When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 973 Yunshan who wants to save himself

Chapter 973 Yunshan Who Wants to Save Himself ([-])
Shengge waved his hand, and Emperor Huntian came to his senses.

The bright and strange pupils were full of indifference and vigilance.

With his life in Shengge's hands, he was still terrifyingly calm.

"What dream did you have?"

Shengge glanced at Shamat Xiao Zimao, motioned him to wait here, and then pulled Emperor Hun to sit on a mountain top.

Emperor Huntian fixed his eyes, if this person was here, there would be no matter between him and Xiao Yan in the Douqi Continent.

Sure enough, the dream was fake.

Forget it, dying at the hands of a mysterious person whose strength is as powerful as the abyss is better than losing at the hands of Xiao Xuan's little-known descendant.

As a result, Emperor Huntian became more calm.

Waving his sleeves, sitting on the ground, "did an absurd dream."

"Did in the dream at the hands of a descendant of the Xiao family who was divorced."

"The details, the dream is not detailed."

Sheng Ge sat next to Emperor Huntian, the mountain wind was bitter, and he blew his robes, "So, you changed your usual ways and left the Soul Clan to go to Wutan City because you want to kill Xiao Yan?"

Emperor Huntian shook his head, "Since ancient times, those who have been able to reach the Doudi have all possessed the great luck of the heavens. Only the talent and perseverance cannot be obtained. This great luck is like the amulet of immortality for the younger generation."

"This Xiao Yan dies, then that Xiao Yan will be reborn."

"Killing is impossible, but I am really unwilling to reconcile thousands of years of planning to fetch water from a bamboo basket and become nothing."

"For a long time, this seat has used all means to advance to the supreme level of Doudi, but in the end it ended up in death."

"I can vaguely remember in my dream that Xiao Yan's rise to success stemmed from a divorce. Since he can't kill him, it's better to sell it."

"I tied that woman up and sent it to Xiao Yan. The young lord of a sect in the small Jia Ma Empire, not to mention me, any Dharma protector from the Soul Palace can destroy that sect."

Even after anticipating the final defeat, Emperor Huntian remained calm and proud.

"Well, did I tell you that the one who retired Xiao Yan's marriage is my grandson?"

"I heard that you are going to kidnap my grandson?"

"I heard that you are going to destroy the Misty Cloud Sect of this seat?" Sheng Ge said lightly.

Although Sheng Ge's voice was flat, his heart was shouting with excitement.

When the battle broke out, countless readers assumed what would happen if Emperor Huntian was reborn. Someone suggested that Nalan Yanran be given to Xiao Yan, so that Xiao Yan could start a life of wife and children.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Huntian actually put it into practice.

Soul Emperor: !?(_;?
Is the world so small?

He uttered wild words, madly in front of himself.

The person in front of him who can easily handle him is actually the leader of the small sect who is hiding in the Jia Ma Empire?
Is the Soul Palace under his hands dereliction of duty, or is God just joking?

Is today's heaven so crazy?
Emperor Huntian turned his eyes, "I said it was all a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Emperor Huntian tried his best to look more sincere.

"However, then again, the younger generation of the Xiao family has the potential to break through to Emperor Dou. Your disciple and grandson will marry him, and there will be no harm at all."

When the word Doudi was mentioned, Emperor Huntian still couldn't help being envious.

Thousands of years of planning, still can't match the favor of heaven.

His plan of counting everyone is a joke.


It's a fate.

"Isn't the Emperor Dou's bloodline a kind of imprisonment to some extent?" Sheng Ge pointed out.

"I won't kill you."

"The purpose of this trip is to talk to you about the philosophy of life."

"Young man, the layout is small. From another perspective, it is difficult for a Doudi to appear in this world for some reason, but if Xiao Yan breaks through the sky, it might not be an opportunity for you to advance to the Doudi."

What Emperor Huntian lacked was never strength, but the source qi that had long since ceased to exist in the Dou Qi Continent.

"By the way, the plot should go or go."

"The hero at the starting point, if there is no villain to make trouble, there will be a lack of excitement, so it can't be called a hero."

"So, boy, do what you gotta do."

For example, Xiao Zhan should be arrested or should be arrested, and Yao Lao should be locked up or locked up. As for whether he wants to eat spicy food, or bask in the sun and drink alcohol after he is arrested and locked up, it doesn't all depend on Emperor Huntian.

Emperor Huntian is full of helplessness, young man?
This title is really unique, and it makes his eyes shine.

As far as he knew, the founder of the Misty Cloud Sect seemed to be far younger than him.

However, he still understood the meaning of the words of the mysterious man in front of him who was more handsome than him.

To sum up, it is:
First of all, his life is guaranteed.

Secondly, the mission of the villain has to continue.

In the end, Doudi's goal is expected to be achieved.

Being a villain is really too simple.

Conspiracy and scheming, stirring up trouble, ruthlessness and treachery, and finding trouble for nothing are the unique skills of the soul clan.

Emperor Huntian said that the pattern opened instantly.

Seeing that Emperor Hun understood her meaning accurately, Shengge nodded in satisfaction, "I already knew that we would have a common language."

"After all, they are all so powerful."

"After all, everyone likes to pretend to be tender so much."

Emperor Huntian: Please be a bit superior!

"I don't know what your next plan is?" Hun Tiandi asked, skipping the pretense.

Shengge raised his eyebrows, "You can't cross the river and tear down bridges and pretend to be deaf and dumb. Didn't you just tell you to go to the Soul Race to chat with you?"

"The ears are not good, they need to be treated."

Soul Emperor: ...

Forget it, let's treat it as hugging the thigh, and the Huihun tribe will provide them with delicious food and drink.

As a result, the twosome of Shengge and Xiao Zimao Shamate turned into a threesome.

Before setting off, Shengge also asked Shamat Xiaozimao if he wanted to find lions for him in the beast realm, but Xiaozimao sternly refused, and told her seriously that following her felt safe, and Good show to watch.

To this, Shengge can only say, have vision!

Therefore, the elders of the soul clan discovered that the head of the clan had returned and returned with a cold and arrogant young man, plus a monster.

Is the patriarch going to accept disciples?

But why does that young man have the potential to be the old man of the soul clan, and he speaks and behaves freely as if he has returned home.

Shengge's spiritual consciousness spread out, observing the soul clan.

The soul race is not as scary as she imagined.

Well, she was misled by the guardian of the soul hall who was smoking black smoke and laughing non-stop, and the elder of the soul clan who was lying in the coffin with the door of death, thinking that all soul clan members are neither yin nor yang nor human Not a ghost guy.

Wind reviews hurt people.

Millions of descendants live like ordinary people, no different.

"Patriarch, you..."

The space squirmed for a while, and a figure of black flame flashed out.

The terrifying devouring power is ancient and strange.

Shengge suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand, "Hello, nothingness."

Nothingness swallowed, looked at Sheng Ge who was smiling lazily, and his heart sank.

Stared at by such a pair of smiling eyes, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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