My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 514 Movie Concepts and Factory Flowers

Chapter 514 Movie Concepts and Factory Flowers

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1024 Locomotive (Shatin) studio.

A combination of old wood and stone is full of roughness. Many workers are using blowers to blow the wind and sand, experimenting to create the texture of wind and sand.

At the high ladder, the staff is making old the banner on the mast, writing the words "Longmen Inn", fluttering in the wind, full of vicissitudes of life.

"The flags of the Han family are all over the Yin Mountains, and don't send Hu Er and horses back!"

Hu Jinquan glanced at the fake ancient building with satisfaction, and pointed at the flying banner, "Azu, do you know the purpose of hanging the flag outside the Great Wall? This is an expression in itself."

As the art consultant of "Dragon Inn", Hu Jinquan was very happy that Wu Xiaozu was able to remake this movie, and he was quite happy to talk about it.

"When I finished filming "Dragon Inn", I was introduced to the American Asia Society by Liu Shaoming. At that time, the ghost audience pointed to the hair of the villain eunuch in my film and said: Does your yellow hair reflect foreigners?
I had no choice but to tell the other party that the eunuch actually had white hair, and his wig was not bleached..." Director Hu was wearing a loose Dacron shirt, holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Director Hu, what do you think the West thinks of martial arts movies?" Tsui Hark who was accompanying him suddenly asked.

Wu Xiaozu also looked at the old gentleman.

If anyone has the right to speak on this point, it must be Hu Jinquan!His martial arts movies have the most far-reaching influence in the West!


Hu Jinquan scratched his face, thought for a while, and said, "They may think that the characters in "Dragon Inn" make moves and fight very quickly. They asked me whether those characters have superhuman strength. Of course I said no, it was just fast——"

just fast~
Wu Xiaozu looked at Director Hu dumbfounded.It is estimated that foreigners were confused at that time~ Look at Tsui Hark next to him, with a constipated look on his face.

He is a radio and television/film course from the University of Texas at Austin.I also understand some Western audiences' understanding of our martial arts.

But when Hu Jinquan said this, he had nothing to say.

No problem!
Just fast!
"Our wuxia is rooted in our culture, and it's really hard for Western audiences to understand."

Wu Xiaozu smiled and said, "It's like it's hard for us to understand the influence of "Star Wars" on them."

"That's the truth! It's a very simple truth."

Hu Jinquan nodded in agreement, glanced at Tsui Hark next to him, and looked down on him!

Tsui Hark held his mouth shut, inserted his hands into his black hair, and scratched vigorously.

Wu Xiaozu winked at him, telling him not to be serious with the old man.It's not that he really cares about Tsui Hark, the main thing is that he is still looking forward to poaching Tsui Hark's corner, so he can't let him run away in anger, right?
"The chairman of the Asiatic Studies Association is also very funny. Like Mr. Chen Shixiang, he is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

The chairman spoke highly of "Dragon Inn", which he said was the best Chinese movie he had ever seen.I guess he hasn't seen Chinese movies at all. . .Ya is fake polite.Mr. Chen Shixiang knows best..."

Old man Hu took a sip of the Beijing film, puffed his cigarette butt, and continued, "Around the 60s, it was the time when Asian studies hit the West. I think that at that time many Westerners were very eager to understand us, but they had a lot of imagination due to political reasons.

I tell them that cinema is an independent art and not a by-product of anything else!Azu, you should also pay attention to this point when you go to the mainland to make a movie!Of course, don't be regarded as a scourge.We are all Chinese, as long as you put your heart in order, you will be fine! "

The old man looked very serious when he said this.

"Uncle Quan, I understand." Wu Xiaozu replied solemnly.He was very warm in his heart, these old gentlemen were indeed very protective of him.

"As long as you know."

Hu Jinquan nodded to Wu Xiaozu honestly and lovingly, the old man obviously really took care of him as his nephew.

"Your attitude in making movies is much better than some people. Some people have too many thoughts..." Immediately, the old gentleman said something insincere, which made Tsui Hark beside him stiffen, and looked at Wu Xiaozu resentfully.

"Uncle Quan, what do you think you were in the theme and core of the film "Dragon Inn", or what did you want to express?"

Wu Xiaozu thought for a while and asked a question. Tsui Hark next to him also showed curiosity, and interjected: "That's right, for example, Director Zhang Cheh also mentioned that when he was filming "The One-Armed Swordsman", he emphasized and carried out his own theme—— —”

"Chang Cheh may have his own style. For me, I think the theme and the story don't matter for a movie. The quality of the story and the theme are not enough to affect a movie. The most important thing in a movie is still the performance. .” Hu Jinquan didn’t care much about the interruption.

"It's just the skill of performance, is it enough?" Wu Xiaozu was puzzled.

"Maybe it's not enough, maybe it can! "Dragon Inn" is an experiment..." Hu Jinquan said calmly.



Both Wu Xiaozu and Tsui Hark are speechless!

Old Freak Xu might still want to struggle for a while, wanting to change the opponent's thinking, and he has been doing this kind of work during this period of time.

"Experiment? But, Director Hu, your "Dragon Inn" is there, it's obviously a very brilliant commercial movie..." Tsui Hark emphasized with a smile.

When he asked this question, Tsui Hark was very satisfied.

This is called repaying the other with the way of the other!

During this time, the two have been having ideological disputes.

He now felt that this trip was worthwhile.

Hu Jinquan frowned, the cigarette butt in his hand was smoking, and he stared at Tsui Hark with a death gaze, "What I want to experiment is: Can film techniques make film an independent art."

Wu Xiaozu couldn't bear to look at Tsui Hark who was stunned as if struck by lightning, all thoughts were lost.

The child is helpless.

It's fine if you know it, if you insist on forcing the old man to admit it, this is purely: find a model for nothing!
"In "Dragon Inn", I think film technique and atmosphere rendering are the most important. The story is relatively weaker. Of course, I just said that I don’t pay attention to the story, not that I don’t want the story.

You can't fight right away, right?This requires the story to guide the audience.Then use just the right skills to create an atmosphere, and this will happen naturally.

I actually don't like having the figures so high up.For example, Zhang Che, it is obvious that he is taking revenge, so he must make righteousness awe-inspiring?In fact, it is not the arena, but the arena he beautifies.

There is a scene in "The Drunk Man" where Fan Dabei says that as long as the prisoner is handed over, the death of the enemy can be saved.Finally, the enemy released the prisoner, but Fan Dabei still killed the enemy.

It seems that the characters in martial arts movies should be moral and do what they say. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad in the world... If the distinction between good and bad is so clear, it will not be the world!Then there is no most essential thing in martial arts movies.

That's why I say that for martial arts movies, atmosphere and performance are the most important.Whether it is morality, conception or other things, you can go and do it by the way, but when you shoot, that will definitely not be the focus!

That's something for fans, critics, or whatever.So I said Zhang Che...forget it.Of course, this is my family talk. "

Hu Jinquan waved his hands freely, obviously he didn't quite agree with Zhang Che's point of view.

These words are very enlightening to Tsui Hark and Wu Xiaozu.

This is equivalent to a film master talking to you about his film ideas face to face.Undoubtedly, this kind of opportunity is a rare harvest for both of them.

I believe this is a great inspiration for both of them.

Wu Xiaozu's previous life can be regarded as a professional background, his film theory is not bad, what is lacking is the "precepts and deeds" of the older generation of filmmakers or film masters.

Perhaps this concept does not necessarily conform to itself, but it can also serve as a reference.

This is too important.

Director Wu now has some other ideas about "Dragon Inn".

The profession of director, there is never an end.Many masters and predecessors are still blazing new trails.

He can use the extra decades of vision, but experience and practice cannot make up for it.Fortunately, he does have talent and hard work in directing.

Constantly trying unknown fields, the naked eye is growing step by step.


Wu Xiaozu was not able to make films like "God of Gamblers: Now War" or "Suspect" at the beginning.

He keeps going fast.

If he is willing to do this, he may still be called a master by movie fans after watching it decades later.

But—I’m not reconciled—in this life, I—

"I still need to make more money to raise funds to make experimental films!" Wu Xiaozu sensibly broke that burning fantasy.

Wu Gouzi thought about it and decided to use the Wu Xiaozu Charity Film Fund to raise more money this time.

Seeing King Keng and Hou Suqian sprinkling water wantonly, Director Wu was also envious.

He needs box office, but he also needs word of mouth and honor.


In the past few days, he has been very busy with the selection of Miss Hong Kong and the preparation of the film.Today, I specially invited Tsui Hark and director Hu Jinquan to come together.

The first is to discuss martial arts movies with Hu Jinquan.Fortunately, the harvest was great.

The second point is to poach corners from Tsui Hark.

Think of this-

"Director Xu!"

Without thinking too much, Wu Xiaozu looked at the beaten Tsui Hark with a bright smile, and began to frantically wave his small hoe to dig the wall.

Anyway, the launch date of "Swordsman" has not been set yet, so if you are idle, you are idle!

Cheng Jiaban is the biggest target.


While Hu Jinquan and the three of them were talking about film concepts and creations here, the main creators of "Dragon Inn" were receiving professional training on the other side.

Mighty, more than a dozen actors.

Both Hong Kong Island and the Mainland have.

Wearing jeans and white short-sleeves, 'Li Yangzhong' is holding a sword, and he is more handsome than the martial artists under Yuan Heping's flag.

In the previous life, it was not Tsui Hark who first wanted to shoot "New Dragon Inn", but Cai Zhiming.Filming was already underway at that time, Li Lianjie played Zhou Huaian, the divorced Yang Ziqiong played Qiu Moyan, and Mo Shaocong played Cao Shaoqin.

It's a pity that she was stillborn in the end.

"Jiezi~ What are you looking at?"

The gentle and elegant Xiao Ming's classmate Chen Daoming looked at Li Lianjie with a subtle smile, just in time to see him looking in the direction of Gong Li and Aunt Lin not far away, and didn't point it out.

Chen Daoming is the iron rice bowl of the Chinese TV drama production center, and he is also an actor recommended by director Wu Tianming this time.

At first, Wu Xiaozu wanted Jiang Wen by name!No way, it's so famous!It's worth it!
It's a pity that Jiang Wen and Grandma Liu went to film together, there is no schedule!
Originally, Brother Chen Kai was afraid that Wu Xiaozu would not like this 'strange' actor very much.

In fact, he was overthinking.

Director Li Hanxiang also recommended Chen Daoming to Wu Xiaozu, and even heard that Wu Xiaozu asked about Jiang Wen, and was about to ask Grandma Liu, but Wu Xiaozu declined!

"Brother Chen..." Li Lianjie scratched his head, blushing.

"I want to ask you about the action..." Chen Daoming took the initiative to ask Li Lianjie for action scenes.

He just came to Hong Kong these two days, and immediately devoted himself to training.

Originally, director Wu Tianming's greeting to him was to let him play "Yingzong".

Who knew, I didn't know until I arrived on Hong Kong Island!

Wu Xiaozu arranged for him to be a 'eunuch'.

Still a martial arts eunuch!
Not only is the character of the character very difficult to grasp, but the action scenes make him at a loss.

At this time, Chen Daoming was playing either a frail scholar, an intellectual, or the last emperor... This was the first time he had received such a character.

It is impossible to refuse.

Then I can only concentrate on studying the characters!
His devotion inspired Liang Jiahui to create.

I have to say that this is a collision between two top actors from Hong Kong Island and the mainland, two styles, two ways of acting.

Regardless of other people, Wu Xiaozu is still looking forward to the rivalry between Chen Daoming's version of "Factory Flower" and Liang Jiahui's version of "Lu Wenzhao".

The main characters of the movie have already been determined.

The leading actor is of course Zhou Huai'an played by Li Lianjie, together with Chen Daoming, the "Flower of the Factory", and "Lu Wenzhao", a thousand households played by Liang Jiahui, together with Wu Zhenyu, Jin Shijie, Xiong Xinxin, Ji Chunhua, Liu Xun, Gu Feng and Yuan Yuan. People in the family class, this play is destined to be not weak.

In terms of actresses, Auntie Lin was able to act in gold inlaid jade in her previous life, but she shirked it because of her own scruples, and regretted that she lost this great opportunity.

In this life, Wu Xiaozu personally invited her, and she agreed without even thinking about it.

As for Gong Li, it's not Qiu Moyan in the original work, but a character like Ming Yingzong's wife.At the same time, an invitation was sent to Hui Yinghong, who also agreed to Wu Xiaozu's appointment.

Wu Xiaozu's favorite is Yang Ziqiong, but it's a pity... Now that she is a rich wife, she no longer accepts dramas.

There are some other roles, but most of them serve the roles.Actors in their own company will also arrange roles as appropriate, but some people have no choice.For example, Huang Qiusheng is not suitable for ancient costumes.

There are also some supporting actors from the mainland who did not come to Hong Kong.It needs to be confirmed when shooting in the Mainland.

The determination of the main creator has also officially put the filming work of "Dragon Inn" on the right track.

However, before a film can officially start shooting, there is still a lot of work to be determined.

The most important thing is that after these actors are confirmed, Wu Xiaozu can choose to "sell the film flowers".

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't sell it.Nowadays, Wu Xiaozu is a gold-lettered signboard.Countless film dealers cried and gave money.

There are also barriers to financing in this drama.

Even, Wu Xiaozu planned to study with the Yindu institution to see if the other party wants to invest.

no way.

Although it has the endorsement of Xiying Film Studio, but this movie really wants to be released in the mainland, and it cannot escape the participation of Yindu institutions.

Everyone understands some things!
Wu Xiaozu blackmailed some people from Tsui Hark to come over, which can be regarded as alleviating the situation.After dealing with the matter here, Wu Xiaozu put his mind on the location of Miss Hong Kong.

Immediately to shoot the swimsuit location, Wu Xiaozu is the general director and person in charge of this location MV.

(End of this chapter)

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