Chapter 99

Jackal and female cat: I imagined a scene of being harmonized.The story that the father-in-law and his son-in-law had to tell...

Anchor: Upstairs really knows how to make up brains, it scares the baby to death.

Fan Jin looked at the string of copper plates in his palm and suddenly felt a burning sensation.

Did father-in-law use another way to humiliate him?

No more swearing at each other, no more punching and kicking, but killing people in such a gentle and gentle manner.

He didn't miss the fact that his father-in-law used two idioms in the sentence just now, both of which fit the context, and he couldn't find any mistakes.

Could it be that my father-in-law is really gifted, that he can have such earth-shaking changes by just flipping a few pages of the book?

How to do……

What if his father-in-law really passed the exam?
Han Chuang who has been studying hard for more than thirty years is not as good as an old pork seller on a whim. This is a joke no matter how you look at it.

He has taken the exam more than 20 times, and he really doesn't know if his road to the imperial examination will pass.

However, he can't hesitate, he must go all the way to the dark.

In high school, becoming an official master was already his obsession, and it was the only thing he wanted to do in his life.

Even though he knew that he had little hope of passing the exam, he couldn't back down.

He didn't know what else he could do besides taking imperial examinations again and again.

Fan Jin put away the copper coins tremblingly, and looked at Sheng Ge with a sense of complexity and urgency in his eyes.

No matter how bad it is, he can't lose to the old man who he has always looked down on and disdains the most.

Rude words, violent behavior, full of business spirit, doesn't he look down on this kind of person the most?

Even if he is well aware of the father-in-law's help.

"Just put it away, take the exam well, thank you for your book."

Butcher Hu's voice was rough, facing Fan Jin, the two seemed to have nothing in common.

One is the gust of yellow sand in the desert outside the Great Wall, and the other is the misty rain in the Jiangnan water town.

Butcher Hu and Fan Jin stand together, even if they don't say or do anything, it will still make people feel that Butcher Hu is bullying and Fan Jin is begging for perfection...

"Father, why did you take away your husband's books? These books are your lifeblood, you..."

Fan Hu, who didn't know that Sheng Ge had secretly made another note in his heart, spoke out of nowhere.

"Father-in-law is an elder, how can you be so impatient."

Fan Jin is a smart guy, he keeps stopping him.

Although his father-in-law, who used to be fierce and fierce, was frightened, he was disdainful in his heart.

If one day he can stand up and call the shots, he will definitely be ashamed.

Today's father-in-law is uncharacteristically, but he is more scared than before, like a person who can see the end at a glance, but when he meets again, he becomes unfathomable, and he is tied up.

Although he failed the exam for more than [-] years, it didn't mean that he was stupid and unsophisticated.

"My husband said so."

Facing Sheng Ge, who had a small mouth like a machine gun, Fan Hu instantly became docile after hearing Fan Jin's words.

Hehehe, butcher Hu really failed.

Anyway, Butcher Hu has raised this daughter for more than 30 years.

"Father is going to read books, practice calligraphy and take part in the imperial examination. Maybe he can become a master or a student of the emperor in the future."

Sheng Ge looked down at Fan Hushi, and said with a big grin.

This casual tone seems to be discussing what to eat, it can't be taken seriously.

Son of Heaven student?

Different from Fan Hu's ridicule, Fan Jin thought secretly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, my father-in-law also knew about the disciples of the Son of Heaven.

When he was young, he was also very ambitious, thinking that he would definitely have smooth sailing and official career, and he would be promoted as a disciple of the emperor.

However, decades of failures have worn away his self-confidence little by little.

Now he only thinks about being able to pass the college and township examinations and become a master of the family, so that he can shut the mouths of those who read jokes.

Difficult, difficult...

He is so depressed, but his father-in-law is so confident and relaxed, it's really like a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

"My lord?"

"Father, if you have the skills to read books, you might as well kill a few more pigs and train Fan Jin well."


Shengge really wants to curse, he really doesn't want to recognize this cheap daughter, can he sever the relationship.

obviously can't...

Without this cheap daughter, how can she be Fan Jin's father-in-law?

"My son-in-law told me that there is no end to learning. Obviously, your level and IQ cannot understand Fan Jin's words."

"Son-in-law, my daughter has caused you trouble."

Shengge stabbed back with an eye for an eye.

Don't think that I have to be obedient to you because I am your father, this girl is bullying and fears hard.

Hmph, obviously you're a softie now.

"What did my father-in-law say?"

Fan Jin never mentioned the bad things about Fan Hushi, but complimented Fan Hushi obliquely, until Fan Hushi's cheeks were flushed and his face was touched, and it was only a matter of Fan Jin's order to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire.

Hehehe, the original source is here.

Sheng Ge said that she had learned it.

"I go first."

Shengge looked at the sky, reckoning that the quilt and furniture deliverer was about to arrive, so there was no delay.

She didn't want to sleep on the corner of the table at night, she was too tired.

The matter of cheap daughter and cheap son-in-law can be done slowly, not in a hurry.

As for the imperial examination, her attitude is even more natural.

Whether it will work or not depends on God's will.

"Won't father-in-law stay for some food?"

"Father, why didn't you bring some pork when you came here this time?"

"It's hot, so it doesn't matter if you don't bring wine, how can you not bring some meat, the intestines can't be sold, so it's good to give it to my daughter."

Now, Shengge felt his hands were burning hot again.

There's always a whore coveting the baby's hand.

Do you want to inherit this baby's cute little hands?

It's just that it was Fan Hushi who was staring at Shengge's hands this time, while Fan Jin lowered his head, obviously not wanting to participate in this matter that was a bit cheap for him as a scholar.

This is Fan Jin's way.

No participation, no objection. If I give it, I will eat and spend it with peace of mind. Anyway, it is not what I want.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Hahaha, hahaha...

Lang Jiujiu: I finally understand what the anchor meant when he said that Fan Jin has a hand fetish. Let me just say, no matter how blind Fan Jin is, it is impossible for him to be like this.

A jackal and a female cat: The anchor once again pretended to be passionate, throwing flowers to celebrate...

At this time, Shengge also realized that he knew that he was thinking too much.

It's just why the glass bastards in her embarrassing live broadcast room are so happy.

Besides, haven't they been with her for decades?
Sure enough, one day is a glass scum, and a lifetime is a glass scum.


Hmph, your whole family is full of self-indulgence.

Shengge lowered his face and snorted coldly, "You forgot that Dad needs to read books, and if you want to eat pork, buy it yourself. Dad won't sell it anymore."

Poor daughter...

Shengge wouldn't be angry if he didn't have such a caring little padded jacket like Amao.

It's just the best experience, and the others are even less worth mentioning.


  I am also a person who has a manuscript...

  Sleepy, I have to sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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