My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 625 Sorry, maybe this is Hollywood!

Chapter 625 Sorry, maybe this is Hollywood!
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"Hi~ Honey, a big cold beer and a taco~"

A fat, fat white man with a skull turban on his head, a messy and orderly beard, wearing a leather jacket with rivets, greeted a blond waitress not far away with a southern rural accent, looking very hot network, looked left and right: "Isn't John here?"

"You should know better than me, I'm looking for him too!" The blond girl was serving an old lady with a paper and a pen, and she smiled sweetly at the old lady holding a poodle in front of her without looking back, " Mrs. Lawrence, wait a moment~ But please watch your child."

"I swear, John's business has nothing to do with me."

The fat man took a sip of the full cold beer, ignored the ice and snow outside the door, and let out a soft snort, "He insists on holding a Christmas party, so he probably has fallen into debt crisis!
It may be difficult to get your money back in the short term.If...I mean really need the money, maybe I can help you figure it out, I just applied for a new credit card ~ if you are willing to accept my date..."

The rough gangster fat man talked with relish, but found that the blond sweetheart in front of him was staring straight out of the glass window.

Opposite of the road.

A Cadillac parked in front of the fast food restaurant. A nondescript fat man in a suit was warmly hugging an oriental man and walked into the nearby coffee shop.

WTF? ?
It is also a fat man, how can that dead fat man with a face full of flesh, big eyes and beards deserve the "goddess" to stare at him so directly? ?
Am I not mighty?
Am I not tall?
Doesn't my bald spot shine?
"Help me deliver this meal to that Mrs. Lawrence—" The blond beauty hurriedly handed the tray in her hand to the fat man next to her, opened the door and chased after—

The bald man looked at the plate, his thick fingers covered with black hair dipped in the baked banana with macadamia nuts and cocoa powder, he put it in his mouth, and casually put the alfalfa wrapped in the taco Ye threw it in, stirred it, dipped it again, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Xie Te~" The strong man chased after him with the tray.


"Thank you."

Wu Xiaozu thanked the waiter with a smile, picked up the silver milk cup next to him, slowly poured the fresh milk into the black coffee, threw two cubes of sugar, and gently stirred counterclockwise with the silver spoon in his hand, "Merry Christmas! But it still includes my blessing."

"Maybe it might work for next Christmas!"

Nicolas Cage shrugged, told a bad joke, then raised his head and looked at the others.

He knew both Harvey Weinstein and Soderbergh, but he was very unfamiliar with the 'similar-looking' Asian man next to John Wu, and he didn't know who he was.

"Terrence Zhang ~ the person in charge of the distribution business of the Hong Kong Island company, and also temporarily the person in charge of the North American region!" Wu Xiaozu smiled and introduced Zhang Jiazhen to several people.

Of the five present, in fact, only Soderbergh and Nicolas Cage did not know Zhang Jiazhen.

Harvey has been in contact all the time, especially during this time, Wu Xiaozu asked Zhang Jiazhen to be in charge of North American affairs, so Harvey and Miramax will naturally be used.

Acquisitions for independent production companies are going well.

There are countless such leather bag companies in Hollywood, but Wu Xiaozu has relatively high requirements. What he needs is not just a simple small leather bag company, the most important thing is to have a certain background, otherwise it is far less cost-effective than applying for a new company.

"Mr. John—I think Zhang Du has already reported to you about the preparatory work for the film. The film crew, shooting location, actors' union and various links are almost ready. Now, four men and women have been appointed for the selection of actors. The protagonist, you can start filming at any time. Don't worry, the quality of the actors and actresses are all qualified..."

Harvey had a greasy face and a shrewd smile, "Of course, as long as your funds are in place!"

Seeing the lewd look of the other party when he mentioned the actress, Wu Xiaozu did not suspect that he had tried the "red sofa theory".

Wu Xiaozu is well aware of the disposition of this bastard.

Of course, now that the other party has not made a fortune, naturally he will not be as shameless and blatant as the rumors in later generations, but what is the other party's guarantee?

"Don't worry about the money. Although I don't know the specific shooting cost for a few actors and a few simple scenes, I don't know anything about it.

This time I also specially invited people from Hong Kong Island Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest to help me calculate the cost, and at the same time act as the production manager, Harvey~ I hope you can cooperate more!Terrence will also be involved, and even myself, as a producer myself!Guarantee this movie takes shape! "

Wu Xiaozu's words made Harvey's eyelids flutter.

Obviously, Wu Xiaozu is not one of those idiots who don't know what to do!
"Of course, this movie is just a water test. You should know that my goal is more than that! You have visited the E7 culture before, and you should know its magnitude~1 million or 2 million dollars. question.

I hope that everyone can cooperate happily, and don't be unhappy because of a little profit! "

Tap it to draw a big pie!
Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Harvey Weinstein's eyes showed covetous greed.

Don't say Hollywood is rich!

1 million US dollars, even if it is 7 majors, it is difficult to get it out at once.Today, movies worth tens of millions of dollars already belong to the A-level.Next year, Sony's holding in Colombia will only be 34 billion. Of course, there will be more than one billion in debt.

As soon as this big pie is drawn, let alone Harvey, the current 7th, and the future 6th will probably be greedy.

Most importantly, Harvey knows that Wu Xiaozu can really manage such a large amount of funds!

At least he has seen the popularity of E7 culture!
"An investment of US$170 million in the film should be enough. Of course, the later announcements will grow exponentially."

Harvey gave a fairly reasonable figure, which is still high compared to Wu Xiaozu’s investigation, but many things cannot be filled by simply tens of thousands of dollars~
Harvey, a Jew, must be much better at operating in the circle than himself!

It is expected that the film will be between 120 million and 150 million US dollars.


Just as Wu Xiaozu was about to continue talking with Harvey, he suddenly saw a blond girl wearing a waiter's bib running over panting, and then saw the other party bump into the waiter.

The full cup of coffee splashed on Wu Xiaozu's body!

"Shet, look at what you've done!" Harvey quickly handed over the paper and gave him a hard look.

Although he is familiar with each other, in front of Xiaozu Wu, Harvey is still a younger brother~ Cannes Palme d'Or has a high status, the most important thing is not this, but the wealth of the other party!
"Sau Rui, So Rui, So Rui~" the blond girl hurriedly apologized.


Wu Xiaozu looked at the blond sweet girl in front of him, disregarding the other party's "Sau Rui", couldn't help blurting out.


Soderbergh and Nicolas Cage looked curiously at the girl dressed as a waiter.

'Rachel' looked stunned and at a loss.

For a while, Wu Xiaozu really forgot the real name of 'Raiqiu', seeing everyone looking at him, he took the tissue as if nothing had happened, and wiped the dirt on his body - it seemed that he was not the one who was surprised to call someone's name just now.

"Sorry sir, I really didn't mean to~"

"Of course, if it's intentional, I don't think I'll be splashed just a little..." Wu Xiaozu shrugged, imitating Nicholas and Zhao Siyou for a moment.

The blond sweetie was embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry, I can wash it for you~Really, I washed it very clean~"

Wu Xiaozu waved his hand to stop the other party, but pointed to a stack of 'resume' stained with coffee.


"Mr. Weinstein, here is my resume~ I heard you are looking for actors~"

Harvey glanced at the other party's resume, but didn't answer.

In Hollywood, people with dreams can be seen everywhere, and taxi drivers can tell you a few paragraphs of script creation. This kind of waiters who want to dream of being a star abound!He has experienced too much of this kind of thing!

(End of this chapter)

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