Chapter 981 Yunshan who wants to save himself (27)


If Xiao Xuan and the Soul Clan settle their suspicions, the Gu Clan's position will become extremely embarrassing.

"Thousands of years have passed, how many people in Zhongzhou Continent still remember my name, Xiao Xuan?"

"Leaving the Heavenly Tomb this time, I did not intend to strengthen the Xiao Clan and settle old accounts."

"The revitalization of the Xiao clan after a thousand years will have descendants to inherit my will."

"Brother Gu, don't worry, Xiao Xuan will never be an enemy of the Gu Clan in this life."

"It's just Natuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, forgive me for not giving it up."

Sheng Ge, who has been a bystander all the time, sighs silently when recalling all the things that happened in the plot.

To be an ally is to be evenly matched.

Otherwise, the covenant is just a scrap of paper.

Thousands of years have passed, and in the hearts of the ancient people, the Xiao people are just worthless trash in Anwutan City.

In the plot, whether it was the disaster of the Xiao Clan's Wutan City, or the fact that they offended the Yunlan Sect and were almost slaughtered, no one from the Ancient Clan offered a helping hand.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's timely return, all members of the Xiao clan would have been killed or injured.

So, when you think about it sometimes, the word "hypocrisy" in Emperor Huntian's mouth is not considered slander.

"Brother Xiao!"

"Brother Gu, don't need to say too much. If you look at the friendship in the past, please let me go."

"If you don't let it go, then as Brother Gu said, let's fight."

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and interrupted Gu Yuan's words.

Although he is open-minded by nature, thinks openly, and doesn't want to care about the millennium, but it doesn't mean he has no temper.

When the Xiao Clan was prominent, they took good care of the Gu Clan.

The results of it?
This care cannot be exchanged for a promise.


In this world, who dares Xiao Xuan to fight?
Their strength has improved over the years, what about Xiao Xuan who is in the Heavenly Tomb?
The speed of time in the celestial tomb is different from that of the outside world, half a year in the outside world, and three years in the celestial tomb!
After thousands of years, just where did Xiao Xuan reach.

Although they were all Nine Star Fighting Saints, he dared not challenge Xiao Xuan.

"Brother Xiao really want to disregard the deep hatred of the past and go with Emperor Hun?"

Gu Yuan no longer dodged his eyes, but looked straight at Xiao Xuan.

"Brother Gu, I am dead."

Xiao Xuan frowned slightly and raised his voice.

When he came out of the Heavenly Tomb, he really didn't want to make waves, nor did he want to revitalize the Xiao Clan with this ray of remnant soul, he just wanted to see the sky outside again and bask in the real sun.

It has been thousands of years, and in the sky tomb, except for the gray mist, it is pitch black.

"Does one's grievance disappear when one dies?"

"Brother Xiao, do you know what the Soul Emperor has done?"

Emperor Huntian snorted lightly, and said calmly, "I said it myself, don't bother Patriarch Gu."

Emperor Huntian turned his head, and said calmly, "I tied Xiao Zhan."

Xiao Xuan: Who is Xiao Zhan?

With a conscience of heaven and earth, he has no understanding of the Xiao clan after a thousand years.

"Xiao Yan's father." Sheng Ge reminded in a low voice.

Xiao Xuan's mind is already more chaotic than a mess, let him be quiet, he really can't figure it out.

Is it really okay to embarrass a person who has died for a thousand years like this?
"Right and wrong, I will settle it after I understand it clearly."

"I'll say it one last time, and ask brother Gu to make way."

After the words fell, a terrifying coercion spread from Xiao Xuan's body.

He was never of a meek and weak nature!

Gu Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, Xiao Xuan was still Xiao Xuan, the Xiao Xuan who was beyond the reach of everyone in Zhongzhou Mainland.

Fallen for a thousand years, reappeared in the world, still shocking the world.

Gu Yuan turned sideways, and following Gu Yuan's movements, everyone in the Gu clan stepped out of the way.

The four of Xiao Xuan left grandly.

Outside the celestial tomb, the elders of the ancient clan began to attack, "Patriarch, just let Xiao Xuan leave with the soul of the emperor?"

"The soul clan is already powerful, but now it is even more powerful."

"If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have sheltered the Xiao Clan."

Gu Yuan looked around and sneered, "Why didn't you say that just now?"

"Asylum to the Xiao Clan?"

"Don't you elders secretly connive at the factions in Zhongzhou to carve up the Xiao Clan's property?"

"If it wasn't for this seat who couldn't stand it in the end and transferred the last bloodline of the Xiao Clan to Wu Tan City, the Xiao Clan would have been wiped out in the Dou Qi Continent long ago."

He did not fulfill his promise to Xiao Xuan back then.

Xiao Xuan can question it, but what qualifications do these elders have to question him.

"If the elders feel that the ancient clan does not need this seat, then it is better to remove this seat."

Gu Yuan threatened with confidence.

These years, it was because he didn't want to tear himself apart with those old and respected elders in the Presbyterian Hall and affect the unity of the ancient clan, but it didn't mean that he was really afraid of the Presbyterian Hall.

He is the patriarch of the ancient clan, and also the number one expert of the ancient clan.

All the elders in the elder hall choked, none of them dared to speak.

If there is no Gu Yuan, the strength of the Gu clan will drop drastically. Where can I find a Nine Star Fighting Saint to stabilize the situation.

Gu Yuan didn't have too many worries in his heart, and he didn't even care too much about Xiao Xuan's attitude.

The bond between Xiao Clan and Gu Clan cannot be broken.

Now that Xiao Xuan is alive, Xiao Yan is the most amazing and talented descendant among the existing Xiao Clan. Given time, Xiao Yan will definitely inherit Xiao Xuan's mantle.

As for Xiao Yan, his heart is for Xun'er.

Back then when Xun'er was sent to Xiao's family, he was originally going to go to Tuoshe Gudiyu, but unexpectedly, it became an opportunity to restore the old friendship with Xiao's family.

It seems that there is no rush to call Xun'er back to the family.

The friendship between childhood sweethearts is not easy to come by.

Here is the confrontation between the Presbyterian Church and Gu Yuan, and there is Xiao Xuan eagerly absorbing knowledge.

For the current Zhongzhou Continent, the current Xiao family, his eyes are darkened.

"I did capture Xiao Yan's father, Xiao Zhan, but I did not snatch the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, nor did I torture Xiao Zhan."

Well, it's useless to snatch the ancient emperor jade from Tuoshe.

In the dream, he did collect eight Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, and successfully opened the cave.

He got the Emperor Grade Young Pill, and went forward to swallow it.

At the cost of the lives of all the descendants of the Yao tribe, Stone tribe, Spirit tribe, and Soul tribe, as well as most of the creatures in Zhongzhou, the young emperor pills were ripened, and they were successfully promoted to Doudi.

The results of it?
His family was wiped out by him, and he himself died at the hands of Xiao Yan.

To be honest, even today, he is still unconvinced!
He paid far more than Xiao Yan, but he lost so miserably.

"Don't believe it."

"This seat also prepared two beautiful soul maids for him."

Regarding Gu Yuan's unpredictable marriage, wouldn't he?

Can't get close to Xiao Yan, can't get in front of people, is it possible that he can't take down Xiao Zhan and become an elder directly?
Cut, Xiao Yan can still deny his father!
Xiao Xuan was speechless, seeing him for a thousand years, Emperor Huntian was indeed becoming more brazen and frantic.

The group of four first took a peek at Xiao Yan from a distance, and after reassuring Xiao Xuan, they returned to the Soul Clan together.

"Why do you say that Xiao Yan has the qualifications of a great emperor?" Xiao Xuan was puzzled.

Xiao Yan's talent is extraordinary, and he does have a bit of his demeanor back then, but how difficult it is to break through the Emperor Dou, how many geniuses in this world have been defeated here.

Even he, even Emperor Huntian, stayed in Jiuxing Dousheng for too long.

Emperor Huntian's expression froze, what should I say?
(End of this chapter)

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