xiao Yan, who was trying to reduce his presence, heard this, and stopped him, "Teacher!"

When meeting Yao Lao for the first time, his performance was no better than Xiao Yixian.

Yao Lao coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment, "Don't misunderstand, Xiao Yan didn't come here to grab treasure."

Yao Lao said his eyes moved to Nalan Yanran, "I told Xiao Yan that you have lost all fighting spirit in your body. He saw you two entering the Warcraft Mountains, and he was afraid of accidents."

Nalan Yanran glanced at Xiao Yan, and really didn't know how to feel.

"Thank you."

"Some time ago, I had an epiphany in cultivation, so there was such a change."

Nalan Yanran explained.

Facing Xiao Yan, she was still a little embarrassed, "And..."

Nalan Yanran tightened her hands beside her, and continued, "I'm sorry."

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

On that day, he felt it was a great humiliation.

Later, he felt that it was human nature.

Now facing this sorry, it made him at a loss what to do.

The silence is spreading, and the embarrassment is also extending.

The corner of Yao Lao's mouth twitched, thinking that this might be the time for him to shine again.

What is this!

Nalan Yanran!

Nalan Yanran's change of grudge, if it was not because of Yunshan, he would not believe it if he was killed.

This feeling is in the same vein as Yunshan.

Rounding things up, Nalan Yanran is the only successor of that old yin batch in Yunshan.

In his eyes, Yunshan was like a golden thigh.

"Then, let's go treasure hunting together."

The little fairy doctor said gently, breaking the embarrassment.

Yao Lao: Sure enough, if you hesitate, you will lose, and you will lose the opportunity to defend your apprentice.

Xiao Yan: "No..."

Yao Lao: "Alright..."

Xiao Yan once again felt that today's teacher was a little abnormal.

"Then let's go together." Xiao Yan said aggrievedly under Yaohu's gaze.

In this world, no one likes to meet his ex-fiancée who divorced him.

"What?" Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows, her eyes were sharp, she flicked her fingers, and the rake came out of her hand, nailing it fiercely on the cliff.

Beneath the rake was a yellow rock snake with skin as hard as a rock.

Be quick!
Xiao Yan praised in his heart.

Nalan Yanran is really different today.

and many more?


Xiao Yan was extremely surprised, it was really hard for him to imagine that such a simple and ugly rake was Nalan Yanran's weapon.

What about the long sword?
The grudge is gone, and the long sword is gone?

Different from Xiao Yan's astonishment, the well-informed Yao Lao's eyes were full of shock.

There is an aura from outside the sky on the rake, is this an opportunity to break through the rumored limit of Dou Di?
If not, why would there be an aura different from the Dou Qi Continent.

At this moment, Yao Lao felt that Yunshan was more mysterious.

Yes, it is Yunshan who is mysterious, not Yunlanzong, nor Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran was just lucky to take advantage of this windfall.

"Nalan, you're so handsome!" The little fairy doctor stared at Nalan Yanran adoringly.

"The rake is really imposing, Nalan, you have a good eye."

The three consecutive characters of "tai" fully expressed the feelings of the little doctor.

Xiao Yan: (_`)
That decisive and precise blow just now was indeed handsome!

But eyesight...

Nalan Yanran's ears were slightly red, she beckoned to take the rake back, the rake was clean, not a trace of filth.

"It's there."

The little fairy doctor pointed to a hole blocked by rubble and strange wood.

Yao Lao poked Xiao Yan thoughtlessly, Xiao Yan sighed silently, took a step forward, spread his palms, and a huge thrust gushed out, blowing away the gravel and strange trees blocking the hole.

The entrance of the cave is not wide, and it is very narrow at the beginning, so that it can pass through people.

There is a faint luster, but it is not particularly dark.

Considering the situation of the little fairy doctor, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran took out the fire book at the same time.

The little fairy doctor looked left and right, and smiled like an aunt.

Returning to Tanbao does not affect her heart of gossip to continue to burn.

Continue along the passage until you are blocked by a stone gate.

Today's Xiao Yan has never dabbled in mechanism art, Yao Lao thought that it was finally his turn for this old guy to show his skills.

"found it."

Little Fairy Doctor's clear and pleasant voice sounded.

I saw the little fairy doctor squatting down, gently pressing against a raised spot, and the heavy stone door opened.

Yao Lao: ...

Well, he also felt aggrieved similar to Xiao Yan.

Behind the stone gate is an empty, huge, but extremely simple stone chamber.

A skeleton!

Three stone box!
A pile of gold coins!
A piece of flowers and plants!
Nalan Yanran was the first to walk towards the pile of golden gold.

The little fairy doctor stopped him, hating iron for being weak, "Nalan, that pile of gold is the worst."

"I know."

Nalan Yanran whispered, "But Master likes it."

She also didn't know why, when she became a master, she would suddenly like these yellow and white things.

But since the master likes it, she collects it, and then arranges a cave for the master in the Misty Cloud Sect, full of gold.

The little fairy doctor let go of her hand, Nalan Yanran waved her hand and put the gold coin into the ring.

"I will not participate in the distribution of the rest of the treasures."

Nalanyan then took a step back and said calmly.

Xiao Yan looked at the flowerbed full of medicinal herbs, and said, "I need that Ice Spirit Flame Grass."

"It's of great use to me."

"If you can, please give me your love. I can exchange it with others."

The little fairy doctor glanced at Nalan Yanran, then spread her hands.

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