My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 74 Scholar Films

Chapter 74 Scholar Films

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
A Toyota Crown car was driving fast on the road in Taipei. Outside the window, the low-rise homestay gradually turned into a high-rise building. There was a rush of people. At this time, the Four Asian Tigers began to show their charm.

Luo Dayou's "Lugang Town" was played on the car radio.

"Taipei is not my home,

There are no neon lights in my hometown,
The streets of Lukang, the fishing village of Lukang,
People burning incense in Mazu Temple,
Taipei is not my home,
There are no neon lights in my hometown,
Lukang's morning, Lukang's dusk,
People wandering in civilization—"

Luo Dayou's voice is hoarse, but his singing is intriguing.One person and one guitar, like a soldier, created a new sky of Chinese music.He has made an indelible contribution to the entire Chinese music scene.

One South and one North, South Luo and North Cui, the two warriors have a tacit understanding and triggered a revolution in Chinese music.

Wu Xiaozu looked at the scenery outside the window and listened to Luo Dayou's "Lugang Town", and could understand the memory in Luo Dayou's heart.

"I came to Taipei last year, and the changes haven't been so great."

Jiang Zhiqiang looked at Wu Xiaozu, who was staring at the street, and said, "The economic development of Wanwan is really fast. The farmers in Keelung were occupied two days ago, and they came to Taipei to see high-priced tickets. In the end, the theater could only sell standing tickets... "

It seems like a joke that the cinema sells standing tickets, but it really exists.Wanwan has continued to build infrastructure in the past two years, and many people's pockets have also swelled up.

Then apply for the old saying:
When I have money, I like to pretend to be B, instead of taking ships and planes.

Whether it's you, whether it's him, nine flowers out of ten men.

Clap in the movie theater—crack!

There are many small hotels doing this kind of business upstairs in the theater in Wanwan.


"Tonight we are discussing the release of a blockbuster with Wanwan."

On the back seat, Jiang Zhiqiang looked at Wu Xiaozu.

"My old bean has a good relationship with Boss Cai of the Scholar Film Company here in Wanwan. I often choose films abroad for Boss Cai. The Scholar Film Company has two theater chains in Wanwan and is very strong."

Jiang Zhiqiang said as he took out two cigars from the inner lining, "This time, the filming of "The Birth of a Prefix" Wanwan was also handed over to scholars for cooperation. They provided the corresponding cast and crew according to the needs of the filming."

The Wanwan film industry naturally cannot be compared with Hong Kong Island.This has also created a feature of Wanwan - the cast and crew are signed at the studio.

Zhu Yanping filmed "New Oolong Courtyard", and even the tea workers were regular employees of the film company.If you come to Wanwan to shoot, you can either seek cooperation from a film company, or find a local "Jiaotou" boss.

"The Birth of a Prefix" does not have many roles in the Wanwan scene, and Wu Xiaozu didn't need to bring special actors from Hong Kong Island to film for one or two scenes.

With this money, Wu Xiaozu is still thinking about doing a good job of dubbing the movie!

"Scholar Films didn't mention any conditions?"

Wu Xiaozu took the cigar cutter and chuckled without raising his head, "This Boss Cai doesn't even take a bite of the fat in front of his eyes. Is it because he likes to do good deeds with such a big business?"

"Do you think the other party has an intention?"

"There must be an attempt, but I don't know how much benefit this Boss Cai wants from you and me! Movie distribution rights? Box office share?"

Wu Xiaozu bit the cigar, flicked the lighter with a "ding", took a sip after lighting it, and said with a smile, "I have seen a businessman eat bones without spitting scum, and I have never seen a businessman who does good deeds without leaving his name."

"Doing good deeds will never do."

Jiang Zhiqiang rolled down the window a little bit, the breeze hit, and the inside of the car was cold, "Then, what they are drawing should be the distribution rights of Wanwan..."

"Then ask this boss Cai."

Wu Xiaozu said with a light smile, "Perhaps the big water hose of Wanwan is really like me, who likes to do a good deed every day, and maybe it is also a pleasure to help others. Then, don't we use the heart of a villain to treat the belly of a gentleman?"

"I'm afraid that people will cut you and me into fish slices and eat them in minutes like eating RB cuisine."

Jiang Zhiqiang rolled his eyes, "I can see that you have blackened Damei Lin from head to toe. It's a pleasure to help others? Why don't you tell me a joke..."

"Cough cough..."

Wu Xiaozu was caught off guard by Jiang Ershao, and he quickly changed the subject with a dry cough, "Have you ordered Qiu Litao's "Pretty Girl"?"

"On the phone call last night, Qiu Litao finished editing, and found some band friends to make music." Jiang Zhiqiang said.

"No wonder I asked him to help me find someone to compose music. He made a promise." Thinking of Qiu Litao's friends, Wu Xiaozu no longer thought about it.

The film "Birth of a Prefix" needs a soundtrack to express the voice of the characters.Now that Qiu Litao knew many musicians, Wu Xiaozu was relieved.

The soundtrack of this play is extremely important. The sense of rhythm and the picture can really shape the emotions of the characters that you want to express.

Black ridiculous comedy films where the music often plays a decisive role!
Scholar Films, General Manager's Office.

In front of the balcony window, more than a dozen pots of bonsai that can be found are placed on ornamental wooden stands. A man wearing a shirt, vest, eagle nose and wolf eyes, with a serious face, stands with his back to the hall, holding a slanted garden garden in his hand. Scissor focused on pruning a pot of green pine bonsai in front of him.

"Lawyer Hu, how about this bonsai?"

"Boss Cai's bonsai is cut with a rugged style and tastes great."

A man with glasses and a beard leaned over and said softly, "However, it's still better than the pot you gave to the 'Boss' two days ago."

"Ha ha…"

The man held the slanted scissors, pointed to lawyer He, and said to a tall and thin man and a capable woman in the hall, "That's why I say lawyers in the world know how to speak best."

"Boss Cai is very praised."

Lawyer He said neither humble nor arrogant, "'Boss' asked you to pay attention to the recent meeting of the cultural department. The theme of the meeting should be related to the allocation of the Wanwan Film Grant and the National Education Film Special Fund. I will be in touch with Boss Cai at that time."

"Okay, say hello to Minister He for me."

Cai Songlin seemed to be unintentional. She smiled and said, "Tell Minister He, I will go to the old man's house for tea when I have time."

"I don't know which Minister He mentioned by Boss Cai. But I'll bring your thoughts to me." Lawyer Hu's expression changed, and he patted the black suitcase in his hand, "If there is nothing else, I'll go back first. " Said he pushed open the door and walked out.

"Lawyer Hu, wait a minute."

Suddenly, the tall and thin man chased after him with a black bag and handed it over with a smile, "Lawyer Hu, you forgot to bring your things."

Lawyer Hu stopped with a flat face, saw the black bag in the other's hand, and suddenly said, "Look at my memory." After taking the black bag, he nodded with satisfaction on his face and turned to leave.

After taking two or three steps, he suddenly turned around again, and added with a light smile, "I'm here today for a private visit. It's best for Boss Cai not to talk too much about other people. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome..."

"Understood." The tall and thin man nodded with a look of understanding.


Inside the office.

"This lawyer Hu is quite protective of the Lord." The capable woman said.

"Just a dog."

Cai Song hurriedly threw a broken tape into the trash can, "When will Master Chen and Master Feng from Hong Kong Island come to Taiwan?"

"The plane this afternoon." The capable woman added the notebook in her hand, "but Jiang Zhiqiang, the deputy manager of Antai Pictures, will visit you tonight to discuss film cooperation and distribution. Look..."

"Jiang Zuyi..."

The corner of Cai Songlin's mouth twitched, "Then let's arrange them together. I think this group of rich second-generation members of Hong Kong Island should have more common topics together."

"But..." The capable woman hesitated.

"Go do it."

Cai Songlin waved his hand and sent the secretary away.He said to himself, "A shareholder of Princess Jin, a chairman of Hong Kong Island Theater... a bit interesting."

"Can you draw water from a bamboo basket?"

The tall and thin man walked in and said worriedly, "We are interested in investing in the Hong Kong film market. If these two companies can see our intentions, this arrangement seems to be inappropriate, right?"

"It's easier to do things if you don't tell the truth! We can play the chess game in the Hong Kong film market, jump on the horse, and fly in the dark! But all of this is based on the fact that we hold the chess pieces. We can't play the game in person..." Cai Songlin didn't explain why he couldn't. Exit in person.

A lot of things are just as he said: see through without saying anything, things are better done!If you can't even see clearly, then you don't even have the qualifications to become a chess piece!

 The outline collapsed, and the outline was redrawn. I originally thought about the plot and suddenly a big BUG!

(End of this chapter)

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