When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 988 Yunshan who wants to save himself

Chapter 988 Yunshan who wants to save himself (34)


"Brother Xiao Yan will not abandon me."

Xun'er is full of confidence, "Even if there are others, no one will be above me."

"Now that I leave a book and leave, brother Xiao Yan will not make promises to others at will."

Both she and Xiao Yan needed time to process, accept and digest this sudden accident.

Otherwise, they will face each other day by day, and it is inevitable that they will become resentful couples.

She didn't want to be separated from Xiao Yan, she didn't want to pretend to be generous every day, and she didn't want to be treated carefully by Xiao Yan full of guilt.

If there is too much guilt, it will cover up love.

What she wanted was Xiao Yan's purest love and dependence.

Not desire, not guilt, not gratitude.

Calm down, it is not difficult to understand Xiao Yan's evasion and hesitation when facing her question.

With Medusa's appearance and figure, it's hard not to be tempted by men all over the world.

Xiao Yan is resolute, but he is also a man.

The most important thing about her gaffe that day was that it happened too unexpectedly.

She could handle it better if she did it all over again.

Gu Yuan's complexion was still ugly, and he even resented why Xiao Xuan walked out of the Heavenly Tomb.

Without Xiao Xuan, he would have been in such a difficult situation.

"It's good that you know it yourself." Gu Yuan suppressed the anger in his heart, left a word coldly, turned and left.

Just as Xun'er expected, that sincere and considerate letter made Xiao Yan blame himself even more.

Queen Medusa, who yelled at him to kill him and wanted to cut him into pieces but didn't hurt him at all, suddenly disappeared.

He knew that Queen Medusa was somewhat soft-hearted towards him.

I don't know if this soft-heartedness is due to the influence of the Tuntian Python, or because of the entanglement between the two.

Xiao Yan only felt that life became quiet all of a sudden.

Xun'er, who has a calm and gentle temperament like Qinglian, always quietly watching him and waiting for him to stand behind him, has gone home.

The noble and glamorous queen who looked down upon all beings also disappeared.

Xiao Yan was briefly depressed, but soon embarked on the road of continuing to practice.

In Xiao Yan's life, love between men and women occupies very little place after all.

At this time, Queen Medusa was being surrounded by a group of inhuman and ghost-like people who were full of black aura.

Thanks to Xiao Yan's blessing, she realized that this is the famous soul hall of the dark and evil forces.

It is said that Xiao Yan's father was also abducted by the soul clan behind the soul hall, and there is no news of it, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Thinking of this, a dangerous light flashed in the depths of Queen Medusa's eyes. Since she encountered it, she couldn't turn a blind eye.

It's just that this group of people is not weak.

Just when Queen Medusa was thinking about catching one first and running to see what the success rate was, this group of insidious things suddenly bent over her.

Queen Medusa: ()
"My Lady Queen, the Patriarch is here to invite you."

How dare they be rough with the guests that the head of the family has clearly ordered to invite.


"Are you sure it's not arrest?" Queen Medusa raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

The Guardian of the Soul Palace who took the lead quickly smiled apologetically, "My Lady Queen is joking."

"If Her Majesty the Queen is unwilling, I will not force it."

"But Patriarch's order cannot be mistaken, so we have no choice but to follow Her Lady Queen."

This laughter is so creepy.

Queen Medusa has never been intimidated by others, so with a soft drink, she was about to break out of the encirclement.


She found that not only could she not fight, but she could not break free.

Well, she overestimated herself!
"Why did you ask me?"

"Because of Xiao Yan?"

Medusa subconsciously felt that these weird and gloomy guys arrested her just to increase the bargaining chip to threaten Xiao Yan.

The Guardian of the Soul Palace still said in the most gentle and kind voice in his life, "The meaning of the Patriarch is to invite the queen to visit."

"Queen, don't worry, the Patriarch has absolutely no malice."

The Guardian of the Soul Palace felt extremely aggrieved, used to killing and setting fire, and doing evil everywhere, suddenly being polite, it was more uncomfortable than killing them.

Queen Medusa looked at the three layers of iron chains surrounding her and surrendered.

She is arrogant, not stupid.

I can't run even if I want to, so it's better to follow others honestly.

As a result, there was one more resident guest among the Soul Clan.

The reason why Xiao Xuan and Hun Tiandi went to war to invite Queen Medusa was because they were afraid of Gu Yuan's brain convulsions, and because Sheng Ge said that Medusa had a little girl in her belly.

Having taught the stupid Xiao Zhan, Xiao Xuan really wanted to teach a newborn of the Xiao clan himself.

As soon as Queen Medusa arrived in the Soul Clan, she was surrounded by people watching.

Among the four people, Yunshan is the one she knows best, and she fought against each other in the early years.

Secondly, it was the middle-aged man.

When Tun Tian Bog was by Xiao Yan's side, he often heard Xiao Yan mention his father, and also saw the portrait by accident.

Watching Xiao Zhan, his complexion was rosy, his breath was vigorous, his eyes and brows were all comfortable, obviously he was having a good life.

"Sect Master Yun."

"Patriarch Xiao."

Queen Medusa said hello selectively.

Xiao Zhan had a kind face, amiable, "Is this journey still hard?"

Queen Medusa: After all, she is a strong fighting sect!
"It's not hard." Considering the identity of the other party, Queen Medusa, who was extremely awkward in her heart, could only answer dryly.

"It's okay, as a father, I will definitely let Xiao Yanzi take responsibility."

Medusa's indifferent face turned red immediately, and she was quite at a loss.

God, what kind of scene is this?
She lost her body to Xiao Yan in the underground magma world, and she kept clamoring to kill Xiao Yan under the embarrassment. Did she succeed in killing her? Did she meet her parents directly?

"Need not."

"I am the queen of the snake-human clan, why should I marry someone else?"

Queen Medusa pretended to be calm and said forcefully.

The affairs between Xiao Yan and Xun'er are almost known to everyone.

One would not marry if she was not a gentleman, and the other would not marry if she was not a monarch. Why would she be in this muddy water?

Besides, she could see clearly that Xiao Yan's feelings for her were superficial interest at best, but because of the underground affairs, there were more fetters.

An accident made her the third party.

As cold and arrogant as she is, she doesn't bother to force her.

Xiao Zhan rubbed his old hands, blinked his eyes, and asked Sheng and Ge for help.

Shengge turned his head away, indicating that he would not participate.

On the contrary, Xiao Xuan said inscrutablely, "I inspected your aura and found that there seems to be a weak aura of life in your abdomen, and the possibility of pregnancy cannot be ruled out."

Xiao Zhan nodded again and again, "Senior is a strong fighter, but he won't shoot aimlessly."

Medusa's heart was turned upside down, and she didn't react for a long time.

As for the phrase "fighting saint is strong", it is even more deaf.

Queen Medusa subconsciously put her hand on her lower abdomen, murmuring aphasia, "Impossible."

She is the queen of the snake people, her physique is different from that of ordinary snake people, and she will not conceive easily.

"Is it necessary for this peak Nine-Star Fighting Saint to play tricks on you, a little Douzong?"

"This seat is also the pinnacle of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint." Emperor Huntian began to feel his presence.

Raising a baby by himself, or a baby with the same blood as Xiao Xuan, he hasn't tried it yet.

 Today, our Shengge has exceeded 200 million words.

  Stumbling, my update, my update, let everyone wait for four or five years.

  I am an irresponsible author and I accept criticism.

  Accompanying, the most common love.

  In four or five years, with 200 million words, we have witnessed the growth of Shengge together, from the father-like love of Dasheng.

  I hope that my words can accompany you for a longer time.

(End of this chapter)

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