Chapter 59
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Hong Kong Island, 23:00 pm.

The Lee Garden Restaurant in Yee Yee Street, Mong Kok, was full of diners and the tables were full.

Lee Garden on Hong Kong Island was founded by Mr. Chen Shujie, the youngest son of the "Southern King" Chen Jitong. By 1973, when the first Lee Garden in Sham Shui Po started, five Lee Garden restaurants have been opened one after another on Hong Kong Island.

Five Lee Gardens are all top-notch and popular with gluttonous diners in Hong Kong.Cai Lan, a connoisseur who knows how to eat, is full of praise for Li Yuan, and even wrote a special compliment.

Wu Xiaozu declined the proposal of the two girls to sing karaoke, and drove a red chicken from Tsim Sha Tsui to Sai Yee Street in Mong Kok.

Before leaving, Wu Xiaozu took a regretful glance at the dazzling Clock Hotel not far away, looking at the two daughters who were in high spirits.Singing karaoke will definitely drink alcohol. Wu Xiaozu can endure this situation, and he is worthy of his reputation as a gentleman!

Ha ha!cowardly?
For Wu Xiaozu, flirting with girls is more attractive than Hong Kong dollars!Whether the two women like each other is not discussed, but he knows better what he wants.

If the movie cannot be started in time, 10,000+ will be thrown in, not to mention, he can't even afford to pay for the investment in opening a new movie.

He's under a lot of pressure.Out of trust, Jiang Zhiqiang took the initiative to let the company's employees go to Hong Kong overnight to contact the shooting matters, paving the way for him!Before leaving his office, he threw a cashier's check to Wu Xiaozu.

100 million!
Wu Xiaozu always felt that he had cheated himself.If he had known that Jiang Ershao played such a big game, he would rather pay 10,000+.Anyway, Jiang Ershao also told him to pay the bill.

But now it can't be done, the words have been blown out, the film is not successful, he is estimated to become Eunuch Wu.

Women and money, Wu Xiaozu chose the latter.He is a bastard in his bones, but a very eye-catching bastard.

Have no money to hook up with a girl, be a little white dragon?Have a good time, and then be ridden?
Inside the Lee Gardens box.

The wine cups are staggered and the atmosphere is full.

Wu Xiaozu raised his wine glass sincerely and politely, and bowed to the middle-aged man who leaned his shoulders in front of him.

"It's okay, Director Wu, you are too polite."

Huang Yuetai put his hand on Wu Xiaozu's arm, let him sit down, waved his hand in a friendly tone, pointed to Liu Weiyi, who was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Aqiang is my disciple and grandson, you gave him the opportunity to make him come forward, I thank you Not too late.

In our line of work, practical experience is more important than theory. If you don't take a shot yourself, you will never know how to shoot.This time he found me to help, and it is my duty as an elder. "

Huang Yuetai's speech is very flat and slow, but the coherence is very clear.The words also reveal the meaning of support to the younger generation.

If you talk about the most united and united among filmmakers on Hong Kong Island, you must count the profession of cameraman.Dragon and Tiger warriors are not united like this. After all, the warriors of Yuanjiaban, Hongjiaban, and Chengjiaban are still very different, and they are quite estranged.

The first professional association for filmmakers on Hong Kong Island is the Hong Kong Island Cinematographers Society (HKSC) to be established next year.

The unremarkable Huang Yuetai, who likes to talk with his shoulders slanted, has served as the chairman.And sat for 18 years in one sitting!Until he passed the throne to his disciple Liu Weiqiang.

In the photography industry, heritage is stronger than any other profession.The lens requires talent, but also requires the master to inspire and hone you.

The most basic job of a photographer is to convey the director's creative intent through the lens in his hand.

A good cameraman is nothing less than a powerful addition to the director.A good cameraman can bring a lot of different perspectives to the director, so as to bring out more inspiration.

When the King of Sunglasses was filming "Cheongsam Over Flowers", two outstanding photographers, Du Kefeng and Li Pingbin, brought him a lot of inspiration with their lenses.A godsend!
Liang Chaowei and Maggie Cheung photographed each other with their hypocritical, soft, and small tastes that were as mellow as red wine.The taste is full of fun and interesting, and when the golden wind and jade dew meet, it is particularly greasy.

Du Kefeng and Li Pingbin use their own lenses to perfectly create that kind of emotional ambiguity and entanglement, psychological contradiction and wandering atmosphere.To sublimate feelings through the lens, this is the foundation of a good photographer.

"Master, I'm giving you trouble!"

Huang Yuetai on the side smiled lightly and shook his head lightly to indicate that it was okay.

Liu Weiyi turned his head and raised the cup solemnly, looking at Wu Xiaozu apologetically, "Brother Zu, this time..."

"It's okay, it was my fault. It has nothing to do with you. Besides, you also said hello in advance."

Wu Xiaozu put down his chopsticks, picked up the wine cup and wine bottle, poured himself a glass, and said with a smile, "Besides, you invited me to help me, the great god Tai Ge, so I took a big advantage..."

"Brother Tai, this drama is a tight schedule and a lot of tasks. I'm still bothering you to accompany me to the New Territories to check the scene in the past three days."

Wu Xiaozu took a few more pieces of paper and handed it to Huang Yuetai, "This is the outline of the shooting I wrote. Take a look at it. The film is divided into two parts. The first part is cold and dark, full of confusion, and the latter part is full of hope!"

"I'll take a look..." Huang Yuetai wiped his greasy hands, took the paper, hung the myopia mirror hanging on his chest on the bridge of his nose, and read it carefully.

"The Birth of a Prefix" Shooting Outline:
In the opening, a long shot pans in, the camera pans, and the front is in an arc from left to right.

Close-up, frontal, head-up, fixed.A close-up of the yellow dog's palm and a close-up of the mouth moving.One frame at a time, the frame is stretched back to show the medium shot of Huang Agou and the fortune teller.

Close-up and panning, walking out of the room, the light suddenly changes, suddenly there is a sound, people come and go on the street, up and down, wide-angle panoramic shot, pan to the next person...

The first piece of paper is densely packed with shot settings, and some shots are blank, which requires the camera position and depth of field to be determined after the scene is surveyed to determine the shot script.

The second sheet of paper, nine-frame comic style.The first picture: The man marked "Liu Qingyun" is sitting sideways in the picture, with his arms outstretched on the table, palm lines are visible, and his brows are furrowed.Indicates fortune-telling.

In the second picture, the stall, the fat boy with the sign "Li Licheng" squatting there to pick a necklace.

The third picture: The man who wrote "Wu Zhenyu" stood under the bridge, holding a pager in his hand, and a telephone booth stood beside him.

The fourth picture: Two men, one strong and one thin, are standing by the river, holding swimming rings in their hands.

The fifth picture: A man kneels in front of Guan Gong, and a man behind him angrily reprimands him.

The sixth picture: There is a huge clock hanging on a building, and there is a person standing on the edge of the building on the roof, crumbling.

The seventh picture: a dark tea restaurant, seven simple human figures with no facial features are drawn, they are seated in various places with a sense of space, and everyone is obliquely facing a round table in the middle.There is a sense of confrontation and hostility in the picture.

The eighth picture: top view, seven people around the round table, seven hands stacked together.

The ninth picture: a T-shaped intersection, at the end of the T-shaped, seven shadows appear in front of them from far to near.Recently a person wrote the name "Liu Qingyun".Seven people were standing, leaning against the wall, sitting on the edge of the road, or stomping on street lamps.A strong sense of space is clearly pulled.

Huang Yuetai was fascinated by it. When he flipped to the next page, there were many scenes and light explanations.


Huang Yuetai put away these pieces of paper silently, and looked at Wu Xiaozu with twinkling eyes.It was the first time I took the initiative to pour a glass of wine, "Director Wu, I'll give you a toast. I've made so many movies, and this is the first time I can understand what I'm talking about without looking at the camera. Filmed for various big directors. Some of them have a lot of requirements, and some don't even know how to shoot..."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but gave Wu Xiaozu a thumbs up, "Amazing!"

"I am willing to take this job." He raised his head and drank his glass of wine.

"Brother Tai is very polite, I was also forced to go to Liangshan." Wu Xiaozu accompanied him for a cup,
"You said that you were forced to go to Liangshan..." Huang Yuetai teased, "I was made into Liangshan by you guys?" Having said that, when he glanced at his disciple Sun Liu Weiqiang, everyone at the dinner table burst into laughter.

"Join me if you can. I think your mountain is more promising than Liangshan." Huang Yuetai laughed and joked.

"Brother Tai, don't worry, your old man is like Lu Junyi. Even if you go up the mountain, you are the second best." Fei Cheng, who was at the side, poured a full glass of wine and flattered, "Brother Tai, can you let me know when you are filming? Learn by your side..."

Fei Cheng rubbed his hands awkwardly, "Ah... Brother Qiang said that you are the leader of our industry, and also my ancestor. I think you, the ancestor, should pass on my hands more—"

"Cough cough..."

Huang Yuetai was choking on the wine and coughing dryly. His eyes swept to the helpless face of Liu Weiyong next to him, and he couldn't help smiling, "Okay, if you like to learn with me, then learn it well. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask Ah Qiang."

"Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Brother Qiang!" Fei Cheng shamelessly sneaked into the team.

This made Liu Weiqi next to him almost diarrhoea.One didn't pay attention, and he actually had an extra cheap and fat apprentice?


The play "The Birth of a Prefix" has a very strong personal style.Wu Xiaozu would never be so mad as Wei Jiahui that he turned a film with such a good theme into an experimental work, right?
The Wei family is extremely good at telling stories with this product, but when he is a director, he really likes to go out of his way.There is no denying the brilliance of the film "The Birth of a Alphabet".

In terms of structure, theme and connotation, comparing the same type of films, whether it is "Song of Opportunity", which was created in 87, or the most famous "Lola Don't Cry, Stand Up and Roll", "One Word" The Birth of Thrones kills them all.

But the film's shortcomings are equally obvious:

Slag picture quality sound effects, images that shake to the point of vomiting, upside-down shots during fights... A series of shortcomings can be cited.But the reason why a classic is a classic is that it is destined to have a little light enough to cover up these shortcomings.

A good story is the foundation of a movie.

The Wei family is very evil, and when they meet Pan Hengsheng, who has a rambunctious ideology, the two of them made a good story in their lives, bent, bent, and smashed. story.

This results in people who understand it, and they can't put it down.Those who don't like it, directly scolded the street.

Wu Xiaozu is not Wei Jiahui, so there is no need to copy his shooting method.

It is destined to be a "Birth of a Prefix" in the style of Wu Xiaozu.Even selling gimmicks, in 1986, was enough to kill the New Wave group of people.

Looking at Huang Yuetai, who was nibbling on pig's trotters, sipping a little wine, and eating deliciously, Wu Xiaozu's mouth twitched.

What is Huang Yuetai's film style?Many filmmakers may not be able to give an accurate answer.Because his own photography style is eclectic and unobtrusive.

What the director wants, he will give you what, ever-changing, and each one is not weaker than others.

This is indeed a great god!
With the big shot of this movie company, Wu Xiaozu has a lot of confidence.

The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren love it the most.Only Liu Weiqi's master, Ao Zhijun, is missing. With all the masters, will the master still be far away?

Each director in later generations has his own royal cameraman.

Du Kefeng, the camera of the king of sunglasses; Du Qifeng's favorite general Zheng Zhaoqiang; Xu Ke's subordinates Cai Chonghui and Huang Zhongbiao; Chen Musheng's beloved Pan Yaoming and so on.

This is a step-by-step run-in fate, which can be met by chance.The director chooses the cameraman, and the cameraman chooses the director.

In the future, when it comes to Wu Xiaozu's royal photographer, three generations of grandparents serve him, oh, this feeling is beautiful!

Unknowingly, his big-breasted brother also got into the team of photographers.

Wu Xiaozu felt that he was windy when he walked——

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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