My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 634 Good people do it to the end, send Lang to the West!

Chapter 634 Good people do it to the end, send Lang to the West!
PS1: Congratulations to the 91 Lifetime Member Zhai Nu Big Brother for his title!May and Chun Nuan sent congratulatory messages.I am also very courageous now, and dare to let go of any tiger and wolf words!
PS2: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription

Dingge, a small courtyard, with tea seats, a small charcoal stove on it, simple and simple, with hemp rope wrapped around the handle, and the green garden next to it is filled with the bright colors of cherry blossoms and bougainvillea.

A few potted plants of delicate flowers are placed aside, the water vapor is swallowed like a cloud, leaving a green curtain of flowers, and the red sleeves add fragrance.

"Master Qi, drinking tea—"

Li Xiaozun flipped his slender wrist, lifted the pot and poured tea, his spirit eyes moved, and brought the tea to Wu Xiaozu who was leaning on the recliner, and at the same time said hello to Yu Cheng, Chen Shufen, Ye Zhiming, Su Liyao and Ma Rongcheng, "Yu Good sir, good Brother Yao, good Chen, good Sir Ye—”

"it is good."

Mrs. Chen nodded lovingly, Ye Zhiming also nodded slightly.

The girl group is popular in Southeast Asia, and the album sales have exceeded platinum.To ignite the whole of Asia, the opponent is an absolute cash cow.

Su Liyao nodded with a smile and said thank you.Ma Rongcheng hastily took it, with great sincerity and fear.

Yu Cheng glanced at Wu Xiaozu and Li Xiaozun curiously.The former bowed his head and drank tea, unable to see the slightest clue.The latter is obedient and obedient.

"I have only one request for the development of this matter."

Wu Xiaozu thought about it, gently pressed Li Xiaozun's fragrant shoulders with concern, raised his head and looked at the few people in front of him with concern, and said: "It's okay to deal with Huang Yulang, but you must not implicate Gigi, especially those who are chasing after the wind. Gossip... If possible, it's best to arrange for Gigi to go abroad..."


Li Xiaozun was shyly feeling Master Qi's warm hands, and he was full of imagination, when he heard Wu Xiaozu's words, he was very surprised.

I don't know why Huang Yulang was involved.

"Naturally, it's the company's request not to affect Gigi." Mrs. Chen hastily assured.

Ye Zhiming also nodded.

Seeing the other party's worried look, Wu Xiaozu stroked and comforted Li Xiaozun's jade back, and touched the other party as if an electric current slipped into it.

He raised his head and motioned for the other party to enter the house to find Wang Zuzhuo.Only then did he look away!
The girl group's character image definitely needs to be maintained well, and when dealing with Huang Yulang, it must be ensured to avoid setting fire to Li Xiaozun.

The other party's scandal with Huang Yulang was also a turmoil at the beginning... (⊙o⊙)... Huang Yulang, who was splashed with dirty water by "Daily Daily", needs to hold a press conference~ it can be seen! ╮(╯▽╰)╭!
Since he wanted to deal with Yulang International, Huang Yulang would definitely not be able to overcome this hurdle.Attacking the opponent in all directions is bound to use all means, but if it involves one's own characters, this is not an ordinary trouble!

no way--

The girl group is too hot!
Really at that time, there is no guarantee that no one will jump out and muddy the water!

Wu Xiaozu didn't think that he could completely deter those monsters...

He crawled all the way from the demons and monsters, no one understands those people's thoughts better than him!
Even if you can't get any benefits, it's good to take the opportunity to trick Wu Xiaozu!
Girl Twice is so popular!Some people are jealous, and it is normal for losses to be unfavorable to oneself.

Right now, I don't know how many record companies are ready to stab a knife in the back at any time!
Now various companies are preparing their own "Girl Twice"!
If those scandals about Li Xiaozun really broke out, it would be too bad for her image, and it would easily cause the character set to collapse and damage her interests!
This naturally requires everyone to do a good job in countermeasures.

After all, at this time, the girl group is really like a money printing machine.

Its albums occupy the top of various music charts, and the first album sold more than 300 million copies in Asia within two weeks.

Letting the achievement of the number one album sales in Asia be announced in advance, it can be said that the debut is the pinnacle! (Historically, the Little Tigers set a new record with a score of 200 million. This life... is far inferior to the girl Twice.)
The term "chasing stars" appeared in newspapers, and Hong Kong Island, Wanwan, Korea, and Dongying all promoted a "girl phenomenon!".

Its popular show won the first place in ratings at each time period, topped the album single list, and sold first. The originator of the Chinese idol group, the first star to be printed on the subway ticket by Singapore, when they toured from Taipei to Kaohsiung , Crazy fans rode bicycles in droves to track all the way, shouting their names, and the road show continued to set the Guinness World Record for the highest empty alley in the history of the entire Chinese language.

Girl Twice's songs are playing all over the street, and their posters are posted in stores and video stores. Even the 50-[-]-year-old barber grandfather in the barber shop will ask you: "Would you like to get a haircut like XXX in Girl Twice?" ?”

Weifan and Tuanfan flew to participate in their tours in various places, causing traffic jams in Tokyo, Seoul, and Singapore!
Under such interests, if there is a slight damage to the interests, it is natural to find a way to deal with it, and strive to avoid the danger of the collapse of the human establishment!
"But~ if the action of 'send him to... to the west' is really launched, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that bad tabloids will jump out and gain attention~"

Su Liyao said bluntly: "The girl Twice is so popular now, I'm afraid no one can give up the news of sales like this?"

"What about public relations?" Mrs. Chen asked seriously.

Everyone also knew Wu Xiaozu's determination to win Yulang International, and they all understood what winning Yulang International represented.

"The cost of public relations must not be stingy, but those people who are eyeing it now can't wait to do their best to pour dirty water on the girl Twice, let alone the current scandal?"

Ye Zhiming said: "In the past two months, the company has invested millions of Hong Kong dollars to help the girl Twice to promote public relations. I know the piss of these media. The big newspapers are okay. We have cooperation, but foreign media and tabloids don't care about it. These……"

Ma Rongcheng also nodded, with excitement in his eyes.

The relationship between him and Huang Yulang can be described as "the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet", and now he has the opportunity to deal with Huang Yulang, he is naturally very happy.I have already privately recruited some cartoonists, publishers and previous contacts.

Yulang International is deeply rooted in all aspects of the media industry and publishing industry.

Needless to say, the two well-known comic dailies, "Sheng Pao" and "Golden Pao", occupy [-]% of the comic industry.

In the publishing industry, printing, color separation, lettering, binding, distribution, sales and other industrial chains are all available.Its magazines and newspapers cover all levels, leading sales volume, comic magazines and peripherals earn more than tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars a year, and the company's market value exceeds several hundred million. It is an absolute media hegemony!
There is an opportunity to target such an industry, and no one will miss such an opportunity!

"Our main goal is to swallow Yulang International. During this period of time, I have been studying their accounting issues. I found a little tricky, and we can start from this aspect!" Su Liyao said.

"How to prevent Li Xiaozun from being affected?" Mrs. Chen asked.

"It's impossible not to be affected, we can only reduce it to the minimum. I will greet the radio station and various media with good relations." Yu Cheng said suddenly, "At the same time, it's not impossible to divert attention——

I read the previous newspapers. Before, although Li Xiaozun was involved, it was only a leading criticism.It is completely possible to send another person to bear this anger!Of course, it's not easy for people to resist this wave of thunder... "

Yu Cheng's words caught everyone's eyes.

Only Wu Xiaozu smiled, the other party's words coincided with his thoughts!

Even the candidates have already been selected!
False and real, in order to truly shift the target!

It is impossible not to affect it, but when someone jumps out to 'claim' this matter, it will definitely reduce the impact.

Of course, those who jump out are also more particular, and they can't 'claim' indiscriminately!
The best choice for this candidate is that he is not very old. At the same time, this person must have similarities with Li Xun, and there must be some overlap in their personalities...

Only in this way can the topic be changed, otherwise, who would believe it? ?
Even if it is used well, it may even make those 'fans' feel guilty for misunderstood Li Xiaoxun, and taking the opportunity may increase the number of Li Xiaoxun's fans and increase its own market appeal!

This is how capital creates "idol traffic"!
"Li Daitao is stiff!" Ye Zhiming suddenly said the word, and everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

"Hehe~ As the saying goes, a good man will do his best and send him to the west~" Wu Xiaozu smiled, and met Yu Cheng's eyes, who nodded slightly.

He is also a decisive master of killing!
The two are also in harmony.

Sometimes you can say it but you can't do it, and some things you can do it but you can't say it!The ingenuity in this requires self-measurement.

This time, Wu Xiaozu also took advantage of New Art City to sneak a long way!

Peninsula Hotel.

As soon as Huang Baiming appeared at the entrance of the hotel, he was spotted by the paparazzi who were squatting on guard.

The circle of New Art City also knew about it, and these paparazzi were also keeping a close eye on these parties these days.

It wasn't just Huang Baiming who was being chased, Mecca, Ishida, and others were followed by paparazzi, and not only Yuji, but also paparazzi from the social and financial editions were watching closely.

New Art City Company has also been well-known in Hong Kong Island in the past ten years, and has become a memory label for many people.

It is in turmoil, and all kinds of news come one after another, it is really hard not to attract people's attention!
Not only the entertainment industry is concerned, but many capital markets are also paying close attention.

No way, who makes filming more profitable than shipping white noodles?

All clubs are staring at it... I can't wait to lie down and bite off a piece of meat!

"Bai Ming—"

Zeng Zhiwei grinned, hoarse, and waved at the other party with a big laugh. Concerned about the paparazzi behind him, he whispered in his ear: "Boss Huang opened a room upstairs. It's better to keep a low profile now, so as not to spread the news... Something happened halfway!"

"I know—" Huang Baiming nodded to express his understanding.

"I read in the newspaper that you got Wu Xiaozu into a car?"

Zeng Zhiwei smiled tentatively as he walked, and fixed his eyes on the other person's eyes, trying to see some clues.

The photos of Wu Xiaozu and Huang Baiming riding in the car appeared in the newspapers the next day.It's hard not to know!Of course, the two of them didn't hide too much, or some shameless people deliberately let the paparazzi take pictures...

"Mecca can talk, of course I want to give it a try."

Huang Baiming didn't deny it, but treated each other directly and frankly: "It's just that the other party has too much appetite, and at the same time has a lot of ambition. There are really not many common topics..."

He speaks nine truths and one falsehood.

"You also know that people don't like what I'm good at!" Huang Baiming laughed at himself.

In Zeng Zhiwei's ears, there was a feeling that this should be the case. He took the opportunity to persuade with a smile: "He really does not lack the ability to make movies. If you think about it, Boss Huang is different here. Cooperating with Yulang International is good for you and me." It is the maximization of profit—”

Zeng Zhiwei gave Huang Baiming a look that everyone understands.For them, it does seem to be the case!
"Wait a minute, I have an appointment with someone here—" Huang Baiming took out the big brother and ordered a few words.

Smiling at Zeng Zhiwei, he walked into the elevator first.

"It's still you who are thorough in everything." Zeng Zhiwei smiled knowingly when he heard the other party's call.

(End of this chapter)

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