My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 27 Businessman

Chapter 27
PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket!
Walking into the nightclub, the colorful light balls are spinning, the music is everywhere, and the voices are full of people.The emcee on the stage was introducing the program, and the scene was very lively.

"Jiang Shao, please--"

As soon as Jiang Zhiqiang came in, a familiar foreman came to greet him.A heavily made-up milf's mom hugged his arm with a bright smile and waved-calling.

"Oh, Young Master Jiang, do you want me to send my daughters over to show you?"

"Any newcomers?"

Jiang Zhiqiang leaned on the leather sofa in the booth, took out two cigars from the inner lining, and threw one to Wu Xiaozu, "How, what kind of girl do you like, here you can find golden cats, Thai girls, and young ladies at home. , if you want to play black girls, it will satisfy you."

"Is this boss good-natured?"

The eyes of these motherfuckers are poisonous.Whether you are a big water hose or a chick, whether you are a ruthless horn or a face melon, I glanced over and saw you clearly from the outside to the inside.You can wear any panties.

"It's my first time here." Wu Xiaozu said with a light smile.

"Today, the boss treats guests, you have to pick good goods to entertain." Jiang Zhiqiang ordered Wu Xiaozu with a cigar in his hand, with a proud look on his face.

"One bottle of XO, one fruit plate. Let the two princesses come over later." Wu Xiaozu skillfully dismissed Mama Sang away.

"A taxi is worth it?"

Jiang Zhiqiang asked curiously, "I'm more skilled at ordering than me. Is it true or false?"

Wu Xiaozu tore off the cigarette label on the cigar jacket, took the cigar cutter and trimmed it, and then lit the cigar. His movements were more dashing than Jiang Zhiqiang.


Wu Xiaozu took a mouthful of smoke and sipped the cigar in his mouth, then spit it out, maintaining a certain slow frequency.

"It's because taxis are hard to get, so I went to film. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a chance tonight to sit here smoking cigars and drinking wine with Ershao Jiang."

The waiter bowed slightly and placed the XO wine on the table in front of the two of them, and filled them up respectfully.Then back off happily.

"What you said makes sense. No wonder the Lei family came to the movie to drink water."

Jiang Zhiqiang grinned and looked at the foreign wine on the table, "Climb up to me to talk about business, you are less conspicuous than the waiter just now, you don't even ask the guest if he wants to pour the wine and you make your own decisions. You deserve to be a bartender all your life."

"Ha ha……"

Wu Xiaozu moved his gaze to the wine glass, smiled at the corner of his mouth, lifted the wine glass, raised his head to drink it, and then picked up the glass in front of Jiang Zhiqiang, nodded slightly, and poured it down.

"Young Master Jiang, you said that he is not eye-catching. Wouldn't it be better if he didn't? Empty cup, pour it as you like."

Wu Xiaozu pointed at the bottle of XO with a blushing face and a heartbeat, "I think it doesn't matter who pours the wine, it doesn't matter how much you pour. The problem is that you don't like this glass of wine."

Wu Xiaozu raised his head and stared at Jiang Zhiqiang, "Young Master Jiang, do you like it?"

"Zhong doesn't like to know if he has drunk it, how would I know if I didn't drink it?" Jiang Zhiqiang took the wine bottle, filled two glasses of wine, smiled at Wu Xiaozu, and drank the two glasses of wine neatly.After drinking, he grinned, "I never like to take advantage of others."

"No wonder everyone in the outside world praises Jiang Er Shao as a big fishing family. The reputation is well-deserved!" Wu Xiaozu praised with a thumbs up.

Music, drinking, laughter, moaning, roaring.Sheng Sheng in the ear.

Exciting things, public affairs, troublesome things, difficult things, difficult things.The world is impermanent.

The whole nightclub is a bizarre little society, where everything and everyone has it.There are three colors of black, white and gray, and all three of yellow, gambling, and poison are available.

This is the nightclub on Hong Kong Island, where dragons and snakes are mixed.

"To be honest, why did you climb up on me?" Jiang Zhiqiang looked at Wu Xiaozu seriously, "Even if you are desperate, you can go to my eldest brother. He speaks louder than me in Antai."

"A loud voice doesn't mean what you said is right." Wu Xiaozu emphasized, "Compared with Jiang Dashao, I still prefer to deal with you, Jiang Ershao.

Besides, with Jiang Dashao's style, he wouldn't necessarily give me the opportunity to drink and smoke cigars with him.He prefers to do things with absolute certainty.But in the film industry, I don't think there is such a thing.

It's Jiang Shaoyou.You made a desperate bet three years ago on Hollywood cartoons.All lose face.But three years later, you still dare to bet on a cartoon.I think there are very few filmmakers in Hong Kong who have such confidence in themselves. "

"Haha... Your ability to flatter your ass is much worse than your driving." Jiang Zhiqiang laughed, "But I'm willing to listen to what you said. You're right about one thing. Every time a movie is released, it's a bet. Bet is right, You win. Bet wrong and you lose. How fair?"

"very fair!"

Wu Xiaozu, with deep meaning in his eyes, looked directly at Jiang Zhiqiang, "I don't know if Jiang Shao, do you want to sit in the village this time or be idle?"

Zhuangzhuang or leisure?Sitting in the village is naturally supporting Wu Xiaozu.Take it easy, watch from the sidelines.

Jiang Zhiqiang raised his chin, pursed his lips and looked smug.

"You just asked me if Zhong would like this bottle of wine?"

Jiang Zhiqiang played with the wine glass, and said meaningfully, "Actually, it doesn't matter if I like it or not. As long as this wine can satisfy me, it is a good wine if it can be intoxicated. Are you still asking me whether I am sitting on the farm or not?"

Wu Xiaozu smiled and shook his head.

The rich kid in front of him with a playful style is actually the same as himself in his bones.Both are pragmatists.Whoever pours a bottle of wine and how much is poured is a trivial matter.Like it or not is just a personal sense.It's not these things that really decide whether you want to drink this glass of wine or not.

Business people only care about the pros and cons.It was never their standard of reference to like this kind of thing.

This is a winner who won't see the rabbit but not the eagle.It's hard to get the so-called promise out of his mouth.

After a while, several princesses who accompanied the wine were led by Mummy and walked over with their butts twisted.

"Boss, which daughter do you like, I will let her accompany you today."

"Which one do you prefer?"

Jiang Zhiqiang patted Wu Xiaozu's arm and talked about it, "The one on the left, Xiaojiabiyu! The one on the right is very coquettish. You might as well choose the purer one in the middle, but that young woman is also good...Which one do you choose?"

Wu Xiaozu pointed at the girl in the middle, "I choose the one with the bigger breasts."

"Damn it! Introduce me for a long time, you grab my food." Jiang Zhiqiang couldn't help rolling his eyes, and casually beckoned a girl with the second largest breast to accompany him.

Cups staggered, laughing and laughing.Don't have a flair in your hands.


"Hahaha..." Jiang Zhiqiang couldn't stop laughing. "Hope your movies don't disappoint like today's showgirls!"

"Well, Jiang Shao, you can try it tomorrow." Wu Xiaozu watched Jiang Zhiqiang leave in the car, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, your car is here." Fei Zaile shook the car key and said.

"Thank you."

Wu Xiaozu nodded, his eyes suddenly paused on the face of the parking boy, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he took out a piece of 100 Hong Kong dollars as a tip.

"Thank you boss." Fei Zai Le happily took the banknotes and was very excited.

Who said no tipping for a red chicken?

People are still 100 yuan a shot!I don't know how much stronger than the one who drove the Ferrari just now.That young master Xu has a big name, but he is an iron rooster.Every time I send everyone 10 yuan, how can this taxi boss be so bold.

"If you have the opportunity to change careers and become an actor, there is no future as a parking boy." Wu Xiaozu smiled at the parking boy in front of him.

Without waiting for the other party to react, he rushed out with a kick of the accelerator, and by the time this young and dangerous boy reacted, the taxi had long since disappeared.

"Choose! Neurosis!"

Fei Zaile was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but pouted and raised his middle finger!

To be a star?Be an actor?Fei Zaile murmured in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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