Chapter 81
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Chunfeng Deyi Building, private room on the second floor.

The cups are staggered, the men and women are laughing, the atmosphere is full, and the spring breeze is flourishing.

"Third brother, I want to help Taiwanese girl to make a few more shots."

A tall, straight-haired man smiled and whispered to the man with a soft, creamy smell on the opposite side, "You know, this time I finally got a pretty boy to make a film, and I specially took care of your Wang Zuyi to play the heroine. After cutting the film, I felt that there was a lack of gimmicks, so I designed a new set of 'eyeball scenes', and I will definitely praise that Taiwanese girl for her performance..."

"The eyeball scene?"

Chen Ziqiang helped his brown glasses, glanced at Deng Guangrong with no meaning, and said, "Liu Liu, Xianxian is my new 'daughter', if you have other thoughts..."

"Third brother, it's a matter of rules for me to do things. Have you ever messed with your 'daughter'?"

Facing Fangzheng, the high-spirited man put his arms around the woman next to him and kissed him, chuckling without raising his head, "Besides, I've always been in need of women, what I need is someone who can help me make money! I just think that Taiwanese girls are of good quality. , I'm just holding her up..."

"This is the best." Chen Ziqiang nodded with a meaningful smile, "Xianxian's flight 00544 the day after tomorrow."

"Third brother, I toast you!"

The square-faced man smiled knowingly, hugged the woman beside him and greeted the two handsome men on the other side who were also flirting with the drunk woman, "Second brother, fifth brother, I will be the boss of Du Laozhi for a while!"

For a time, there was spring in the box, and there were endless laughter.


Pull room.

In front of the editing table, the screen was shown, and the rough cut footage of "The Birth of a Prefix" was played slowly.

Qiu Litao, Liu Weiqiang, and Huang Yuetai stared at the screen without blinking, while the two young people next to them stared at the front with tired faces.

These two young people are professionals hired by Jiang Zhiqiang to be responsible for post-dubbing, art, color grading, subtitles, special effects, etc.

The artist is called Kuang Zhiliang, and the subtitle editing and special effects are called Chen Zhiwei.

When Wu Xiaozu first met the two, he didn't care, but when the editing work was stretched, he had no choice but to transfer the two to the editing team as assistants.At least they are more reliable than Fei Cheng and Luo Dong, right?

Behind the five people, Wu Xiaozu and Liang Gahui crossed their legs and puffed on cigarettes.

He was dragged by Wu Xiaozu to be responsible for the poster design... Anyway, he couldn't get the show.Wu Xiaozu didn't say this, for fear that Liang Xiaoqi would hurt his self-esteem.

"How long has it been?" Liang Gahui asked with a yawn.

"130 minutes."

Wu Xiaozu took Liang Gahui's arm, rolled up his sleeves and looked at his watch, "There are still 15 minutes of material..."

"The Birth of a Prefix" has more than ten hours of various footage and materials. After rough-cutting and primary-cutting in the past few days, the preliminary distribution and classification and arrangement of the plot sequence have been completed.The next step is to cut and cut together.

TV series editing generally only has two parts: the first cut and the second cut.However, most movies require comprehensive editing.This is to ensure the screening effect.

It doesn't really take a lot of people to edit.Too many people is not good.

At this time, in the Hong Kong Island Film Festival, the Mai Zishan editing group had the largest number of people, and there were only 6 people including apprentices.The least number of people is "low-key editor" Jiang Quande. With one apprentice himself, he can cut three or four movies at the same time, worthy of the title of the four famous editors.

The most important label of Hong Kong Island filmmakers is efficiency!This is something that editors elsewhere can't beat!
Editing this job is a test of the editor.

First of all, the editor must understand the story that the director wants to express, and at the same time, he must complete the shaping of the story without being too revealing, and make the film more flavorful.

There are many excellent editors on Hong Kong Island, but the real top editors are probably even fewer than the top directors.There are no less than a dozen famous directors in the world, but there are only a handful of real top editors.

Of course, even in Hollywood, Walter Murch may be the only one who can really be called the top editing master at this time. The "Godfather" trilogy and "Apocalypse Now" all came out of his scissors.

Wu Xiaozu didn't have the preparation to cut a play for a year.I also don't want to use a method of anti-editing theory to complete the editing like "The Godfather".

He just wants to use the most appropriate way to complete the film "The Birth of a Word", which contains his hard work.

This play is different from the routine of "The Butcher in the Rain", and its narrative structure and various montage arrangements are a brand new innovation.

In this regard, Wu Xiaozu still chose to do it himself, and did not hire a "famous editor" to help with editing as Jiang Zhiqiang said.This film is different from ordinary commercial films. If there is a slight difference, the taste will change.


"Brother Ancestor! This movie is too sharp! It has refreshed my understanding of the film's structure and story!" Qiu Litao's face was flushed, and he looked at Wu Xiaozu with glowing eyes.

Before "Song of Opportunity" and "Lola Run" became famous, Wu Xiaozu's "The Birth of a Prefix" is not an exaggeration to call it a film innovation!This is as amazing as the first time many movie fans watched Pulp Fiction and Two Smoking Guns.

Found out after watching it.

Oh my God!Movies can still be played like this!
In the 80s, Wu Xiaozu's gameplay was enough to subvert the cognition of the film industry.Innovative techniques and dark humorous stories are far ahead of Tsui Hark's "Ghost Horses and Wisdom Stars" a few years ago.

It can even be said that the two films are not of the same order of magnitude.

Wu Xiaozu himself is very satisfied with his work. For people in the 80s, this film is shocking in terms of story concept, film structure and color, position and camera.

In 1998, a simple story like "Lola Run" could shock the world film industry, leaving many audiences dumbfounded.You know how crazy this kind of narrative structure movie is.

A "Two Smoking Guns" can put Guy Ritchie on Madonna's bed, and you can see how powerful this innovative dark humor movie can be.

Later, Ning Xiaohao's "Crazy Stone" made him and his cast and crew brilliant.

"Master, the camera is so wonderful!"

Liu Weiqiang stared at Huang Yuetai with twinkling eyes, a look of surprise on his face.As a photographer, he knows best how the film shapes the sense of space.The position of each character greatly enriches the picture. This kind of gameplay appeared for the first time on Hong Kong Island.

Huang Yuetai slanted his shoulders and smiled, standing a bit like Mr. Zhang Wenshun.The greasy potholes on his face echoed the lightness of the clouds and the wind.

Filming "The Birth of a Prefix", he was also constantly surprised.In order to achieve the imaging effect required by Wu Xiaozu, many lenses have to rack their brains.The film also benefited him a lot.

Now everyone looked at Wu Xiaozu excitedly.Everyone has too much liking for "The Birth of a Prefix".

The whole movie has a sense of ceremony.

A space station with great tension and a sense of ritual; strong opposite sides, like the color of flowers in the [-]th century; dark humorous lines; innovative dramatic structure.This show is full of an atmosphere called "cool".

"The soundtrack is needed now!" Kuang Zhiliang whispered excitedly.As a post-production crew, he is very sensitive to the rhythm of the film.

"I will handle it!"

Before Wu Xiaozu could speak, Qiu Litao flung his greasy hair and patted his chest with a red face, "Brother Zu, don't worry. I will definitely find the coolest musician in Hong Kong to help you score! The half part is so cool! It's so suitable for rock! I have a lot of good friends in the rock circle..."

Looking at the long-haired version of Song Xiaobao, who is full of joy, Wu Xiaozu believed in the ability of the friends he made.

This guy is clearly a rock musician who was delayed by the director!
In the rock circle on Hong Kong Island, long-haired Tao is famous!People send nicknames, and the music circle is rainy-Teddy!

That night, Qiu Litao brought in a well-known rock band and several musicians.

Looking at Qiu Litao, who grinned and asked for credit as if smiling at himself, for some reason, Wu Xiaozu's mind immediately appeared in an advertisement that was like brainwashing back then.

Thinking about it, the old lady who rushed over with Pi Yanping holding a bamboo pole would say, "Faster than me!?"

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  Updates are not very good these days.apologize!Very sincere face!
  Dinner and bowls. Recently, many branch affairs have been handed over to me. Things are very chaotic, and the new takeover is also very hurried.Waiting for a little bit to arrange the work here will increase the amount of updates!
  After all, you need to support your family, and the salary can't be taken for nothing!
  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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