Chapter 681 The Luxury Jury of the Academy Awards
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A match passed by, and the flames jumped up, protecting Wu Xiaozu with one hand, helping to light the cigarette on his mouth.

"Trouble Azu, you can speak for me."

Wu Siyuan, with his hair parted back, meticulously combed, silver-framed glasses, beige suit, and the "Old Kehler" demeanor of the magic city, smiled and said: "The preparations for the Golden Statue Awards invite investment and invite stars. Azu, please help me a lot."

"You're welcome, Sir Wu, I'm also doing it for the benefit of the film festival."

Wu Xiaozu held a cigarette in his hand and smiled slightly. No matter whether it was out of utilitarianism or selfishness, he still really valued the Chinese market.Wu Siyuan also sang with him, setting the tone for the Academy Awards.

As for Uncle Long... he is definitely a RMB fighter who wields a Dragon Slaying Saber~ Helping Wu Xiaozu overcome obstacles all the way during the seminar!
This year's Golden Image Awards set the tone, and to a certain extent, also promoted the exchange of Chinese-language films.

The Golden Image Awards also have the opportunity to become a real big stage for Chinese-language films.

"Some people's brains are wattless, and their eyelids are too narrow! Azu, you should support me a lot in the preparation work~
It is not easy to invite officials in the mainland.

You are familiar with the film studios in the mainland, see if you can invite some filmmakers to participate, and I will also talk to Yindu institutions.

My opinion on the Liberty General Assembly is that you don’t need to worry about him~
Filmmakers in Wanwan can help through Zhang Aijia.

Now I am really looking forward to the scene where filmmakers from the three regions of the Taiwan Strait gather together.The Golden Horse Awards have not done so far.This is nothing short of a grand event for Chinese-language films!"

"No problem." Wu Xiaozu nodded.

Wu Xiaozu is also one of the executive committee members for the establishment of the Golden Image Awards Preparatory Committee. At the same time, the most important point is that he can really attract resources!

"Choose the chairman of the promotion team, do you think it is suitable to choose?" Wu Siyuan asked proactively.

Despite the emphasis on universality, the Academy has thousands of judges.But the Academy Awards now lack such an institution. At least the number of members of the Oscar Academy is generally around 6000. There is definitely no way to complete the Academy Awards at this time.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the director will support the Screenwriters Association, Camera Association, Dragon and Tiger Warrior Association, etc.

The Oscar itself is not considered a human award for film critics, and the judges are basically practitioners.The Academy Awards also want to take the same route, but obviously it is not allowed in reality.

At the same time, for the influence of the Academy Award itself, a "judgement panel" was formed to be responsible for the selection work.

It can not only publicize, but also complete the selection.

Star judging, to a certain extent, will attract more audiences to pay attention to this film festival.

For example, many great directors and stars in later generations have taken this factor into consideration when they serve as judges or chairman of the jury at major film festivals.

The jury of the Academy Awards is slightly different from the jury of Cannes, Venice or Berlin.

The shortlist needs to be directly elected, and then the ballots will be handed over to PwC. After PwC reviews the votes, it will hand over the results to the committee, and they will announce the nomination list.At least 5% of the votes are required to be selected!
Then, a second round of jury selections based on the shortlists and the industry in conjunction with each other!They have a right to "defend" for watching the film.

It's a "pseudo" binary!

To a certain extent, this also makes it more difficult for the film to be "public relations".

Note that it is increased, not eliminated.

It is impossible to prevent it!

Gwyneth Paltrow will win the best actress in the Oscars, which is enough to explain the situation!Not to mention Wu Xiaozu's current partner in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein, a scum who has been professionally scoring Oscars for 20 years!
However, this setting can be regarded as a certain "drainage".As long as people who sing and dance rap are not selected as promotion ambassadors, there will basically not be too many mistakes!

Anyway, it’s no better than a few judges like those in Cannes, Venice and Berlin who decide the award.

Sometimes, the European film festivals are determined according to the tastes of several judges.Even, if the chairman of the jury is as capricious as Quentin, he can completely ignore it...

Ex-girlfriend Sofia Coppola's "Somewhere" won the Golden Lion Award, and Monte Hellman, who led the way, won the special Golden Lion Award that is rarely awarded. This award is simply refreshing!
It is not a simple matter for the chairman's personal likes and dislikes to affect the ownership of the awards of the entire film festival.

Many people are conspiracy theories that the elder brother of later generations did not win the award.To sum it up, it's actually nothing more than one sentence: I don't like your performance!

Looking down at the Hong Kong Island Convention and Exhibition Center from the sky, you will find many workers wearing hard hats pushing cables and decoration building materials towards the venue.Many lamps and stage facilities were slowly pulled in by trucks.Behind the whole venue is like a big construction site.

At the same time, we can also see that many merchants and brand manufacturers are sending people to track the progress, because many big brands and well-known local brands have announced their sponsorship of the [-]th Golden Image Awards.

All this is because of a series of actions at the recent Academy Awards.

Invite a guest performer!
Gu is a popular spicy chicken and a veteran star.

Of course, the performance content is more standardized, and I will not learn from TVB Taiqing.

TVB Taiqing belongs to a magical species!
Andy Hua performed chest crushing on the top, and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood when he came home...Wei Tsai pulled the car with his teeth~Principal Teng pulled the motorcycle~Zhang Manyu hung the sling...In short...TVB Taiqing's style of painting Mixed with Ah San's's really clean and hygienic!
At the same time, Xu Guanwen also served as the chairman of the jury for this year's Hong Kong Film Awards.Two stars Huang Zhan and Cai Qin also joined in one after another!
As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people, full of gimmicks!
The awards venue also designated the Convention and Exhibition Center, which had just been completed a few months ago, as the venue for the [-]th Academy Awards.

At the seminar, Wu Xiaozu and Wu Siyuan cooperated with each other with a question and answer, which made the Golden Image Awards completely opened the prelude to the big stage of Chinese-language films.

On this point, Wu Siyuan and Wu Xiaozu cooperated tacitly.Both of them have the intention to make the Academy Awards not limited to a corner, but to look at the entire Chinese film circle.

In fact, commercial marketization is the best way to attract film festivals nowadays. A successful film festival must first be able to attract an audience base, so that it can slowly expand its influence.

The reform of the Cannes Film Festival has already illustrated this problem.Not to mention the Oscars.That would be a big show in Hollywood!

The high-brow thing doesn't apply to a film festival like this.

At this point in time, the Academy Awards have enough time to become the most influential film festival in Greater China and even Asia, which is more advantageous than the Dongying Film Festival, which is held every two years at this time!

It depends on the fact that Hong Kong movies are really good at this time!
Of course, no matter how good it is, there must be gimmicks to attract the audience.

Undoubtedly, the news that Xu Guanwen became the jury chairman of the reformed Academy Award Film Festival has become the biggest selling point.

Although the stage equipment was being transported outside, hundreds of media reporters and paparazzi gathered in a multi-functional hall indoors.

There are reporters for the social, entertainment and even financial editions!

The flash shot towards the 7 people on the stage, it was as bright as day.

No one expected such a luxurious lineup!

Needless to say, Xu Guanwen, Huang Zhan, and Cai Qin are the three, and the remaining four are Dongying National Treasure-level actor Takakura Ken, Goryeo’s new-generation fresh meat actor Cui Minzhi, mainland director Zhang Yimou, and the French goddess Isabel Ajia Ni!
The latter was personally invited by Wu Xiaozu, and the other party accepted the appointment, which also gave Wu Xiaozu the feeling of repaying a thousand miles of Jiangling in a day.

I can be regarded as glowing and inflamed for Chinese movies!
 Thank you everyone!This week has been really exhausting, and the old man has been buried today.The whole person also breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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