When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 990 Yunshan who wants to save himself

Chapter 990 Yunshan who wants to save himself (37)


She thought that brother Xiao Yan had already severed his relationship with Queen Medusa, but she never thought that it was Medusa who left by herself.

Now that he's gone, why does it still affect Brother Xiao Yan's mind.

Is it just because of Queen Medusa's glamorous and arrogant temperament and the indescribable things that happened in the underground magma world?

She can too!
As long as brother Xiao Yan and her both break through to the level of fighting saints, she doesn't have to be bound by the blood of the gods of the ancient clan, and she will spend time with brother Xiao Yan like an ordinary daughter.

Xun'er's beautiful eyes were stained with mist, but she tried her best not to let the tears fall.

"Then let me help brother Xiao Yan find out a thing or two."

Qinglingling's voice was filled with faint crying, which made Xiao Yan's heart tremble.

Xiao Yan stretched out his hand, and subconsciously held Xun'er in his arms, soothing her with a gentle voice.

"Does Brother Xiao Yan never forget Sister Medusa?"

Xun'er, nestled in Xiao Yan's chest, choked up and spoke.

Xiao Yan was slightly embarrassed, "I just feel obligated to find out her whereabouts."

Is it just an obligation?
Xiao Yan himself didn't know.

With Queen Medusa, he can experience the sense of accomplishment of conquest.

This feeling will fascinate any man.

To be honest, he has also met many beautiful women over the years.

Whether it's Ya Fei from Mittel's auction house, or his ex-fiancee Nalan Yanran, or the little fairy doctor he and his teacher rescued together, even Yun Yun, the suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect.

He strongly felt that there should be a story between them, but in fact there was very little communication.

With the help of Yunshan, Yafei embarked on a practice practice. While controlling the Miter Auction House of the incomparably rich country, she practiced fighting qi down-to-earth.

Making money and cultivating are Ya Fei's favorite things.

And Nalan Yanran's practice has never been weaker than her, and it is unfathomable.After the little fairy doctor completely controlled the Enandu body, his cultivation was improving rapidly, and the sisterhood between the two remained the same.

And he, to Nalan Yanran, was just a young and frivolous ex-fiancé, and to the little fairy doctor, he was just a benefactor who gave a helping hand.

He and Yun Yun have never met each other, but when they meet by chance, there are always strange fluctuations in their hearts.

He didn't know why he had such a strange feeling.

Therefore, in these years, only Xun'er and Queen Medusa have really been involved with him.

Xun'er quietly listened to Xiao Yan's sudden heartbeat, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Forget it, instead of letting brother Xiao Yan miss what he wants every day, it is better to help brother Xiao Yan find Queen Medusa.

The short-lived joy of regaining will eventually dissipate.

Years of longing will only become more profound.

For men, what they can't get and what they get and lose are the most unforgettable.

The lesser of two evils, Xun'er made a decision in an instant.

My father said that brother Xiao Yan has the potential to break through the Dou Di, so it is not unacceptable to enjoy the blessings of equal people like this.

Thinking of this, Xun'er said, "Brother Xiao Yan, don't worry, Xun'er will definitely find the whereabouts of Sister Medusa."

Xiao Yan's heart softened, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Xun'er is the eldest lady of the ancient clan, but she has never been overbearing in front of him.Instead, he has always been the first in everything.

Such Xun'er, what a virtue he is.

Gu Yuan, who was hidden in the distance, heaved a sigh of relief, no matter what Xiao Xuan thought, Xiao Yan was the sure son-in-law of the Gu clan.

Could it be that Xiao Xuan still had the heart to embarrass Xiao Yan?
After observing for a while, Gu Yuan left satisfied.

After the coming-of-age ceremony, the Heavenly Tomb was opened, and Xiao Yan finally learned about his ancestor Xiao Xuan in detail.

"Soul Race!"

Xiao Yan's voice was cold, as if there was ice in his mouth.

First the father, then the ancestors, what exactly does the soul clan want to do?
After his cultivation base soared, he also wanted to seek revenge from the soul clan, but the teacher stopped him again and again.

Although he was puzzled, he was still obedient and did not act impulsively.

"Your father and Xiao Xuan are both in the Soul Clan now, so they are not allowed to go out." Gu Yuan sighed.

He didn't say confinement, just that he couldn't go out.

But, it's also true.

Ever since Xiao Xuan went to the soul clan, he has never been out of the soul world.

Rounding it up, he wasn't lying.

Sure enough, after Gu Yuan's voice fell, Xiao Yan's expression turned colder.

"Father, I wonder if you can use the power of the ancient clan to find out the whereabouts of Queen Medusa."

Xun'er's expression was indifferent, and she spoke in a gentle voice.

Gu Yuan was well prepared, so hearing this request was not considered abrupt, but he still pretended to be annoyed.

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Xiao Yan, do you want to abandon Xun'er and choose Medusa's snake man as your wife?"

The snake-human race, after all, can't stand on the stage.

Xiao Yan was startled and shook his head.

That sentence about the snake man made him feel a little unhappy.

"Uncle Gu, Queen Medusa will always be old."

Gu Yuan snorted coldly, "A few days ago, she just left the Soul Realm."

"It seems that I have been staying in the soul world for these years, and my cultivation base has greatly increased."

Xiao Yan: Why do the spirits always linger.

Teacher, father, ancestors, and even Queen Medusa, who had a romantic relationship with him, were all related to the soul clan.

Xiao Yan felt quite a headache, and always had an ominous premonition that his relationship with the Soul Clan was constantly being cut and messed up.

But no matter what, he could feel at ease with the whereabouts of Queen Medusa.

"Thank you, Uncle Gu, for letting me know."

Gu Yuan waved his hand, "After you break through to the Saint of Fighting, you will visit the Soul Clan. Please ask Xiao Xuan to propose marriage on your behalf."

"You and Xun'er have been in love for many years, don't waste any more."

Xiao Yan was overjoyed.

Xiao Xuan, who was far away from the soul clan, only felt his ears burning, as if someone was talking about him.

Holding the script of Sheng Ge and the information in his hand, Hun Tiandi said at the same time, "Xiao Yan has gone to the ancient clan."

"It looks like it won't be long before you have to marry Xiao Yan."

The opening of the Heavenly Tomb meant that Xiao Xuan's affairs could no longer be hidden from Xiao Yan.

Based on Gu Yuan's calculations, Xun'er's infatuation, and Xiao Yan's stubbornness towards Xun'er, the marriage is not far away.

Dou Sheng...

Xiao Yan was about to reach this step.

Xiao Xuan's face turned green, why can he still not get rid of the fate of being calculated by Gu Yuan despite the vicissitudes of life in a thousand years.

He has no brains, and his descendants are even more stupid.

"Wait, does that mean that there is not much time left for nothingness?"

Emperor Huntian realized it belatedly.

His relationship with nothingness is not so plastic.

Shengge was also silent, after all, it was a relationship that had played mahjong.

Having let himself go for a long time, the happy and wanton Emperor Huntian was depressed again.

Emperor Huntian was silent, Xiao Xuan was not happy, and Sheng Ge, the woman who held the script in her hand, had no choice but to bask in the sun.

The Misty Cloud Sect has already become a colossus, and it cannot be easily shaken.

To her, this world is more like breaking ten clubs with one force.

Wait, wait, the birth of the bodhi tree brought Xiao Yan the opportunity to advance to the Fighting Saint.

Thus, across a thousand years, Xiao Xuan and Xiao Yan met each other.

(End of this chapter)

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