My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 155 The curtain opens, no one should escape

Chapter 155 The curtain opens, no one should escape

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The editing room was in a mess.

Gu Tianle straightened up with a bruised nose and swollen face, and seven or eight young and Dangerous boys took turns entertaining him!The whole face was directly beaten into a pig's head.

The pig's head... Le snot and tears flowed sideways, and the rhubarb snot was thrown out five feet, sticking to the young and Dangerous boy next to him!
Then he was given a kidney shot, which turned into a roasted prawn!

Only then did the young and Dangerous boys on both sides let go, and he collapsed to the ground like noodles, the sound of howling in pain was choked in his throat, and he was in so much pain.

He really wanted to howl, but he was afraid that the other party would work harder...

A picture flashed in front of his eyes as if a scene had been played——

"Is there a show going on?"

He looked excited, eager to try, and approached flatteringly, "Brother Zu, can I play a role in it? I'm very interested in acting now..."

"Of course—" Director Wu nodded as a matter of course, and encouraged him earnestly, "You still have a very important role to play!"


At this time, Zhutou Le has a feeling of "resentment has no handle, and it is difficult to escape; hatred has no ring, and there is nowhere to drill".

Before falling to the ground, he looked around in a ghostly manner: there is indeed no camera!
It was only then that I doubled my eyes and completely fainted.Before he fainted, he insisted on maintaining the basic scheming of an actor, leaving the "audience" with a domineering attitude.


"Camera, reporter, young and Dangerous boy, copy grabber, actor..."

Su Liyao sat silently on the steps, thinking about the plan in his heart, pushing his black-rimmed glasses to himself, "I always feel like I've forgotten something..."

He forgot that actor Zhu Tou Le!Well, actually Director Wu also forgot.

"Smash me!"

Hongmao sat on the table and commanded a group of boys to smash up the editing room, "Find out the copy, and smash the rest!"

"Boss, I found the copy!" A boy came out holding the film box to claim credit.

"Damn, what are you waiting for?" Hongmao jumped off the table, waved and beckoned his subordinates to leave with a rebellious expression.

"Boss, how to deal with this rush?"

With a finger pointing, he pointed to Brother Zhutou Le who was facing the "audience".The red-haired young and Dangerous boy stared at Gu Tianle, who was fainted in a concave shape.


The red hair squatted down and pulled Brother Le's hair, then turned his head and taught the boy next to him, "What is loyalty? What is devotion to duty? You don't make a sound after beating up like this. Although you look sissy, but——" Man!" Thumbs up, with a look of admiration, and the prickly head behind him agrees!
Although the pretty pig in front of him couldn't help but yelled, he looked sissy and had a bit of a crazy attitude, but he was indeed a man!
Nowadays, if a big boss who comes out to hang out with the society doesn't teach the theory of "loyalty, reason, reason and faith" to the boys around him all the time, he will be ashamed to take the position.These days, betrayal bosses are too casual, people's hearts are not old, and society is impetuous.In addition to fighting for brains and money, the bosses also fight for cultural heritage.

A group of young and Dangerous boys left in a mighty manner. In the editing room, Gu Tianle leaned on a chair and sat opposite the door.

Supporting a golf club with both hands, with his head drooping, a piece of A4 white paper was pasted on the club, with two rows of eight large characters twisted on it——

"Loyalty and righteousness are both perfect, and the bones are strong."


Sky View Building, in front of the gate.

The red-haired young and Dangerous boy led Ma Zai out of the building.

"Boss, where should we send this copy of "Young and Dangerous"?" A boy asked suspiciously, "Should I find a place to hide it..."

Waiting for the green light, the birthmark Young and Dangerous Boys who hurried over gave a pause.

The man with the dark red birthmark turned his head, stared at the red-haired young and Dangerous boy, stretched out his hand, and pointed to the copy, "Is this a copy of "Young and Dangerous"?" He said, looking at the "mark" marked on the copy disk , nodded, making sure he read it right.

"Which one are you?" The red-haired young and Dangerous boy squinted, "My friend, save face and give me an excuse—"


Young and Dangerous, with a dark red birthmark, rubbed his face, spat out the toothpick for picking his teeth, and nuzzled at the copy disk, "This is the copy of "Young and Dangerous" that was snatched from the editing room upstairs? Please give it to me..."

The red-haired young and Dangerous boy stared coldly at the birthmark young and Dangerous boy with his tongue in his mouth and against his cheeks. When he stretched out his hand, the younger brother next to him handed over a watermelon knife and pointed at the other person's nose, "Your brother followed the wrong person, you Is this kind of flamboyance worthy of the kind of tough and loyal younger brother to follow? If you don’t want to die, get out—”

On the rooftop, Qiu Litao and Su Liyao stared at the opposing sides downstairs with astonishment. This situation was beyond the plan.

"But it doesn't hinder our plan!"

Su Liyao continued to push the glasses frame, "Continue according to the original plan!" The others nodded and continued to shoot.

In today's scene, there is no problem with adding a group of actors!

Inside the black Mercedes on the left, Xiang Sheng paused with his fingers and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Which episode of "The Case of Guillotine Beauty" is this?"

"Sorry boss, I don't listen to Peking Opera." The bodyguard held back for a long time and shook his head.

"It's interesting." Xiang Shisan suddenly smiled, "Let's start according to the previous agreement..."

The bodyguard nodded, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, rang three times, and hung up immediately.

Inside the silver-white Mercedes-Benz on the right, Deng Guangrong looked puzzled.

"What's the situation?"

Siyanzi was also stunned, not understanding what the red hair in the distance was doing.Now that the copy has been snatched, why stand in front of the door and confront a group of young and Dangerous boys.

Their plan is to snatch a copy of "Young and Dangerous"!

Directly cut off Wu Xiaozu's retreat!

Young and Dangerous boys are most comfortable with this kind of dirty tricks.When Deng Guangrong thought of this trick at the beginning, he could imagine Wu Xiaozu's mournful face afterwards.

Suddenly, a row of cars passed by in the distance, more than a dozen red chickens were driving, and more than a dozen paparazzi with cameras arrived.

At this time, Wu Xiaozu and Lin Qingxia slowly turned around from the corner of the street.

"Is the paparazzi behind you still following?" Lin Qingxia looked at the little man next to her with a half-smile, "Would you like to take a walk downstairs of the Clock Hotel? That might be more effective..."

"A woman's reputation is too great." Wu Xiaozu stared at Lin Qingxia sincerely, "I don't want to use you now. I will ask the paparazzi behind me to hand over the film..."

Lin Qingxia pursed her lips and glanced at Wu Xiaozu strangely, "How did you catch up with that long-legged girlfriend of yours? If I really cared, do you think I would come with you?" She said, ignoring Wu Xiaozu, standing up with a smile Mantou walked forward.

What a plump peach buttocks!

Director Wu sighed: Woman, just treat me as the last time I use...use you.He glanced upstairs without any trace, and then glanced at the black Mercedes not far away.To his surprise, there was an extra silver Mercedes.

"5438?" The license plate number looked familiar.

Wu Xiaozu smiled slightly, took a step, and opened the prelude to this big drama.No matter how many people miss this scene, as long as it gets on, Wu Xiaozu will make him take off a layer of skin.

Since you are a hyena, you must have the consciousness of being a hyena.

He is not as powerful as a lion, nor as ferocious as a tiger, nor is he as powerful as a pack of wolves.

All he can do is use everything to feed himself!

No one can escape today's scene! !

The young and Dangerous boy with the dark red birthmark was confronting the young and Dangerous boy with the red hair. Suddenly, he saw Wu Xiaozu and Lin Qingxia walking over with sharp eyes. He directly ignored the red hair's provocation and gave his subordinates a wink.

As soon as a dozen paparazzi got out of the car, they saw Wu Xiaozu and Lin Qingxia strolling over, and suddenly——

"Lin Qingxia, you stinky bitch! My boss invites you to play and you don't want to play, but you're doing it right next to you!
Today I will snatch a copy of this hit the street!Let you lose everything! "


As soon as the flashing light rang, everyone on the scene froze.The paparazzi watched fourteen or fifteen young and Dangerous boys yelling at Lin Qingxia, and then seven or eight young and Dangerous boys rushed over.

The knife in the hand of the red-haired young and Dangerous boy stopped in mid-air, and he looked dumbfounded at the "comrades" who rushed towards a man and a woman walking not far away with the knife, feeling very confused.


Lin Qingxia looked at the seven or eight young and Dangerous boys rushing towards her, her face paled and she jumped in fright!
It's too late, it's soon—

(End of this chapter)

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