My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 954 On the night of the premiere of "7 Sins", the face of the great god was like c

Chapter 954 On the night of the premiere of "Seven Sins", the face of the great god is like a cloud
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At the entrance of the Lumiere Cinema, Xiaozu Wu waited in person. Not far away, a tall and thin old man with white Mediterranean came in surrounded by the staff.

"Mr. Jacob—" Wu Xiaozu took two quick steps to greet him.

"Wu, congratulations, I have been looking forward to your new work since the last session."

At the entrance of the movie hall, Gilles Jacob, the person in charge of the Cannes Film Festival, was full of smiles, and patted Wu Xiaozu's arm very appreciatively, "Cannes needs excellent filmmakers like you, and we will do our best to provide you with better The environment allows it to become an avant-garde sentinel who knows fashion, schools, and characters well, helping everyone have a better platform."

"Thank you, Mr. Jacob. My success cannot be separated from the big stage of Cannes, and it cannot be separated from your help."

Still wearing a mix-and-match suit, the original half-length hair was curled into a bun, and there was a trimmed beard on his handsome face. Wu Xiaozu thanked him very low-key, then changed his voice, and took the initiative to help the other party's arm.

"In Asia, I will continue to actively promote the reform of the Hong Kong Island Film Awards. At the same time, I will also discover more outstanding films and filmmakers from the third world and different types of themes. This year, I also imitated you and launched a film support fund. I want to support more young filmmakers..."

"It's a great move, Wu. Films need inheritance and reform. More filmmakers lack opportunities, which is why I have always insisted on supporting rookies. I believe you can do a good job."

Jacob, an old and sophisticated Frenchman, nodded with a smile, his eyes showing a smile, "So, is there anything I can help you with?"

"of course."

Wu Xiaozu showed a grateful expression, and helped him walk towards the theater: "I brought a work called "Days of Being Wild" (Days of Being Wild) this time, which is a very artistic movie. I think if he could, he could get support from Cannes for his next film... even in name."


Teacher Wu has always attached great importance to his beloved apprentice, after all, he is a master who can slap the boss and vomit blood.


The drama "Days of Being Wild" was too miserable. Deng Guangrong was spitting blood and beaten into a bottle. Xu Feng was almost pushed out of Hong Kong Island by the sham. As for the other families, they were also injured.

After all, it is tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars!

If Wang loses money and wants to continue his film career, he may have to think of other ways... After all, Wu Xiaozu will definitely not give him money to film his so-called "evil and poisonous" that he dreams of day and night... Wu The master has always been very strict about money.

But what about a name backed by the Cannes Film Fund? ? ?
Hmmmmmm~~ The road will be wider after a while, and I think someone will take advantage of it and give away money when I arrive.

It can also be seen from this that Teacher Wu really cares about his apprentices.Well... it is also very important to take this opportunity to bring the Academy Awards closer to Cannes.

"Come back and send a copy to me." Jacob nodded.After arranging him to be seated, Wu Xiaozu also went to meet with other people who were invited to the premiere again, and expressed his thanks.

Indeed, quite a few colleagues from the film industry came to the scene. Although Xiao Mouzi's "Ju Dou" was missing from the Asian side, the lineup of the Asian side is not weak. Dongying Film's new generation of film director Kohei Oguri led the main creative team to also take the initiative to come forward. Come join us.The other party brought "Death Thorn" to Cannes this time, which itself is also a popular film.The program score exceeds 2.6.

"Oh, good man—"

The Italian version of 'Liu Yiwei' Giuseppe Tornatore saw Wu Xiaozu and hugged him with a smile. After "Paradise Cinema" won the Cannes Jury Prize last year, he still brought "Family Journey" this year, a Pay attention to the story between a retired worker in Sicily and his four children.

"Welcome to the premiere." Wu Xiaozu smiled and patted each other's back, whispering in his ear, "Let's have a drink together after the movie is over."

Giuseppe Tonadore nodded with a smile. While the two were chatting with each other, there was a sudden commotion at the door.


Someone suddenly said something, and some filmmakers on the scene stood up solemnly and looked towards the source.

Regardless of whether you look down on the new wave or are not affected by it, Godard's position in the hearts of filmmakers must be ranked in the top ten. In the more authoritative "Sight and Sound" and Tsdpt list, 'pimple' is ranked in the top five, only Second to Xi Pang, O Pang, Lao Ku and Fellini.

In later generations, he even survived all his competitors... and became an old artist like a living fossil in the world.

Why has Cannes attracted so much attention this year?
It is precisely because many people think that Cannes in 90 was really a fight between gods, otherwise "Ju Dou" would not have heard nothing about the character design of the old Mouzi "Son of Luck".

In the 43rd session, there are definitely great gods like tides and strong people like forests.In history, it can be regarded as a very competitive session.

David Lynch from North America and the old cowboy Clint Eastwood, Giuseppe Tornatore from Italy, Bertrand Tavernier, a veteran French cadre who has been in the French film industry for 40 years, The originator of MV, psychedelic director Alan Parker...

Everyone is famous internationally.

As the only Chinese seedling selected for the main competition unit, Wu Xiaozu, the head of the Chinese language, is also Alexander.

He didn't even think about it, the old lump of the Communist leftist actually came to his premiere...

Really flattered! ! !
This man must be one of the small group of people at the top of the pyramid in the history of film, and at the same time, he can be called a pioneer in experimental film.He is a model of "I do what I do". He himself is a film critic. Later, he found that the film structure, techniques, editing methods, etc. were stagnant. He simply became the director himself... and then took out "Exhaustion" that shocked the world.

Wu Xiaozu is also a little nervous
Not only was he nervous, but the on-site staff was even a little weak-legged! !
In May 1968, under the influence of the student movement and the "May Storm", Lao Geda and his good friend Truffaut, together with several other New Wave colleagues, kicked Cannes together, forcing Cannes to close that year.

Even at that time, they directly shouted 'All reactionaries are paper tigers! ''If you want movies, you need revolution'.It can be seen that Lao Geda is also an old leftist and an old cynical youth who memorizes Xiaohongshu.

This time, the literary and art veteran returned to his hometown to participate in the competition. Although Jacob and the organizing committee were annoyed, they greeted him with smiles on the surface.

But... Everyone would have guessed that his "New Wave" Palme d'Or is basically useless this time.

There is no way, considering that this is the fifth time to be selected for the Palme d'Or, basically all of them are zero.Not even a jury prize.Far less beautiful than Venice and Berlin.

Godard apparently didn't care about that, though.

If discussing the status of film history, his own resume is not inferior to the status of the Cannes Film Festival itself in the history of film, which itself is film history.

With a pair of earphones on his head, Godard was holding hands, ignoring the film juniors who were looking at him from afar, he kicked the folds of the blanket on the ground, heel rubbing against the ground, and walked towards the front row silently and steadily walk over--

Both sides automatically give way.

Sit directly on the seat without looking at the staff next to you.

Now he's clearly not out 'Death and film festivals are things I'm trying to avoid right now. ' Such a famous saying, but the king's breath is as strong as ever.


Wu Xiaozu stood five meters away, wondering if he should step forward.

This is Godard!

Well, this is Godard, he is not Truffaut, this is an extremist who once scolded his good friend Truffaut, and hates all "old narrative methods".

The narrative method and film language of "Seven Sins" are actually very commercial. Of course, Wu's strong style is also due.However, Godard is an old cynic who wrote a 20-page letter scolding Truffaut. Can his style be affirmed by him? ? ?
Unfortunately, before Truffaut's death, the two did not reconcile.

"The director's film is about to start." Beside him, the staff took the initiative to remind him.

"Okay." Wu Xiaozu tidied up his collar, and delivered a speech together with the main creators.

(End of this chapter)

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