My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 168 Cooking Oil on Fire, First Day Record

Chapter 168 Cooking Oil on Fire, First Day Record (Subscribe)
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The next day, January 1, Causeway Bay, Debao Cinemas.

"Five tickets to "Young and Dangerous"!"

"Two copies of "Young and Dangerous"!!"

"Let's let one let, let one let!"

"Hold your lungs, don't squeeze—"

In front of the window, countless boys and girls waved banknotes, and the crowd was crowded like a tide.

There was a lot of people in front of the theater, winding like a dragon, and the students waited in front of the theater ticket window one by one excitedly.

The swarming scene made the commuters on the street and the passengers on the bus look sideways and were surprised.

The Lunar New Year file is very popular, but such an explosive film event is rare.

The last time it caused such a spectacular battle was when "Brothers Dragon and Tiger Brothers" was first released.Cheng Long's influence at this point in time was unimaginable and unbelievable for later generations.As another action superstar in the Chinese film industry after Bruce Lee, his momentum is unrivaled.

In the mainland market of later generations, nine out of ten domestic youths are bad, but why are they still working tirelessly?Naturally, it is because young people's money is easier to cheat!
"Young and Dangerous" is a 80s youthful and enthusiastic movie!
The student party has finally waited for a movie that does not advertise "youth" but is full of passion and belongs to itself. One can imagine how turbulent this trend is.

Older citizens watch movies, but they will choose to watch movies rationally.Under normal circumstances, you will not choose to queue persistently.

But young people are different, they are crazy enough and passionate enough.

A little bit of hunger marketing means, and immediately let this group of young people forget to eat and sleep to take the initiative to wait in a long queue.

That's what made it so hot.

On the street, an 82 dark red Honda Civic.

"Boss Mai, you asked me to come here just for morning tea, right?"

Li Ying looked at Mecca beside him with a cigar in his mouth, followed his gaze to the long queue of people, and sighed, "This "Young and Dangerous" has been hotly discussed a while ago, I didn't expect it to be such a hit at the box office. .”

"That's why I always say that we must give more opportunities to young people. Now the industry is changing with each passing day, and the changes are too fast. These young people understand the interests of the audience better."

Mecca waved his hand, motioning for the other party to drive, and said to his old friend Li Ying, "Now you understand why I asked Wu Xiaozu to start a new play? This young man is a rare talent.

If you want to make a lot of money, you must have a constant flow of fresh blood, and New Art City lacks fresh blood now.The introduction of these fresh blood can make a comeback. "Looking at the fiery theater, Mecca became more convinced of his own wisdom.


"Young and Dangerous" set off a big craze among young people, and all the theaters under Debao were sold out.Several important theaters in Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Central have long queues, which are very eye-catching.

Faced with this situation, Debao changed the procrastination before, and after the high-level decision, he immediately increased the filming ratio of "Young and Dangerous", adding temporary seats and other countermeasures to make money at the box office.

Even though Cen Jianxun, a writer who is surrounded by movies, doesn't like Wu Xiaozu and "Young and Dangerous".But he will not refuse money.After discussing with Zhang Jiazhen and Xian Qiran, they increased their support for the promotion of "Young and Dangerous".

Under the premise of a big hit at the box office, Debao will naturally not be stingy with resources.They themselves include the interests of distribution and theaters.Why not pay a little price and expand the benefits?
The previous brewing of "Young and Dangerous" is like a flood at this moment, and it bursts out instantly.

Facing the situation where blockbuster movies gather during the Spring Festival, cutting the mess quickly is undoubtedly the best way. "Young and Dangerous" uses a seemingly "destroying" method to kill a bloody path for itself before other people can react.

There is a saying in the rivers and lakes: "Beat the old master to death with random punches!"
"Young and Dangerous" learned this trick, and it came up with a big punch, hitting the three major film companies directly.

Regardless of whether it has sustained lethality or not, the power must have been played out!
Even Xiang Sheng and Wu Xiaozu didn't expect the effect to be so good.This saved the original support team a lot.


Dragon City Ice Room.

The third-floor office, living room, and gun room... "Corrects everywhere."

Black and white hairy legs were tangled together on the sofa, and everyone stared resentfully at Second Young Master Jiang who was in a trance not far away, with a dark complexion.


Wu Xiaozu was wearing pajamas, leaning on a chair, with coffee on the desk, looking at Jiang Ershao who looked like an eggplant, and asked with interest, "Tell me, heroes."

"This issue……"

Jiang Ershao cleared his throat, pulled up "Xinbao", Gu Zuoyan said, ""The Rivers and Lakes of Youth——When I was young: hot-blooded young and Dangerous!", this article is really good! Retouching fee It's not in vain..."

"Yeah yeah!"

Gu Tianle with slender legs straightened up suddenly, holding a piece of "Sheng Bao" in his hand, and read aloud in a high-pitched voice, "The first climax of the movie is the moment when the nest skin falls into a pool of blood.

The performance of Chen Haonan and Baopi watching Chaopi die is unforgettable, and the ever-increasing camera instantly heightens the tone of the whole movie...Mother Thurley, click on my introduction...It turned out to be some introduction..."

The child suddenly entered a period of voice change overnight, drinking several bowls of sugar water early in the morning did not help, the voice was so shrill and childish, it was extremely unpleasant.

The huge, rounded, fattened, big, big, and flowery trousers suddenly straightened up.Fat radish slapped Gu Tianle's buttocks with oily-headed noodles, "Who's on the street? You fat man, I'm an acting skill!"

Shaking the "Sing Tao Daily" in his hands, he read aloud proudly, ""Young and Dangerous" is a young man's incomplete and passionate dream. This is a piece of young people's love and hatred. Performances by Chen Haonan, Pheasant, Foreskin and others It's all infectious..."

While thinking about it, he found that Wu Xiaozu was holding a coffee cup, staring at him like a torch, and instantly wilted.

"In the middle of the night, I didn't have time to brush my teeth, so I went to the police station to pick you up. Believe it or not, the newspapers will be full of news that the crew of "Young and Dangerous" will be arrested for prostitution and the producer will be released on bail!"

Wu Xiaozu teased angrily, "How about it, is it good to be caught naked?"

Liu Qingyun, Wu Zhenyu, Liu Weijun, and Qiu Litao bowed their heads guiltyly, both ashamed and embarrassed.

We agreed to have fun together, who knew that the brothers would spend the whole night in the mission hall!When I think of a group of people wearing floral trousers and being led into the car one by one by the police, I can't be ashamed!
On the other side, Luo Dong and Liang Jiahui were drinking coffee lightly.

"Azu, this time was really an accident. No one knew that the Fenglou was so unreliable, and the police didn't even know it. Just as we were about to raise our guns and mount our horses, we were arrested."

Jiang Zhiqiang shook his head with a look of displeasure, and changed the subject, "Don't worry, I have already dealt with this matter, and there will be absolutely no future troubles."

"future trouble?"

Wu Xiaozu was not struggling, and pointed to Gu Tianle, "If you dare to pick up girls in the future, I will break your legs. Focus on your studies."


Gu Zai shrank his neck obediently.After this battle, Gu Tianle also made some subtle changes to Gou Nu.

"Po... Po Po Po! Po Po -"

Su Liyao ran upstairs with a thump, holding his eldest brother in his arms.

The first-day + midnight box office of "Young and Dangerous" broke the previous box office record of 310 million set by "Dragon Brothers and Tiger Brothers".

The box office score of one day and one night reached an astonishing 311 million!
"Young and Dangerous" won the box office championship on the first day since the opening of Hong Kong Island with a box office score of 1.

For this data, the staff of Debao Cinemas and Antai have been tracking by phone all the time.



Xiang Sheng sat on the sofa in a nightgown, and put the "New Evening News" on the table in his hand. "Young and Dangerous Boys are a box office hit!" 311 million broke the box office record on the first day! "The headline is dazzling.

As one of the few evening newspapers in Hong Kong Island, the news timeliness of "New Evening News" may not be as timely as other newspapers at certain times, but it also has its own advantages.

"Xiang Sheng, 311 million!" Ah Hu reminded with a red face, "It really broke the record!"

"Young and Dangerous" broke the box office record on the first day, such news is deafening enough.This is also Wu Xiaozu's first film to break the record in the Hong Kong Island film circle.

However, when more people saw the box office figure of 311 million, they all felt like they were dying.

Some time ago, "Brothers of Dragons and Tigers" just hit the box office record on the first day with 310 million yuan. In a blink of an eye, the buttocks were not warm yet, and they were blown up. How can the word sour and refreshing be able to describe this feeling clearly?
What is even more staggering is not that "Young and Dangerous" broke the record, but that "Young and Dangerous" broke the record with 311 million box office.

This number is simply a slap in the face!

No one cares about the box office on the first day. Many people are most concerned about the reactions of Jiahe and Cheng Long.

The record breaking of "Young and Dangerous" has attracted much attention, but there is absolutely no such "face-slapping" drama that is more gimmick.

No more, no less, only 1 more box office than "Dragon Brothers and Tiger Brothers", no one would believe it.Xiang Sheng himself was in a trance.


Xiang Shisan frowned and wiped his mouth with a square towel.In order to be a hit, he and Wu Xiaozu really wanted to "steal the box office".

But the popularity of "Young and Dangerous" exceeded their imagination, so they didn't use their backhands.

In other words, this box office result is genuine!
"Help me prepare the car," Xiang Sheng stood up in his nightgown, and said to the bodyguard, "Call Azu and tell him, I will ask him to go to Fuji Restaurant for supper."

"Okay, Xiang Sheng. Would you like me to arrange champagne?" Ah Hu just hung up his smile, when he saw Xiang Shisan suddenly looked at him with gloomy eyes and a cold expression. He bowed his head and dared not speak much.


Xiang Sheng took off his gold-rimmed glasses, and said in a long and cold voice, "Bring me a can of tea. This is more refreshing!"

"Yes, Xiang Sheng." Ah Hu hurriedly backed down with his head down.

He has been with Xiang Shisan for many years, and he knows his boss's temperament very well.Although he is still restrained in front of him, anger is definitely ignited in his heart.He hasn't seen Xiang Sheng angry for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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