My Hong Kong Island Filmmaker

Chapter 961 If you don't work overtime tonight, who will be crowned king in Cannes?

Chapter 961 If you don't work overtime tonight, who will be crowned king in Cannes?
PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

On May 5, Cannes time, the 20rd Cannes Film Festival Awards Ceremony kicked off at the Palais des Festivals.

Celebrities and guests walked past the red carpet, but more filmmakers, producers and behind-the-scenes bosses entered the waiting area of ​​the VIP room through special work channels, while sipping cigars, drinking coffee and champagne, waiting for the awards ceremony start.

It is also the best place to socialize for anyone aspiring to enter the European and American film industry.


It matters at all times.

Wu Xiaozu's circle in Asia is sufficient, but the circle in Europe and America is far behind.

In the waiting area, Wu Xiaozu met David Lynch, the biggest competitor this time, a serious but crazy guy with an artist's sense of madness, full of literary style.

"David, this is John." Harvey introduced with a smile.

"I have long admired director David. Your short film "Alphabet", as well as feature films "Grandmother" and "The Elephant Man" are the most classic representatives of psychedelic and surreal in my opinion."

Wu Xiaozu smirked like a boy and complimented him with a flattering expression.

The other party's films, especially short films, are more suitable to be appreciated as surreal works of art, because his use of metaphors even overwhelms his smooth storytelling, and he belongs to the kind of pretender who is keen on showing off skills. Why does his "Mulholland Drive" have a sense of showmanship.I am not only a critic of the Hollywood film and television industry, but also a darling of Hollywood. At the same time, I always consider myself an outsider and observer of the entire system...

This is very similar to the Jiang Biwang in Chinese movies, both of whom are boring directors with a lot of inner drama and weirdness.

This is a real big shot in the American independent film industry. If Wu Xiaozu enters the Hollywood independent circle in the future, the two will be regarded as colleagues through and through.

As for whether they are enemies...

"I watched your "Seven Sins", and I really like your design of the story. Seven cases, the connotation of the Seven Sins, the case was solved within seven days, and even the final time was 7:07, especially after the The design of the two original sins is very good.

I appreciate the whole movie from color, soundtrack, editing to story design. "

David Lynch, an academic white man, rarely showed a little appreciation, "I have always believed that, like showing humor, creating weirdness is also a talent. I like "Seven Sins."

Wu Xiaozu showed a modest smile, not sure if what the other party said was true, anyway, what he said was false.

He doesn't like "Wild at Heart" very much. Many passages in the whole play are inexplicably designed... Even his "Lynch sense" that has been talked about by film critics seems very stiff, especially the big family carnival The ending really lowered the quality of the movie.

In fact, his value is not only in independent production, he is also the pioneer of a new era of American TV dramas. "Shuangfeng Town" should be regarded as the pinnacle of American TV dramas in the 90s. It can be said that this drama set off a wave in the North American TV industry. Lynch's unique dark, surreal narrative style and unique handling of camera and color had a strong impact on the stereotyped soap operas of the 80s.

"I have also seen the recent "Shuangfeng Town". I am also a TV fan of this TV series." Wu Xiaozu asked with a smile: "I don't know if there is any idea of ​​​​distributing this drama overseas? I think more overseas audiences will like it." .”

"This movie belongs to Paramount and ABC TV. I think someone should be responsible for the specific distribution. Sorry, I have to leave..." David Lynch said lightly, and then someone came to say hello, and he left .

"That guy doesn't talk that much to people, and he's a tough guy in Hollywood."

Harvey shrugged at Xiaozu Wu pointingly, "But you know, those guys in the academy like him. This year he made a lot of money for ABC, and the guys in New York praised him to the sky. If he can win tonight Palme d'Or, then he will become the most successful filmmaker in Hollywood this year. His personal production company has a very high profit this year and will have a net income of several million dollars. This will make him the richest independent producer one."

Historically, 1990 was the pinnacle of his out-and-out film festival honors and audience appeal—it also established him as one of the most prestigious directors in the international film industry since the 90s.

"He won't be the richest soon." Xiaozu Wu took a sip of his coffee, "Although I am not interested in money, I like the satisfaction of box office brought by my movies."


Harvey Weinstein suddenly felt that the coffee in his mouth was not fragrant, "Well, I forgot that you are also a billionaire. Damn... I shouldn't talk about money with you."

Today, the independent production industry in the United States is not as mature as later generations. Although there are many talented people, most of them are still hanging around underground and belong to the fringe industry.Regardless of the fact that Harvey is the owner of Miramax Films, his assets are not even a fraction of Wu Xiaozu's.


Harvey inexplicably felt that he was a head short, and felt bitter even if he wanted to take a breath of free air.

"Anyway, this is not Oscar, isn't it?"

Wu Xiaozu shrugged nonchalantly, and said, "Besides, I don't think this will trouble Harvey Weinstein."

"of course."

Harvey showed a smile, and took the initiative to touch the coffee cup instead, "I think you must have prepared a truckload of the best champagne—a billionaire."

Wu Xiaozu was noncommittal, the two cups collided lightly.

They looked at each other, revealing a tacit villainous smile.

At this time, a staff member came in and led them into the hall to be seated.



Cannes still maintains the usual exaggerated nightclub style. The decoration of the stage scene is very similar to the decoration style of the master's house. The golden palm leaves in the background are very tacky... tacky.

Gu Tianle followed the "Seven Sins" crew to the first few rows of seats, nervous and excited, but because the boss was in front, he could only suppress his little excitement, and sat on the seat honestly on the surface. The rest of the 'colleagues' can only sit in humble corners...

Wu Xiaozu, who sat firmly on the chair, smiled and looked at Liu Jialing who was sitting next to him, looked carefully from top to bottom, and praised: "Jia Ling, you are very beautiful tonight."

Liu Jialing couldn't hide her joy, she stretched out her hand tremblingly and lightly put it on her arm, and said softly, "Thank you."

This dragon robe is naturally the outline of Wu Xiaozu's territory, and it was specially prepared by the company for Liu Jialing.

"I'm just pushing the cart along..."

Liu Jialing breathed out the fragrance in a charming manner, crossed her legs, and turned towards Wu Xiaozu's direction, whispering in Wu Xiaozu's ear in a low and inaudible voice: "I am a person who knows how to be grateful."

Feeling the calf being touched, Wu Xiaozu coughed subconsciously, and glanced at Liang Chaowei who was separated from the two of them, and the other party was chatting with Gu Tianle in a salty manner.

Sure enough, a good actor should be so focused.

While the two were talking, two drivers walked onto the golden and kitsch stage, and the male host was an ass, chewing curry-flavored French and telling French jokes that people couldn't get.

At the beginning, Cannes began to award some out-of-competition and short film-related awards.

Most of them are newcomers in the film industry. In this year's Cannes, which is full of stars and gods, it will not attract too many people's attention.

If it wasn't for Miss Liu's hand provoking intentionally or unintentionally, Wu Xiaozu might not be able to cheer up at all.

In this year's Cannes, it is obvious that the 'international' atmosphere is very strong.

Many film works from the Soviet Union, India, Italy, and South America have shown their prominence.

It's just that once the Soviet filmmakers go back, I'm afraid they will have to change their names again.

The status of Soviet films in the world film industry is quite high. After these two years, Russia will be even more exhausted, and its international influence will no longer be where it was yesterday.

In comparison, in fact, although the development of Chinese-language films has been bumpy and has taken many detours, at least they are still struggling to move forward.


Suddenly, Wu Xiaozu took a breath, and subconsciously moved his legs together.


Wearing a 'Dragon Robe Dress', Mr. Liu stuck his tongue against his teeth, his face remained unchanged, but his hands were very out of bounds...

"I'm going to the bathroom." Wu Xiaozu felt that he might have drunk too much coffee just now, and urgently needed to open the valve to release the water.

"It just so happens that I also need to touch up my makeup." Liu Jialing greeted Liang Chaowei who was not far away with her usual expression, and then secretly left the seat during the halftime performance in Cannes.

"Brother Wei, do you think the boss can win the award tonight? Will you win the best actor?" Gu Tianle whispered.

"Hehe~ I'm afraid I have to ask the judges." Liang Chaowei maintained a calm smile, and said in a low voice: "But my chances of winning the award are very low, and many actors' performances are very brilliant. Even Mr. Gao Cangjian and Mr. Cui Minzhi, their performances inside All good too."

"This year's competition is really fierce, I wonder if the boss can win the grand prize again..." Gu Tianle said hopefully.

"Everyone has a chance."

Liang Chaowei glanced at Liu Jialing's empty seat, and didn't think much about it, but felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

At this time, a beam of green light shot out from the performance on the stage, and he squinted subconsciously to dodge because of the strong light.

Gu Tianle just turned his head, looked over, and felt that the whole face of 'Brother Wei' was green and panicked in this color photo, as if he was filming a ghost movie.

In the audience, many people are actually anxiously waiting to get into the feature film.

Most of the seeded players are looking forward to it.

If I can win some awards in the main competition of Cannes, even if it is a less important award, it will bring great benefits to me.

The most intuitive thing is that their films may have the opportunity to be shown in theaters, and even sold at a good price, giving them the opportunity and cost to direct the next film.

Not every director can freely spend money to shoot the works he wants to direct.

More independent filmmakers are basically waiting for their opportunities.

Cannes is undoubtedly a very important opportunity for them.

(End of this chapter)

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