Chapter 999 The Pretentious Witch ([-])

The teacher said that it was because the queen mother missed her father and king.

She hadn't seen what the father looked like, but everyone said it was the old king, the old king, which meant that the father was very old.

The teacher secretly told her that the king may no longer exist.

Then it should be no problem for her to find a new king for her mother, right?

Therefore, she has to practice swordsmanship, riding, astronomy, and geography hard, to help her mother kidnap a best king.

Seeing the changes in Snow White, Sheng Ge felt very relieved.

She wanted to see if the prince who wouldn't even let go of the corpse of a girl dared to be a man.

When Snow White was working hard to practice her sword, Sheng Ge appeared in the queen's palace by a ghost.

The queen disliked the magic mirror, but at the same time couldn't put it down.

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world."

The gorgeously dressed queen with exquisite makeup opened her mouth obsessively.

The tone of the magic mirror is official: "My queen, you are the most beautiful here. But Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you."

The queen simply expressed shock, "Are you sure you're not blind?"

I saw the queen pulling the skirt with one hand and holding the magic mirror in the other, and quickly left the palace, "Are you sure you are a thousand times more beautiful than me?"

Snow White, who is practicing swords, has a disheveled face and plain clothes, only her smiling face is particularly dazzling.

Mirror: ...

This was another surprise.

"Queen, this shows that the magic mirror is a liar."

Shengge appeared next to the queen with a whoosh, and spoke first.

The queen looked at Snow White, who was profusely sweating, then at the scribbled and hideous Sheng Ge, and finally at herself in the glasses, "This queen is so damn beautiful."

The magic mirror is blind, she knows it well.

Shengge clearly felt that the mysterious energy on the magic mirror seemed to be weakened instantly.

To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be the key. In Snow White's world, the key must be the queen.

"I'm not lying," cried the mirror.

"You are the ugliest person in the world."

This is what the magic mirror said with certainty.

The queen didn't take it seriously, she had already seen the ugliness of the Witch.

"Queen, aren't you jealous?" The magic mirror's voice became low and bewitched.


The queen's mouth twitched.

What is she jealous of?
Jealous of Snow White going further and further down the road of violent women?
Or are you jealous of the ugly face of the Witch?

She should be the one being envied.

Good-looking, but also have rights.

Seeing that the queen was unmoved, the magic mirror continued to exert all her strength, "Queen, don't you want to be the most beautiful woman in the world forever?"

In its setting, women are never satisfied with their appearance, always doubting and anxious.


The queen stuffed the magic mirror directly into the wide sleeve.

Anyway, today's Q&A task is over.

"My lord witch, Snow White is going to marry a prince."

"If things go on like this, which country's prince dares to marry Snow White?"

The queen always felt that one day the old king who had disappeared would show up, and she would be punished by Qiu Hou.

White and tender, soft and glutinous, Snow White, who always speaks softly, is now extremely tough.

From far away, Snow White shouted, "Queen, I don't want to marry a prince, I'm going to grab a young, brave, mighty and excellent king for you."

The queen wanted to reprimand subconsciously, but she felt that this idea was very good.

She is young and beautiful, so she can't be a widow, can she?

Thinking of this, the meaning of what he was about to say changed instantly, "Then practice your sword hard."

"Riding can't be left behind."

It seems that it is not difficult to choose between the old king and the young and strong boy who have never seen each other.

It's great to have such a caring daughter!
The queen writhed and swayed back to the palace, leaving only a somewhat dumbfounded Sheng Ge.

She was basically sure that the magic mirror could no longer completely fool the queen.

That stupid but really beautiful queen had a brain without warning.

Magic Mirror: He is also angry!
In the palace, the magic mirror that was placed on the shelf again exudes a faint fragrance, which makes people relax and blur their eyes.

"Queen, you should get rid of Snow White."

"In this way, you are the queen of this kingdom, and there will be countless princes, knights, and kings who are strong and vigorous, and will be impressed by your beauty."

The queen lost her mind for a moment, stood up abruptly and opened the window, "You magic mirror is so shameless, you actually used some nasty tricks!"

Mirror: ...

The queen picked up the book at hand and threw it directly at the mirror!
Almost lost my innocence!

"My lord witch, my lord witch!"

cried the queen hysterically.

Shengge shrinks to inches, seconds to.

"My lord witch, the magic mirror is enchanting me." The queen hurriedly hugged her thigh and began to complain without hesitation.

Sheng Ge: You don't have to hug her so tightly.

"The mirror told me to get rid of Snow White."

The daughter has to be filial to grab the best king for her, how can she avenge her kindness.

Sheng Ge looked at the magic mirror that was dizzy from anger, and said, "Who is the mirror that reveres life most in the world?"

The magic mirror squirmed for a while, and the dark golden frame turned into two hands, slapping the face.

I knew that the old witch's question had no good intentions.

The magic mirror felt that he was useless.

As soon as the ugly and earth-shattering old witch appeared, the queen who should have been anxious about her appearance became overwhelmed with confidence.

The four words of reverence for life made him even more restrained.

Can't be bewitched, can't be bewitched, can't be killed!

He gave up!

The little hand turned back into the frame again, and began to pretend to be dead without moving.

"This is the end?"

"This magic mirror is just so-so."

The queen smacked her lips and said in disgust.

Shengge was not so optimistic, she only knew that the magic mirror had come to an end, and it was someone else's turn to play.

"Queen, His Majesty the King is back."

The queen and Shengge looked at each other.

Especially the queen, her face drooped like a mourning concubine.

Shengge finally met the old king who was only known by name in Snow White's world.

Old, really old.

The eyebrows and beard are all white, the exposed skin is like dead bark, and the whole body exudes a kind of dying.

"I have a bad feeling..."

"I have that too……"

Shengge and the queen chatted in low voices.

"This king has arranged a marriage for Snow White, and he is a prince from a neighboring country."

"However, when I was hunting, I accidentally lost the token in the forest. So from today, Snow White will go to the forest to find the token."

"The first prince I met was Snow White's destined one."

Belated Snow White: !?(_;?
The previous sentence is still talking about tokens, but the latter sentence becomes the first prince is destiny!
Is this too childish?

"King, Snow White is still young..."

The queen was about to intercede, but the old king was pissed off...

Those who appeared were caught off guard, and those who died were without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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