Chapter 983 The professor has the affairs of the world in mind, and the four kings and four melons are imperially appointed
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Jiudushan Baosongyuan serviced apartment mansion.

After Wang Tongxue held 32 concert tours before, his net worth increased greatly. With a wave of green tea, he bought a 1200-foot (111㎡) LOFT mansion with a loan. In line with the character and personality of the princess.

On the gray low-legged sofa, two big feet rest on the armrests and slide upwards—the leg hair that still does not fade in summer is like a pair of woolen pants.

Professor Wu rested his head on the armrest on the other side, with his waist and hips slumped.

Perhaps the effect of the central air conditioner in the loft is not good, and Professor Wu's upper body is covered with a thin layer of sweat, which makes the tattoo on his body swollen.

On the carpet under the sofa, a kitten stretched its body with a bowed body, staring at the two people sitting beside them doing non-standard sit-ups.

However, as the continuous and intensive ethereal chirping concerto suddenly appeared in the living room, it jumped aside in fright.

"Go down."

"Brother Zu~~~ I haven't slept enough..."

Ethereal with a slightly hoarse voice murmuring in a blur, I have to admire the talent of Wang Tong acupoint, playing the sound all night, the voice can still maintain this level of transparency.

Perhaps because of May Xin being a married woman, the whore smell on her body became stronger and stronger.

She has the talent of flesh and blood in her bones.Now that she has achieved her wish, she is a little bit proud of being favored—it is a pity that Professor Wu didn't give this b-face, and slapped her on the body, which made her embarrassed immediately.

"How's your new album going?"

"It's being prepared...but I don't like it very much..." The princess looked at Professor Wu who stood up and pulled up his pants, and said with a little hesitation: "Brother Zu, I want to go to the United States to learn about the music style there... I always feel that the styles of songs in the music scene on Hong Kong Island are too similar..."

Wu Xiaozu's nasal cavity is light "hmm", he still appreciates the progress of the princess... She herself has her own opinions on music at this point in time.

In this life, because of her intervention, she entered the ranks of first-line singers ahead of schedule, and her own ambitions for her career have naturally increased a lot.Of course, to a certain extent, it also gives her more say in her own music style.

However, if we want to say that her music style is really great, I am afraid that after meeting Xian'er.Once, more than one person said that without the help of Dou Xian'er, the princess would not have achieved success in music later on. This is true... yes.

"It's good that you have such thoughts. I'll ask Brother Zhen to help you contact schools and teachers in the United States, so that you can get music education there, and learn more about music. It is necessary to broaden your horizons." Wu Xiaozu buttoned up his shirt , "After a while, school will start in the United States, and I will let him arrange it."

"Mua~~ Thank you, Brother Zu." The princess tiptoed with a happy face, but she didn't want Wu Xiaozu's face to hide away, "Rinse your mouth first..."

"Hmph~~" Wang iPad wrinkled her nose. Although she is not the kind of "beautiful girl" in the broad sense, at least she is more wealthy than her own old Wang in terms of figure. Lao Wang's airport is not so flat.

But only caring about the cold-toned sullenness really stirred the hearts of mature men.

Professor Wu also doesn't want to disappoint the girl who has dreams. People should always learn to be kind to others, and to be able to help others, Wu Xiaozu feels very happy...

This is not physical pleasure, but spiritual salvation and dream fulfillment.


After rinsing his mouth, Wang iPad quietly approached barefoot, and saw Wu Xiaozu scribbling on the dining table with his legs crossed.

Li Ming.

Zhang Xueyu.

Guo Fucheng.

Now the three hottest male singers in his company, Li Ming's "Young Master" person set after Chen Boqiang and Zhang Guoyi have withdrawn from the music scene, perfectly filled the market demand. In this era, he has good looks and Temperament really belongs to the existence that stands out from the crowd, exuding the male god light of a girl's dream lover.

Where is Guo Fucheng?

A newcomer to singing and dancing rap and becoming a popular spicy chicken, in this life, his music style has integrated R&B style, which is still very fresh in this era.An idol who is good at singing and dancing is a traffic harvester in itself.

As for Zhang Xueyu~~
At the end of last year, the Cantonese album "Only Wishing to Love One Person" was released and immediately became popular. The title song of the same name won the top ten songs, and the other song "Drunk in the Sunset" also won two awards in a row, shocking the circle.Immediately afterwards, at the beginning of the year, the Mandarin album "The First Love Story of Familiar Zhang Xueyu" was released, which was also well received in the Bay Area. Change the decadence of the previous two years.

Of course, it was mainly because the two old gods, President Tan and Zhang Guoying, abdicated and gave him a chance.

Liu Dehua?
When Wu Xiaozu nominated and wrote the fourth name, he couldn't help thinking of this name...

But the name 'Zheng Yijian' was written in the pen.

The other party became popular with the follow-up series of "Young and Dangerous". Although it is not as exaggerated as in the previous life, the album released at the same time is also quite good.

Next to his name, Liang Chaowei was written. After thinking about it, he crossed it out.

Wai Jai is still not suitable for taking the idol route...

Li Ming, Zhang Xueyuan, Guo Fucheng and Zheng Yijian.

These are the "Four Heavenly Kings" that Wu Xiaozu delineated and wanted to stir up. The last two honors and qualifications are slightly inferior, but they are more popular!With the media resources of [-], it is no problem to win the four of them.

As for Hua Tsai...

After all, he is not an artist of his own company, and Wu Xiaozu will not have trouble with money because of his so-called feelings.

His interests have nothing to do with Wu Xiaozu.

Unless he's willing to surrender—

"What is this??" the princess asked curiously.

"Who do you think are the emerging first-tier female stars and singers in Hong Kong Island now?" Wu Xiaozu asked without answering.

"Me." The princess was very confident, she put herself on the top first, and then thought about it, "Vivian, she has blossomed in music, TV and movies, and has more male fans than me... Ye Qianwen should be able to do it. And... newcomers Lin Yilian is not bad..." Speaking of this, she paused, "Wang Zuzhen is also OK."

Wang Zuzhu became the four queens of the music circle? ? ?

Wu Xiaozu felt ashamed of the music circle.But don't tell me, Xiaoxian's family is really a flower of film and music.

If you want a film work, there is no shortage!

If you want music works, it's even more impressive!

The princess, Zhou Huimin, Ye Qianwen and Wang Zucheng? ? ?

In fact, in terms of strength, after Anita Mui started to focus on movies, Priscilla Chan was the most qualified, but she quit the circle and went to study in the United States.

This made Wu Xiaozu helpless and could only recommend his own family members.

Of course, at the very beginning, it is natural to start pushing the "Four Heavenly Kings", and follow up slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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