My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 324 Happy editing, huge debt

Chapter 324 Happy editing, huge debt
PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket! !
"Chamber of Fear" will be released, and it will take more than a month to distribute the spoils.

This movie was a big hit on Hong Kong Island, and instantly made many local filmmakers see business opportunities.It is expected that many independent film companies will follow suit and shoot horror movies to test the water.

This horror film was also favored by many small film producers from other places, and the fax of the film purchase contract appeared on the company's desk like snowflakes.

Xiang Sheng, the producer who came to the front desk to attract bees and butterflies, was frequently interviewed by the media, trying to create a new character design.

In a word.

In the entertainment industry, the image of all the popular stars is the image after the whitewashing of the spotlight and the pen.Remember the lip shape: everyone!

A certain Reba of the later generations is a foodie who overeats and loses weight!A certain veteran cadre's abstinence department... Walking into this Vanity Fair, everyone is either an actor or a singer, so they either speak well or sing well.

Xiang Sheng really vindicated himself with "Cell of Fear".

He was also very active in wanting to promote the release of the film in foreign markets, but Jiang Zhiqiang interrupted his thoughts. After "Double Heroes" is released in other places, the benefits will undoubtedly be maximized by taking advantage of the gimmick of the Iron Triangle of Zhou Runfa, Liang Jiahui and Wu Xiaozu.

"The True Colors of Heroes" broke local box office records one after another in Southeast Asia last year.And "Double Heroes", which broke the box office record since the opening of Hong Kong Island, is naturally given great expectations.

In the Wanwan market, Cai Songlin’s Scholars Film Company and theaters operate, and in Southeast Asia, there are Antai and other film companies to lay the groundwork for publicity.Presumably these two movies can bring greater profits to Wu Xiaozu.


Monday, October 10.

The editing room next to the 1024 Locomotive (Sha Tin) studio is full of laughter.

The post-editing work progress of "Suspect" is beyond Wu Xiaozu's expectation.

This film was in the hands of Kuang Zhiyu and Chen Zhiwei, the two best editors of the Hong Kong Film Awards, and a well-sorted rough cut material was quickly edited.At this rate, the show may be released in November at an optional date.

Kuang Zhiyu and Chen Zhiwei themselves participated in the preliminary preparation, production and story discussion of "The Suspect". During the film editing process, they also kept communicating with director Wu Xiaozu to understand the editing intention, discuss the expected imaging effect, preset colors and film aspect ratio.

During the filming process, there will be a scene record before each shot.The main reason is for the convenience of editing.

Because the editor needs to organize, classify and rename the material according to the serial number of the scene record, so as to ensure that it can be understood when editing.

Then, it is necessary to proofread the audio and picture transcoded into the editing station. This work is not difficult, and it is all about being careful.But the workload was very heavy in the film era.In fact, in the era of editing software in later generations, this is also a work that requires patience.

Rough cutting is mainly to combine the materials with a high degree of shooting completion in order according to the rules of the shot script, script and shooting director's handbook, so that the prototype of the film can be displayed.

"The margin of the picture here is too bright. The director's handbook recorded in the scene record should have my lens comments at that time, and my intentions are all recorded there. And the length of time is a bit too long. It needs to be processed according to the number of frames."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and encouraged him: "Have you read "Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness" by Yoji Yamada? You clearly know that he is 'replacing people with things', but you still look forward to the appearance of the yellow handkerchief in the end. People and feelings pass through objects." to show it. This wild flower is a metaphor for replacing people with things. And "The Call of the Far Mountain", his post-processing is very simple, but very... er... How should I put it, very sincere!"

Wu Xiaozu organized his language, "Throw away those gorgeous editing methods, and simply tell the story. The camera editing doesn't need to be sharp, just smooth, calm, and natural. This drama doesn't need to show off skills."

Kuang Zhiyu, Chen Zhiwei, Wang Jiawei, Qiu Litao, Ye Weixin, and Luo Lichen, the little chrysanthemum class children's shoes, all took notebooks and took notes.

The post-editing work is originally the steps of editing-discussion feedback-re-editing-re-discussion-re-editing-feedback.

The director has to explain his own understanding of the film, and at the same time, the editor will also build it according to the script and materials.There is definitely a difference between reality and ideas, and the work of editing needs to constantly help the director to balance and improve the relationship between the two.

After the rough cut, the director and editor determine the direction, pace, and tone of the film.

"Director Wu, will the audience be dissatisfied with the tragic ending of this drama?" Wang Jiawei asked while holding his notebook.

"The happy ending of the movie must be more attractive, but the shocking ending can also satisfy the audience. Generally speaking, the ending of the movie "Suspect" is not a tragedy, but it is a moving G-spot that allows the audience to resonate .”

Wu Xiaozu explained in a good mood, "In the process of script creation and film shooting, the first consideration is not a happy reunion or comedy or tragedy. Your movie needs to reach a certain degree of resonance with the audience. Even if it is a shit movie, as long as it can hit directly The laughter in the hearts of the audience may not be a kind of success.

For example, "Cell of Fear", do you think it has a tragic ending or a happy ending?First, the themes of the movies are different.Second, the atmosphere of the movie is different.You just have to find common expectations that you and your audience share.

For example, in comedy, the most feared thing is the kind of forced tickling that makes the audience laugh. In fact, even if it is a reunion, it will not attract the audience.Aren't you going to be the assistant director of Ah Cheng's "Fang Yi Ai" in a few days?You can try it out. "

Fei Cheng designated that movie as "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty 1 Yan Tan's Last Love: The Last Love of the King's House with a Green Hat".The assistant directors are Wang Jiawei and Ye Weixin.

For that film, Li Hanxiang was the art consultant and Wang Jiawei was the assistant director.Don't tell me, Wu Xiaozu is looking forward to the completion of the movie.Actually think about it, Wang Jiawei's flirtatious character, his movies are a little bit more explicit, which is definitely suitable for Xiao Huangwen's visual sense.

In a busy studio, the editing room has set the direction of editing, and the editing team needs to make fixed cuts.At the same time, according to the time code left by the editor, effects such as sound mixing, soundtrack, color correction, and special effects are also completed at this stage.

After the communication here, Wu Xiaozu smiled and went to the side to watch Pan Hengsheng take some promotional photos for Zhang Guoying.

At the moment, there is no concept of promotional videos on Hong Kong Island, let alone a team dedicated to editing promotional videos.

Unlike later generations, many bad movies will ask the top team to edit a cool movie promotional video in order to make money, and you will find out when you enter the cinema-the essence is all in the promotional video.

In order to cater to the publicity strategy and attract the audience's attention, the title of "The Suspect" was also officially determined by Wu Xiaozu as "Only One Suspect".


Wu Xiaozu smiled and looked at his brother who was posing for a photo, "Your mental outlook seems to have improved a lot?"

"If I'm allowed to pose less, I'll recover better..." Zhang Guoyi helplessly held up the script and smiled back.

In order to better grasp the publicity points.

Zhang Guoying needs to cooperate to take some photos during his promotional period.

For example:

Stay up all night studying scripts!

Crazy fitness and weight loss for filming!

Filming loses the bottle!
Zhang Guoyi thought it was a promotional photo taken by Wu Xiaozu, but he didn't know it was a "promotional photo".

There is no need to let Virgo Zhang Guoyi know about this kind of thing.

With Zhang Guoying's current popularity in Hong Kong Island, when he wanted to come to the movie promotion, he suddenly released such private "proofs" one after another, it would definitely make many fans feel distressed to tears, right?

Let movie fans cry and make money back by the way, why not do it?Whoever earns is not earning!
What is dedication?

What is acting?

What is giving?

6 points for acting and 4 points for publicity.

If the publicity goes well, Wu Xiaozu can at least give Zhang Guoying a taste of the film king.

News came from He Chaoqiong that Mrs. Chen intends to cooperate to establish an entertainment company.If this is the case, it is also in Wu Xiaozu's interest to help Zhang Guoying win the actor in advance.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaozu smiled and ignored Zhang Guoying's complaints.


Just as Wu Xiaozu was smiling and watching Zhang Guoying make up the shots, Ye Weixin was sweating profusely and ran towards Wu Xiaozu with his mobile phone.

After receiving the call, Wu Xiaozu's face changed drastically.


Universal Building.

The atmosphere was smoky and oppressive.

A trader in charge of Xingwang Investment Bank looked at the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding on to the window frame, and staring at the Exchange Square not far away.

He quickly winked at the assistant.

Several people faintly moved closer to Wu Xiaozu's side, ready to rush to save people at any time.

This is the 20th floor.

Don't dare to take chances.

The other party is still a living life.

The wind was blowing on the face with dry heat, and the feeling of sweltering heat and humidity made it difficult to breathe.

Wu Xiaozu stood silently by the window, looking at the Exchange Square!

He got the call in the studio.

Before the Hong Kong Island stock market crashed, the violent rise of the K-line instantly wiped out 1500 million Hong Kong dollars.

1500 million is gone!
Go to Nima's stock market dream!

Wu Xiaozu laughed at himself, now he really wants to know how those reborn bigwigs who bet on the stock market with money play the stock market? With 30 times leverage, a few percent increase in the K line made him explode.

"Mr. Wu, do you need to close the position urgently? If it is later..."

The person in charge held the phone and paused for a moment. Seeing Wu Xiaozu turned his head indifferently, he spread his hands, "The exchange is closed, you can delay it for another day. If there is no funds remitted later, then you may be out of the game...Of course, no A sudden sharp drop tomorrow is ruled out...but the chances are slim.”

"is it?"

Wu Xiaozu smiled, half-closed his eyes, and turned his head to look at the blossoming Exchange Square, "Three days, 1500 million?"

"You have a leverage of 4 times. Excluding the margin, you have leveraged about 2000 million. A few percent increase will make it directly liquidate. If you need to continue, you need to invest at least [-] million Hong Kong dollars in margin to guarantee it. I won't be forced to close the position..." The person in charge carefully looked at Wu Xiaozu standing in front of the window, cursing inwardly.

If Wu Xiaozu hadn't stood in front of his office window, he would have shouted out "I don't have money to play with your MB!".

The stock market is basically: use salary to create happiness, no money to play with your MB!

For a moment, Wu Xiaozu felt a bunch of twisted vines smiling and flashing in front of him.

"2000 million..."

Wu Xiaozu tapped the window frame with his fingers, he really admired those big bosses who are alone.In reality, they will never see the day when they will make money!
"I follow!"

Wu Xiaozu raised his head with sharp eyes.

"When is the latest?"

"Before the market opens tomorrow."

"What's the date tomorrow?"

"November 10."

"I'll call you the money tonight." Wu Xiaozu turned and walked towards the office door.

This made several people breathe a sigh of relief, and they all looked at each other.

"It seems that our Boss Wu has a lot of money, which seems to be good news. We don't need to find new customers." The person in charge shrugged.

Go out the door.

Wu Xiaozu couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

He is not sure now when the stock market will crash, or...not a big drop?

But he knows that he needs to raise at least 3000 million Hong Kong dollars now!
He can't guarantee that 2000 million fluctuations in the stock market will be enough!

It's been a long time since I felt this heart-pounding feeling! ! !

Stand at the intersection of the road and look around.

just now……

Where to raise money? ?

(End of this chapter)

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