Wanli Xinming

Chapter 332 Pray for Rain

Chapter 332 Pray for Rain
The logistical test is financial strength, and Zhu Yijun understands the truth that fighting is fighting for money.At this time, although the East and West Route Army did not fight with anyone, when the army moved, grain, grass and silver were like flowing rivers.

Since the salt administration reform, after nearly ten years of sorting out, the food shortage in Jiubian has been fundamentally alleviated.Under the combined effect of the heavy attack by the imperial court and the redemption of various policies, within the border wall from Liaodong to Jiayuguan, the situation of land annexation has been fundamentally reversed, and self-cultivation farmers have occupied the mainstream of grain and field owners.

As a result, although the law in China has not been reopened, the imperial court is no longer burdened with the transfer of grain and grass.Frontier officials only need to collect taxes normally, and then buy grain warehouses at the price guided by the imperial court, and each army is self-sufficient.

In the two years after the Saihanba meeting, border trade between Han and Mongolia has exploded. Mongolian traders have actively participated in border trade with the fur and meat they have collected, which has made the quality of life of herdsmen soar.

After the reform of the salt administration, the annual output of salt has reached more than four times that of the first year of Wanli, which has provided the possibility of meat preservation and long-distance transportation on the grassland.Because the supply far exceeds the demand, salt has reached the original intention of Zhu Yijun's salt policy reform - cheap as earth.

Such cheapness will of course cause problems: the profit of contracting salt fields is already low to the same extent as the grain output of the same area, which in turn affects the enthusiasm of the entire industrial chain and circulation links.

Beginning in the ninth year of Wanli, the Royal Salt Works has begun to produce refined salt in different packages, which are sold under the brand name.In addition, medicinal salts for different purposes are produced, known as the secret recipe of the palace: for example, there are bath salts specially used to wipe the body when bathing; there are foot salts for foot baths - high-end people will never mix the two.

Once the brain hole is opened, the major salt-related trading companies in the country burst out with unlimited creativity.For example, the bamboo salt used for brushing teeth is the most popular one in the south of the Yangtze River.In addition, the refined salt produced in southern Sichuan has a color like peach blossoms, which is called peach blossom salt. Experts and newspapers from the Gewu Institute say that it is rich in minerals and is the most health-preserving. It is the favorite among women.Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi have a kind of caramel salt, which is brown and black in color, salty and sweet. If you don't use this salt for seasoning during barbecue, the grade is naturally lower.

However, in the past few years, there have been more than [-] varieties of salt in the Daming market, which is jaw-dropping.But the classes that can consume these products have limited use, and the biggest market for the excess salt is industry and food processing.

Soap, glass, and steel smelting, the three major salt users, consume one-third of Daming's current salt production, and another third goes to the food processing industry. Salting takes place directly on board; at the same time, there is also a large amount of salt transported to the grasslands for meat processing.

When a certain product is extremely abundant, it will give birth to a new industrial chain: for example, if there is more food, the wine industry will develop, and there will be more wine buyers at lower prices, which further promotes the development of the hotel and entertainment industry and the transportation and circulation of the wine industry. The benefits of the increase - this is the multiplier effect of the industrial chain, Zhu Yijun has been trained in the party school.

And the birth of each basic product will breed a new and expanding new industry. They still follow the basic economic laws in the Ming Dynasty at the end of the [-]th century: growth in the dimensions of value, business, supply and demand, and space. , absorbs people, creates wealth, strengthens connections, and spawns new ideas and ideologies.

At this stage, Zhu Yijun's main energy is to generate basic products through the Gewu Institute, to take care of the seedlings of the industrial chain transformed and grown by them, to cut off the black hands that extend power to them, and to constantly enrich the soil that makes them grow.

But there are also places beyond the emperor's control-such as the climate.From March to April in the 13th year of Wanli, there were only two rains in Beizhili and Shanxi provinces, and severe drought enveloped the northern part of the empire.Memorials for relief applications from all over the country seemed to come in flakes, and the political affairs hall led by Zhang Siwei entered emergency mode as soon as it got started.

As of April [-], the water accumulated in the earth had completely evaporated, the seedlings were withered, the fields were dry and cracked, the Tongzhou section of the canal had been cut off, and the merchants and the people were miserable.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of food in the Ming Dynasty today, and after the prosperity of industry and commerce, the people of Beizhili have surplus money, and there has not yet been a large-scale hungry people waiting to be fed.But looking at the water levels in the Inner River of the Forbidden City and Xiyuan, Zhu Yijun is still worried: the climate anomaly brought by the small ice river has already tested its power. Will Zhang Juzheng and himself be able to withstand the test of God's will after 13 years of hard work?

After that, he not only had to fight with people, but also with heaven, and the power of the Lord of Heaven was much more powerful than that of people.Under the leadership of Zhu Yijun, Daming will soon enter the mode of transcending calamity - crossing the past and ascending to the immortal world, if not, the world will be in chaos, and it will enter the dynastic cycle!

On the third day of May, the sky was still scorching hot.However, the weather monitoring team jointly established by Gewu Institute and Qintianjian has reported that the air humidity has increased significantly, and a green line has appeared on the hygrogram on the memorial.

On the fourth day of May, the green line continued to rise steeply.Zhang Siwei played on the emperor, saying that although the mandate of heaven is not to be feared, but to respect the ancestors of the heavens, the emperor's part should be that, because of the severe drought in Gyeonggi, the will of heaven is unknown, so there is no need to ask, but your majesty should fast and pray for rain to soothe the people.Dijana.

On the sixth day of the fifth lunar month, the capital was still in the heat.Although the sky above the Forbidden City is slightly cloudy, the sun shines straight down, making people feel like they are covered with a wet shell.At eight o'clock in the morning, the palace gates opened wide due to the suspension of the ceremony.Zhu Yijun walked out from Fengxian Hall to Damingmen in Tsing Yi and holding a wooden staff.

The emperor was surrounded by no eunuchs, no canopies of honor, and nothing but a wooden staff in his hand and a kettle around his waist.He had a serious face, and when he walked out from the middle of the imperial road, Jinyi's pro-military stood on both sides of the road to protect his safety.

Outside the Daming Gate, the audience has long been blocked.People in the capital who heard the day before yesterday that the emperor had started fasting, mostly waited for the emperor on the street.Seeing the Emperor's Tsing Yi wooden staff coming from afar, some knelt down, some bowed their heads sideways, not daring to look directly.

The holy car walked outside the Daming Gate. According to the etiquette established by the Ministry of Rites, the officials of Taichang Temple came out and knelt down to invite the emperor to Yuanqiu.

After a few simple answers, the emperor ordered to set off.Immediately afterwards, the civil servants were in the east, the military officers were in the west, the humble were in the front, and the admirers were in the back, all arranged in a single line and two pairs of symmetrical, walking together with the emperor to the Temple of Heaven.

The straight-line distance from Damingmen to the Temple of Heaven is about ten miles.The concrete road under the scorching sun was as hot as smoke, and the emperor and ministers were sweating like rain.Zhang Siwei had two gourds hanging from his waist, one with cold white water, and the other with salt water. He took a sip after walking more than a hundred steps, but he still felt dizzy.

The emperor who has been exercising all the year round has a wheat-colored face and walks briskly.At a distance of [-] meters, today's Zhu Yijun would be out of breath for a long time running, but walking over there is no pressure at all.Although the weather was scorching hot and his Tsing Yi was soaking wet, he did not show any signs of fatigue.

Gradually, the voice of Long Live appeared around him.The sound seemed abrupt at first, and the sound seemed chaotic.Then it gradually became uniform, and the shouting was full of fiery emotion.

"Long live!" "Long live!" The voice rose from wave to wave, making the corners of Zhu Yijun's eyes moist for no reason after Zhang Juzheng's death.He looked to both sides of the road, and the brocade-clothed pro-military in red had a straight waist and stood with his back to the center of the street.In the gap of the pro-military, there are faces of expectation.

Some people's faces are engraved with ravines by the weight of life, and some people's cheeks are round and shiny; some people raised their heads and looked directly at themselves because of their emotions; Tears flowed down my face.

The shouting did not stop, it was deafening, and it shot into the sky.

Lovely and respectable people, I will not let you suffer from the sufferings of Shenzhou and Lu Chen, and the deceased will be registered.

The people in the distance also shouted, maybe they still need a savior at this time, they need a fairy emperor.

Well, I will let you know the etiquette, get rid of ignorance and ignorance and become knowledgeable and polite.

Tears fell from Zhu Yijun's face, and his lips trembled.

I will expand the territory and let you live and live in a wider land without widowers and loneliness.

I will bring this nation to the top of the world, so that the people will never suffer from bullying!
With excitement, Zhu Yijun finally took the minister to the front of the Zhaoheng Gate of the Temple of Heaven. The imperial censor and the officials of Honglu Temple maintained order, and it was strictly forbidden to make noise.The emperor rested in the tent outside the Zuoling Star Gate under the guidance of the guide officer.Afterwards, the chief officials of the Ministry of Rites and Taichang Temple invited the emperor to the altar.

At this time, Neizan led the emperor forward, and the ceremonial and singing deacons performed their duties.The narcissist took his place, the emperor came to pay homage, the ceremonial officer sang to send off the gods, and after offering incense three times, he kowtowed to the sky four times, and all the officials knelt after the praise was delivered.Afterwards, the ceremonial officials sang the silk and laid the silk, and made the first offering. The emperor went to the front of the gods, offered silk, offered the title, read the congratulatory seat, the emperor knelt, knelt down after the hundreds of officials passed the praise, and prostrated and flattened after reading the congratulations.

Then the ceremonial officer sang Xingya to offer gifts, and the emperor went to the gods to offer his rank.The ceremonial officer sang the end of the ceremony, and Yi Tongya presented the gift.The ceremonial officials sang to send off the gods, the emperor kowtowed to heaven four times, and the officials knelt after the praise.The ceremonial officials sang and read the blessings, the blessing officials held the blessings, the silk officials held the silk, and each of them went to their seats, and the inner praise officials finished the ceremony.The guide officer led the emperor to the tent to rest.

Inside the tent, the emperor told Zhang Siwei and other ministers to his face: "The sky is dry, although I am not virtuous, but also because there are officials in the world who corrupt loot and corrupt the law, exploit the common people, and refuse to love and support the common people, so that the heaven is harmonious, and in the future It is also recommended for the department to choose carefully." Zhang Siwei and others said that they obeyed the purpose.

At this point, the ceremony was over, and it was time to drive back to the palace.Zhang Siwei got up and listened to Zhu Yijun: "I don't know if the people have dispersed?"

Duke Ding replied: "The words of returning to the emperor have not yet dissipated."

Zhu Yijun listened and pondered for a while.Then, ignoring the pale faces of the ministers, he ordered: "If you don't take the chariot, you can walk with me and go back."

Zhang Siwei: "."

"Records of Shengzong": Bingxu in May, it rained heavily, and the drought in northern Zhili was resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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