Wanli Xinming

Chapter 341

Chapter 341
In fact, Kashiwagi Pheasant thinks too much about his own king-for a family that has been paying for food for several lifetimes, there is an opportunity to exchange a false name for a benefit, this temptation is absolutely irresistible.

It is even more so in Masakimachi.This dude is the direct son of the Emperor Nara. After the death of Emperor Nara, the royal family didn't even have the money to hold the succession ceremony of Masakimachi. It took a fundraiser to end the absurd reality of three years without an official emperor in Japan.

Masakimachi has not succeeded to the throne for three years. He doesn't care too much about it. Anyway, he is starving as a puppet in the rainy and cold palace. It doesn't matter whether the enthronement ceremony is really or not. It also took several years to collect enough money, eldest brother not to mention second brother.

Another thing that left a huge psychological shadow on Maschinen-cho: when his father, Emperor Nara, died, he didn’t even have any money for the funeral, until after the Miyoshi Changqing Shangluo, he collected [-] pieces of money (real estate). Tax) as funeral expenses, the emperor was buried.

Go-Nara's body remained in the Kuroto Imperial Palace for two and a half months.Although there was lime in the coffin, it still smelled bad when it was buried in the deep grass north tomb of the imperial family cemetery. Mashincho completely collapsed at the funeral, and since then he has the problem of not being able to eat meat. Of course, Mashincho is a vegetarian. , but did not recommend the Japanese not to eat with him, and the Japanese people can't talk about hating him. [Note 1]
It should be said that the shoguns and daimyo of Japan's Warring States period seriously underestimated the influence of the emperor on the people.After nearly a thousand years of propaganda about the emperor as demigods and demigods, the ignorant Japanese people actually respect the emperor very much.Oda Nobunaga was the first to realize that the emperor's rare goods could live there. After he started, the real strong master of Zhengjin Town, Shengzu, at least was not hungry anymore.

After the change of Honno Temple in this time and space, several major forces that split the Oda family inherited Oda Nobunaga's political policy of "relying on the emperor to command the princes", and took care of the life supply of the royal family. Be a full-fledged ghost.

Unexpectedly, with a thunderous sound, Daming sent General Lingyunyi Zhenguo to bring things right!Look how good the imperial envoy Jun Ling said: "If the emperor does not support his way, who will be virtuous; if he does not punish those who have no emperor's father, who will be afraid of authority" - this is His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty who has come to support me!

After Masakimachi saw Ling Yunyi's call to action, he was very pleased that he had issued the "Lord of the Kingdom's Prayer"—it has been 400 years since Genji established the Kamakura Shogunate!Japan's nominal master can finally control half of his own destiny, instead of becoming a puppet used by the samurai family to decorate the facade!

Therefore, not to mention that Daming asked Zhengqin Ding to make up a surname for himself, even if Ling Yunyi or Li Chengliang asked him to call himself Dad, he would not hesitate at all.Moreover, Masakimachi didn't care about the emperor's name and face at all. His father, Emperor Nara, made a living by selling characters when he was alive. The streets of Kyoto were full of plaques with the emperor's inscription. ——Is the title and face of the emperor worth [-] passes?
The general to suppress the country sent by the Ming Dynasty is powerful enough to suppress the world. What's even better is that he has no interest in ruling Japan, but is lustful and loves money. He is simply the best "Wang Xiejun".

After the "return of the great government", under the coercion of Ling Yunyi, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Shibata Katsuie, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the former Oda tribes, were forced to bleed heavily to subsidize the emperor, so that the land claimed by Masakimachi's hands soared from three thousand stones To 30 shi, the wealth directly increased by a hundred times.Although it can't compare with the top daimyos, but at last there is no need to turn the princes and daughters into citizens and let them fend for themselves!

Yes, the income from the territory of the Japanese emperor was only 21 shi in the Azuchi Momoyama era. This income made it difficult for all members of the royal family to dress and eat.In desperation, all the sons and daughters of the successive emperors were given surnames except for the seed, so that the common people could adopt or marry them. A form of child prostitution, later generations until the [-]st century, the Japanese royal family also stipulated that princesses must leave their imperial status when they marry, and they cannot bring dowry. This is the "excellent tradition" left by the Azuchi era.

In addition to the increase in territory, Ling Yunyi also stipulated when implementing the policy that in order to "sustain their family name", the daimyo must obtain the endorsement of the king of Japan.That is to say, when the title is inherited, Zhengjin Town will issue a "commitment", which charges the cost of production according to the size of the daimyo's territory, and the average price can reach one hundred taels of gold, which is considered an inheritance tax.

In addition, the imperial army of the Ming Dynasty was stationed in Japan, and the archipelago stopped fighting, and the famous names in various places no longer needed to spend money to support the army.Therefore, they need to pay the "suspension tax" according to the size of the territory as compensation for the Ming Dynasty to bring peace to Japan and reduce military expenditures and casualties. This fee can be collected in the 13th year of Wanli. Take out a part of it as a subsidy for the Japanese imperial court's office expenses-using this hand, Ming has grasped the fate of Japan both militarily and financially.

There are still good things in Zhengqin Town. After Ling Yunyi ascends to Luo, Kyoto will restore the atmosphere of the royal capital, and it will definitely become a place of commercial convergence. This Kyoto business tax, the Japanese royal family can also join the Ming army two by one.

These miscellaneous expenses add up, and Zhengqin Town can be said to be a poor child and a rich one. "The serf turned over and sang", grinning every day, really grateful to Zhu Yijun and Ling Yunyi to the bones.

Therefore, Kashiwagi pheasant is purely salty to eat radishes and worry about it, and his family runs for the surname of the king in Daming, but he has long made up his mind to hold Zhu Yijun's thigh, and Daming's father asks me to do what I do.Well, go back and enshrine Tiancong Yunjian and Qionggouyu to the emperor, and leave the eight-foot mirror to take a photo often, reminding yourself not to be blind, otherwise once Daming withdraws, he will be blinded.

The so-called Tiancong Yunjian, Qionggouyu and Bachijing are the iron swords, jade hooks and mirrors obtained by the emperor's lineage from China when the Japanese tribes fought in the Han Dynasty. Because the manufacturing process far exceeded the level of the primitive tribes in Japan at that time, they were Rumored to be "artifacts", in fact, they belong to the bad street in Dahan - the Japanese still think that these things are brought from the sky by the gods. [Note 2]
Of course, if the Emperor Daming didn't dislike the ugly appearance of his princess, he would also plan to send two warmer quilts to the emperor, but Zhengqin would not be embarrassed to mention this, because the mainstream of the imperial family in this era is internal intermarriage. The appearance of this princess has some hot eyes.

The lord of the country is embarrassed to mention this, but the big names from all over the world don't care about that.The story of the Western Regions Huoluochi offering a daughter to the king has already spread to Japan. After Ling Yunyi went to Luo, the Lord of Satsuma Shimazu Yoshihisa immediately held a beauty pageant in the territory and sent six little girls into the palace to serve the emperor. Palace maids do errands, don't want any status - if it weren't for the ugly girl, Shimazu Yoshihisa would have no pity.

With Shimadzu taking the lead, Japan's beauty pageants are now in full swing.Marshal Ning Yuan Hou went to Japan just a few days ago, and there were several requests for him to do this. Li Chengliang was so disturbed that he made a secret performance for this matter.

Zhu Yijun had to issue a decree for this, ordering Li Chengliang to stop the Japanese beauty pageant - because the emperor was young and strong, now North Korea, Japan, and the southwestern vassals simply regarded him as a hungry ghost, and they all wished they could ask their wives to donate them. The woman's posture made the emperor overwhelmed.

After some fiddling, the major forces in Japan have now been restored to a new balance by Zhu Yijun.The Ming garrison was on one side, the Japanese lord on the other, and the feudal lord on the other.These three parties hold military force, name and field respectively. After the Ming garrison and the lord of the country are bound together, they form a balance of power with the feudal lord, and set the overall situation of Japan for a hundred years with the "World War I" of three casualties.

After Ling Yunyi returned to China, he often reviewed the entire Japanese strategy and cast his eyes on Zhu Yijun's admiration.The whole plan was neat and tidy, and it was a matter of course, and the sound of thunder was heard in the silent place. In essence, the emperor's grasp of the entire situation in Japan was exquisite, and he obtained the greatest benefit at the least cost.

Among them, the understanding of the title of the Japanese lord, the grasp of the power and personal character of Satsuma, Yuchai and other local names are all meticulous. Ling Yunyi will do more or less in Japan. There will be no better results.

If the temple adopts the strategy of attacking Kyoto first, the relationship with the Japanese lord will be difficult to turn around, and the reaction of Yuchai and the daimyo in the back is completely uncontrollable; Ling Yunyi still has to spend a lot of time; the policy of uniting the majority and attacking the old Oda team has grasped the mentality of the daimyo all over Japan - don't think about what I can't get, everyone is good to go.

The three chapters of the covenant, "Returning the Great Government", "Quieting the Troops and Stopping the War", and "Sustaining the Family Name", take into account the fundamental interests of the lord, the common people, and the daimyo, respectively.Once it was proposed, all Japan rejoiced.

As for Oda's former team, although Yuchai Hideyoshi and others lost the chance of Shangluo to control the world, but the basics have not been lost, so they will not do anything in a hurry.It is in Daming's interest to keep the archipelago in a semi-divided state forever - the so-called black gauze hat is upturned, and after eating the plaintiff and the defendant, it's really cool to die, and Ling Yunyi has the most say.

As for whether Japan can have a hero like Oda again in the future, Ling Yunyi is not worried about it.Looking at the Eastern Zhou kingdoms and the Warring States of Japan, it is impossible to go from enfeoffment to reunification without bloodshed, and Japan, which has its own dog brains, needs to worry about it?
As for the descendants of the Japanese lord, Ling Yunyi even scoffed.The so-called "return of major political affairs" is actually "return of money and wealth", so that the Japanese lord can live a decent life.It is the bottom line that the daimyo can tolerate if the lord of the country does not order the capital—and, even if the lord of the country cannot raise troops, no matter how wise, is there any room for him to use it?What's more, Daming is stripping the "sacredness" of the Japanese lord, and letting him take a surname is the first step.

The big event in Japan was settled, Ling Yunyi, who watched Cypress pheasant bow his head to go out, sighed inwardly, shook his head, and expressed his envy for Li Chengliang, who was about to live an immortal life.At the same time, Ling Yunyi is also very clear in his heart that he insisted on returning to China who proposed the "three chapters of the contract" in Japan, which was an extremely correct decision.

 Well, I wrote very carefully about the Japanese strategy, but everyone seems to have not found the beauty of it, so I will add it today.

  [Note 1]: It is Lao Mo's fault for not eating meat in Zhengqin Town, and the main purpose is to complain.

  [Note 2]: There are still many jade wares in the shape of Qionggou jade found in Japanese ancient tombs, so it is doubtful whether they came from the Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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