When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 985 Yunshan who wants to save himself


If the patriarch of a clan really wanted to protect him, would he not be able to protect a declining Xiao clan?

The Xiao clan's property, accumulation, was completely divided up, and all members of the clan were killed or injured.

Is the word intentionally weak? Isn't it too light and flirtatious.

With a sneer, Gu Yuan was enraged.

Aren't the actions of Emperor Huntian more innumerable and outrageous?
Who gave Emperor Hun the face, dared to provoke and scold him again and again.

The ancient race is not afraid of the soul race.

He didn't believe that Xiao Xuan was here, and he could watch the Huntian Emperor massacre the people of the eight ancient clans.

Some people are born heroes.

The heroism in his bones will never fade away.

It just so happened that Xiao Xuan was such a person.

When the sky is falling, he will hold on step by step.

Therefore, being friends with Xiao Xuan is the luckiest thing in the world.

Thousands of years ago, he had such luck.

But now...

Thousands of years ago, he didn't protect Xiao Xuan wholeheartedly.

For thousands of years, he didn't spend any more time to protect the Xiao Clan.

Thousands of years later, he naturally does not deserve to be called brother and brother with Xiao Xuan.

"Are you here today just to apologize?"

Xiao Xuan pulled the sleeve of Emperor Lahun, shook his head, and then looked at Gu Yuan.

Xiao Xuan was very worried about Emperor Huntian's mouth.

Now in Dou Qi Continent, Emperor Hun Tian is the pinnacle powerhouse, wanton and arrogant.

If he fights against Emperor Dou someday, will he die on this mouth?

Speaking of which, trying to be friends with Emperor Huntian also complements each other very well.

Insidious and cunning enough to complement him.

Sadness flashed across Gu Yuan's eyes, and his aura seemed to have faded a little, "Apologizing is just one of them, I really feel ashamed."

Every day after Xiao Xuan came out of the Heavenly Tomb, guilt grew.

"What about the second?"

Xiao Xuan said calmly.

For thousands of years, he really didn't want to talk about debts.

Xiao Xuan's reaction made Gu Yuan's eyes even more gloomy, "Secondly, I want to discuss with you about Xun'er and Xiao Yan's marriage."

Although Xiao Yan's current strength is not enough to catch his eyes, he is very talented and has great potential.

It can barely be regarded as a good match for Xun'er.

Sheng Ge sighed silently in his heart, people's hearts are really terrifying.

In the plot, Xiao Yan was humiliated several times by the descendants of the Gu clan, but Gu Yuan never showed a clear attitude.

It wasn't until Yao Lao was revived and promoted to semi-sage, and Xiao Yan's own strength also broke through Dou Zun, that Gu Yuan let go.

Now that Xiao Xuan is alive, Gu Yuan is in a hurry to conclude a marriage contract.

As the ancestor of Xiao Yan's ex-fiancee, is she redundant?
At this moment, Xiao Xuan's clear voice sounded "I haven't recognized Xiao Yan yet."

Xiao Xuan's simple words made the lobbying words prepared by Gu Yuan useless.

Haven't met yet!

Gu Yuan really wanted to know how Xiao Xuan held back!
Waiting for the descendants of the Xiao Clan for a thousand years in loneliness and desolation in the Heavenly Tomb, once they came out, they were still so calm and rational.

"Xiao Yan's strength is still weak, knowing my existence is not a good thing."

Furthermore, although the teacher Xiao Yan admired was not top-notch in strength, he was knowledgeable and had unique insights.

Xiao Yan's cultivation does not require his intervention.

"So, for the time being, I can't make any decisions for Xiao Yan, let alone such a major life event as the marriage of a man and a woman."

"This time, I'm going to let Brother Gu go for nothing."

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Xuan's words and deeds made people unable to find fault.

Once upon a time, Emperor Huntian was so impeccable.

It was said that Gu Yuan was still a little bit unwilling to give up, he really didn't want to see the Xiao Clan befriend the Soul Clan in this world, and the prestige of the Gu Clan plummeted again and again.

"Brother Xiao."

"Xiao Yan and Xun'er are childhood sweethearts, they share the same mind, and they are willing to think about each other and pay for each other."

Gu Yuan still wanted to continue, so he heard Xiao Xuan say, "When it comes to childhood sweethearts, I happen to have a question that has been circling in my mind for a long time, and I haven't had an answer. I wonder if Brother Gu can clear it up for me."

Xiao Xuan said that he didn't mean to be sarcastic, but simply couldn't figure it out.

Seeing this, Gu Yuan said, "Brother Xiao, may I ask you."

Xiao Xuan was also not polite, and said directly, "Ling Ai should know the origin of her mysterious power, right?"

Gu Yuan nodded blankly.

"Now that I know, during the three years when Xiao Yan's fighting spirit fell and disappeared for no reason, did Ling Ai ever write to the clan to ask a question or two?"

"Furthermore, when Ling Ai went to Wutan City, the ancient clan didn't send any strong members of the clan to accompany her to protect her?"

Xiao Xuan frowned tightly, expressing his doubts sincerely.

This was the doubt that had taken root in his heart since he left the Heavenly Tomb that day and took a look at Xiao Yan from a distance.

Originally, he still didn't know how to speak, but who let Gu Yuan start the conversation of his childhood sweetheart.

Gu Yuan's heart sank and he smiled wryly.

"The Soul Clan is always on the lookout for the masters of the Ancient Clan, so when I sent Xun'er to Xiao's house, I didn't use the powerful power of the clan, and only chose a Dou Huang with a dark attribute."

Sheng Ge secretly asked the Emperor of Soul, "You soul clan even pay attention to Dou Zong and low-level Dou Zun so meticulously?"

The mockery in Emperor Huntian's eyes flashed past.

Did Gu Yuan think of the soul race too leisurely?

Dou Zun has been sent down to work in the Soul Palace by him, so he is not worthy to have the right to speak in the Soul Clan.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Gu Yuan's face, and he could only continue dryly, "I think the Jia Ma Empire is closed and ancient, and the most powerful are no more than mere fighting emperors, so..."

After Gu Yuan's words fell, Xiao Xuan and Emperor Hun Tian's expressions were all on the same side.

The strongest fighter in the Jia Ma Empire?
"Do you know who he is?"

Xiao Xuan's voice was a little difficult, and he pointed at Sheng Ge.

Gu Yuan: ...

Yue Mo is a hidden master.

"He is the previous suzerain of the Yunlan Sect, Yunshan."

"That is, a sect of the ancient Jia Ma Empire that you said was blocked."

"He is also the ancestor of Xiao Yan's former fiancée!"

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Gu Yuan was shocked besides being shocked.

Shengge cooperated very well, and said at the right time, "No talent, no talent."

"This is the previous suzerain of the Yunlan Sect of the Jia Ma Empire, Yunshan."

"It's vaguely considered to be the most powerful person in the Jia Ma Empire."

The turbulent waves in Gu Yuan's heart at this moment can no longer be expressed in words.

Emperor Huntian couldn't hold back his laughter, his cheeks were stained a little crimson.

"So, the question remains, does the Gu Clan know about Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Xuan broke the casserole and asked the end.

Gu Yuan wanted to speak nonsense very much, but in the end he still didn't speak.

After a long time, Xiao Xuan laughed at himself, "I already know the answer."

"Ling Ai has really inherited Brother Gu's mantle, so she can be regarded as a successor."

"But brother Gu, don't worry, I won't interfere with the younger generation's affairs."

"If Xiao Yan is serious about pleasing your love, I will not obstruct it."

"Brother Gu, please go back."

Xiao Xuan issued an order to chase away guests.

The voice is faint, but mixed with no doubt.

He was grateful that the Gu Clan still had the first-line blood of the Xiao Clan, so he would not be an enemy to them.

Gu Yuan left in a daze, as if he didn't know why things had developed to this point.

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