My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 68 "The Birth of a Prefix" Officially Launched

Chapter 68 "The Birth of a Prefix" Officially Launched

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October 10th, Bingyin Year of the Tiger, September 24th of the lunar calendar, solar term, frost.Before the frost came, the rain came first.

The wind and rain were so heavy that the entire crew could only hide in the room to prepare for the shooting.

Wu Xiaozu organizes the script manuscript.On the TV, the mother-in-law also stepped out of the plane in the rain. I don't know who the rain and she were who brought the coolness to Hong Kong Island.

He deliberately looked up at the Queen of England on TV.Then he glanced distressedly at the Prince Charles who followed him.

There is a queen who is on standby for a long time. Wu Xiaozu estimates that he wants to be crowned king in this life, and he is hanging.Should be able to consider the next round.

"Big brother, Guan... Second Master Guan is here!"

Zu Liyao commanded the staff to carry a statue of Guan Gong and walked in, "Special... I specially went to Huang Daxian to ask Mr. Feng Shui to open the light, it's very spiritual!" He pointed to Fei Cheng beside him, "You talk about spirituality? spirit?"

"Spirit!" Fei Cheng gritted his teeth and answered bitterly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that he would speak indiscriminately.

"I don't know when the rain will end. It's really strange. When I filmed "The Butcher in a Rainy Night", I asked for rain, but it didn't rain. This time the filming was sunny and the rain kept falling." Deputy Director Li Shu sighed and looked at the pouring water outside the door. heavy rain.

"Maybe God knows that Hong Kong Island is too dirty today, so maybe it's just cleaning it on purpose." Zu Liyao pointed at the enthusiastic Hong Kong British officials on TV and sneered, "A bunch of hypocrites."

"Choose! It's better to beg God, let him put the blade. Hack those bastards to death!!"

Fei Cheng raised his middle finger and rolled his eyes, "God is blind..." After saying that, he folded his hands and bowed to Duke Guan, "It's better to pray to Lord Guan."

When he finished speaking, everyone looked at the TV in unison.Breathed a sigh of relief.

If he really puts down the blade, Wu Xiaozu really has to consider whether it is more appropriate to offer up his "big breasted brother" and sell tickets to visit.When the time comes to get the title of "Fat Dragon King", it won't be too bad.

The 1.2-meter-long brightly colored Guan Gong is placed in the main hall, wearing a blue scarf, a parrot-colored green satin robe, a jade belt around the waist, a sword, and flower boots.Qinglong Yanyue knife and pestle beside him.The phoenix eyes were half-squinted, looking at the violent storm outside the door.

In the "Boneyard (Massage Parlour)", after the crew quietly adorned the incense sticks, "The Birth of a Herringbone" started shamelessly.


"The scene is quiet, the scene is cleared, and the personnel are now leaving the scene. Attention all units, the actors are entering the scene. The props are on standby, makeup, and tea are on standby!"

Uncle Li carried the walkie-talkie, "audio, 123, 321—" and then began to determine one department after another. The whole process seemed very cumbersome and careful.

"Seat 1 is OK!"

"Seat 2 is OK!"

"No. 3 is OK."

"The lights are fine!"

"Radio OK!"

"The cast is ready-"

As the heads of various departments stretched out their hands or confirmed OK through the walkie-talkie, the on-set recorder held the on-scene board with the set, curtain and number of shots written, and stood in front of the main camera with the red light on, waiting for the director to call to start.

Seeing Wu Xiaozu waving his hand, the field recorder immediately hit the board.

"The first scene of the first scene of the 15th scene of "Preface", Action—" With a slap, the shooting officially started.

Wu Xiaozu stood in front of the monitor, looking at the settings of several cameras.

The camera position represents the viewpoint and composition.Through the transformation of camera positions, the director's intention to shoot the film is expressed.

Each camera setup includes the photographer's understanding of the film and footage.

Huang Yuetai is responsible for camera position 1, parallel axis shooting, responsible for frontal composition.At 45° behind him, the second camera is shooting the action of the person walking out of the room. Seat 2 is mounted on a rocker arm and can take panoramic pictures.

This kind of camera-embedded structure belongs to the most basic triangle principle.The three axes represent three viewpoints.constitutes the entire shooting range.When actors walk out of this range, they are shooting blind spots.It's called a play.

Dark clouds covered the top, and it was pouring rain.The whole street felt like the end of the world.

In the dark alley, the houses on both sides are mottled and dilapidated, but the layers of bamboo poles and roofs make the rain much less here.

Liu Qingyun walked in slowly from the alley, his face brightly lit.Below the nose, I can see clearly, and the eyes seem to be hidden in shadow.Holding a black umbrella in his hand, his feet stepped on puddles everywhere, splashing water.


As it got closer, the light became clearer and brighter, and it could be seen that he had a serious face.

The thick eyebrows were lightly wrinkled, and the whites of his eyes stared diagonally downward.Depressed and overwhelmed.

In front of him, Huang Yuetai has been shooting with the Steadicam.Because of the clutter in the alley, the assistant was unable to help.He's the only one who can hold the Steadicam and the machine.Sweaty.

The road in the alley is uneven, there are puddles everywhere, and there are cluttered piles.This really tests the basic skills of photographers.Many photographers never learn to shoot hand-held in their lifetime.

For handheld shooting, the cameraman cannot shoot without oxygen, because it can't last for a long time.The rhythm of breathing and the range of the hand should be pinched very precisely.

Huang Yuetai was called "iron hand" in his early years.In the era of no Steadicam, all with one hand, even more amazing!
There is no photographer in Hong Kong who really dare to say that technically surpasses Huang Yuetai.There are only a handful of people who can be compared in the future.


Luo Lishang and Uncle Li came over and gave a thumbs up.Professionals in the film industry are most admired by connoisseurs with real skills.Film films focus most on basic skills.

One director for one year, and one camera for five years.

It takes at least five years for a photographer to go from an apprentice to a true director of photography.

Liu Weiqi is a model of both talent and famous teacher in this field.How long did it take to go from the clerk of "Eighteen Weapons" directed by Liu Jiaju to the director of photography of "The Butcher in the Rainy Night"?

He had to endure it for five and a half years.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaozu glanced at Luo Lixian, who was young and strong beside him, and smiled.

In order to have a bad habit of "cultivating" in his heart, he arranged to give Luo Lishang the title of assistant director.Let him study behind Uncle Li.

In Wu Xiaozu's team, there are two top photographers, Huang Yuetai and Liu Weiqiang.The lighting is convenient, and Zou Lin is also dazzling enough.But the movements and stunts have always been lackluster.

In fact, it is not that he is in such a dilemma. Many directors are in such a dilemma.

Today, most of the action and stunt talents on Hong Kong Island have been monopolized by several major teams such as Yuan Jiaban, Hong Jiaban, Liu Jiaban, and Chengjiaban.

If you want to really open a big-screen movie, you must hire a few big team members.

On the contrary, Luo Lishen is very talented and courageous in this regard.Most importantly, he is brave enough.

Whether it's for shooting in the future, or to discover talents, Wu Xiaozu has no reason not to mention Luo Lishang.

As a director, his talent is average.But in action, stunt, blasting, gunpowder, flying cars, etc., Luo Lishui really has a good set.

Huang Yuetai's filming is good, and Liu Qingyun's acting is also very good.

The whole scene is just a few steps away.

Walking seems to be a simple action, but many people forget how to walk in front of the camera.

The class of body is the basic skills of actors, as basic as lines.

In ancient times, the act of acting was called figure, and a gesture was all a show.

The key points are: raise your hand to your eyebrows, cup your hands to your chest; cloud your hands like a moon, point your hands to your nose.

The tests are hands, eyes, body, Dharma, and steps.

For example, Mr. Mei, who has not spoken yet, just made a cloud hand, and as soon as the orchid was delivered, all of a sudden, the feeling of being a girl came out.

The same goes for acting.Mouth and body shape are the foundation of the foundation.The common problem of Hong Kong Island actors is their poor foundation.From the king to the queen, this is the case.

When you meet someone with good talent and good luck, such as Liang Chaowei, after accumulating experience in several plays, the foundation will be solidified.

Another example is Edison Chen, a play progresses one by one. If it wasn't for ***, with the state and talent he showed at that time, he might become an actor of Liang Chaowei's level.

When Liu Weiyi was interviewed, he talked about the filming of "Infernal Affairs". He felt that there was a scene that Edison Chen portrayed more accurately than Liu Dehua.

It should be said that they looked back at the scene where Chen Yongren was kicked out of the police academy.

If you come across someone with general talent - such as Liu Dehua.

Andy didn't stop filming until the 95th movie, finally got rid of the flat characterization, abandoned the routine of acting cool and handsome, and won the golden actor with "Dark War".

Turning a cocoon into a butterfly is truly praised, and Andy can act.

Acting is like building a building. The foundation is very important when creating a character.Body and mouth are the foundation of an actor.

The foundation is unstable and it is difficult to build high.Unless you have enough resources for you to splurge.

(End of this chapter)

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