Wanli Xinming

Chapter 360-Baptism

Chapter 360-Baptism
On December 1584, 12 in the Gregorian calendar, in the third month after Xu Guangqi arrived in Lisbon, the mission finally arrived at its nominal destination - Rome.As a return visit to the Roman mission to Daming, Xu Guangqi's arrival undoubtedly achieved the highest achievement of Pope Gregory XIII's career - even if the issuance of the Gregorian calendar can only be ranked second. Location.

After Xu Guangqi arrived at the Holy See, he rested for two days and began to participate in various activities.The first event was the ordination of cardinals by Luo Mingjian.As a representative of the Roman embassy, ​​Luo Mingjian was promoted to the post of priest in St. Paul's Basilica, accepted the red cap that the Pope on the sickbed personally put on for him, and was awarded the cardinal ring-from now on, His Excellency the cardinal finally lives up to his name.

In fact, as early as the news of the mission's great success in Daming reached the Holy See, Fan Li'an and Luo Mingjian were on the list of new cardinals - which means that the two of them have long been promoted to the post of cardinals.But according to the code, the cardinal must perform the ceremony of taking the oath and receiving the red hat, which cannot be done in a diocese of Daming where there are no cardinals.

At the same time that Luo Mingjian was consecrated, Fan Li'an, who could not return to Rome due to physical reasons, and Matteo Ricci, who remained in the capital of Daming to continue his missionary career, were also sealed away.Because of his pioneering work in missionary work in Asia, Fan Li'an was canonized as the Archbishop of Asia.

Matteo Ricci, a young missionary, jumped past the stages of priest, bishop deacon, etc., and was directly promoted to bishop.Although he was not able to be listed as a cardinal this time, as long as he does not die suddenly, he will surely win in red in the future.

After Luo Mingjian was appointed a cardinal, he could serve as the representative of the Pope and complete the ceremony of consecrating Valiant and Matteo Ricci after returning to Daming.At that time, Fan Li'an was still Luo Mingjian's immediate boss - according to the status and contribution of the two, this is also what it should be.

After participating in this ceremony, the next day was Xu Guangqi's baptism ceremony.As the first person to be baptized in the Ming Dynasty, and as a concubine and an earl, his conversion fully reflected the missionary work of the Roman mission and was a major event in the political life of the Holy See.

In the propaganda of the Holy See, this event proves that the brilliance of God is far-reaching—with a population of 6000 million and an area larger than that of the Great Empire of Seris in Europe, the baptism of royal family members in Rome will become a milestone, marking the missionary work of the Holy See Career has reached its peak!Therefore, it is not surprising that the Pope gave him the highest standard of baptism-Xu Guangqi's baptism will be equivalent to the baptism ceremony of the kings of European countries.

Zhu Yijun, who came from later generations, knew very well what the Holy See needed.Even if the Roman embassy built ten churches in the capital of the Ming Dynasty and baptized [-] people, it would not be easier for Xu Guangqi to be baptized by the Holy See.

Therefore, although Xu Guangqi in this time and space was baptized by the thinking of things, he still embarked on the road of the original time and space with the emperor's mandate, and he became a Christian reluctantly.

According to the original plan, Gregory XIII was to attend Xu Guangqi's baptism and preside over Mass.However, in the past two weeks, Gregory XIII suddenly suffered from malaria, and his physical condition deteriorated rapidly. At this time, he was bedridden.So, on behalf of the Pope, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Castana, the priest of St. Peter's Church, presided over the baptism of Xu Guangqi.

There are many people watching in St. Peter's Basilica - almost all the European countries have sent envoys.Xu Guangqi was wearing a red velvet bathrobe woven from silk. When he walked out of the dressing room under the guidance of the waiter, the attention of the people in the hall gave him a layer of goosebumps - an involuntary feeling of the emperor who was [-] miles away. A bit of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Catholic baptism is mostly "baptism", that is, the whole body is immersed in water.In fact, judging from the history of the spread of Christianity, starting from the second century AD, the complexity of "baptism" ceremonies was not conducive to missionary missions. For nearly ten centuries thereafter, many denominations replaced baptism with "sprinkling"— That is, the host just drenched a few drops of water on the face and it was done.

But after the church in the Middle Ages reached its heyday, baptism "set things right" in an all-round way. Europa was baptized even when babies were born. They were taken out from the delivery room and went to the nearest church to hold a ceremony. Many children died of choking. Pneumonia or cold caused by water.

In the ceremony, this basin of water is not water, but the "precious blood" of Christ.The so-called cleansing of original sin by Christ’s blood refers to this one – soaking in the bathtub once is equivalent to declaring that you will die and live with the Lord. When you leave the bathtub, you will be a Catholic person in life and a Catholic ghost in death.

In a solemn atmosphere, the choir of actors sang hymns.The protagonist of Giovanni is holding the Holy Grail, Bishop Luo Mingjian holds a golden cross high behind him, and another Holy See attendant kneels on one knee, holding religious objects such as salt and ointment for baptism.

The deputy envoy Wang Jiaping stood behind the bathtub in a Daming dress according to the etiquette, holding Xu Guangqi's scepter.At this time, he saw Xu Guangqi wearing a big bathrobe, wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh, his expression was very wonderful.Xu Guangqi caught a glimpse of it, and his dissatisfaction with the emperor became more and more in his heart, and it gradually turned into a grudge.

After the opening hymn was sung, Giovanni first performed a mass ceremony, leading the audience in the hall to pray: "Lord, today we are in front of you and all the witnesses, for the sake of these friends who believe in the gospel and are your children, Xu Guangqi Lord Count, hold the ceremony of baptism, please come and bless us. Lord, you are moved. Amen!"

During the prayer, Xu Guangqi had a calm expression on his face and lowered his head to listen.After the prayer was finished, he approached the bishop Giovaro, who was baptizing, at the beckoning of the waiter.

Giovanni asked in Latin: "Do you renounce sin in order to enjoy the freedom of the children of God?"

Xu Guangqi replied, "Reject!"

Just as he uttered these two words, a string of words that made him wake up from time to time and are still horrifying suddenly appeared in front of him: "I declare that I have no opinions and wishes of my own. A ruthless war between pagans, Protestants and liberals all over the planet"

This text comes from the "Assassination Warning" incident in Madrid, Spain. After the Kramer party was uprooted by Felipe II, the Queen's special envoy Worthing Hai provided him with the "Jesuit" internal oath - this is a paragraph This made Xu Guangqi resolutely "reject" this sinful text.

Giovanni asked again: "In order to escape the slavery of sin, do you renounce people, places, and things that lead to sin?"

Xu Guangqi calmed his mind and replied, "Reject!"

But the text goes on: "I don't care about their age, gender, or class, I'll hang, burn, boil, cook, skin, strangle, and bury these damned heretics and rip off their wives. stomachs and wombs, and smash the heads of their children against the wall to destroy their abominable race. Forever."

Giovanni asked again, "Have you renounced the devil who is the source of all evil?" Xu Guangqi continued to answer, "renounce!"

"If these actions are not allowed, I will quietly prepare a glass of poisoned wine, a rope for strangulation, a sharp dagger and lead bullets"

The three questions of declaring Xinde were over. After Xu Guangqi publicly stated that he renounced sin and the devil, Giovanni asked to cross his chest and declared, "Amen!" together with the audience. Although Wang Jiaping did not believe in this thing, he also joined in the fun. Open your mouth.

Immediately, Giovanni continued the ceremony and asked, "Do you believe that the Almighty God the Father created the heavens and the earth?"

Xu Guangqi replied, "I believe it."

"I testify that I will dedicate my life, soul and physical strength to this dagger I now have, and I will write my name in blood as a testimony if my resolve is altered or weakened."

Giovanni continued: "Do you believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered and rose from the dead, and is now glorified in heaven?"

Xu Guangqi lowered his head and replied, "I believe it."

".The brethren will cut off my hands and feet, slit my throat, slit my stomach, and burn my body with sulphur."

Giovanni finally asked: "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church. The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, and eternal life?"

Xu Guangqi replied, "I believe it."

".These punishments fall on my living body and my soul will be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever!"

When Xu Guangqi took off his bathrobe, wrapped a long white linen scarf around his waist, and stepped into the bathtub, which was carved from a single block of white marble, the chant of hymns in the sacred and magnificent church sounded again.

Giovanni waited for Xu Guangqi to immerse himself in the water, leaned over to support him while chanting words, made him kneel, and then filled the "Holy Grail" made of gold with water and poured it down from the top of Xu Guangqi's head, three times.

Finally, he smeared salt on Xu Guangqi's forehead, lips, etc., and grabbed a handful of ointment and smeared it on his chest - the ointment was filled with a strong aroma, making Xu Guangqi involuntarily feel a little nauseated.

He endured the discomfort and strongly slandered the emperor for ordering him to "believe in God".After the waiter dried his hair and cheeks, he saw Luo Mingjian, behind Giovanni, with tears in his eyes, smiling at him.

Xu Guangqi reluctantly smiled at him, and secretly said in his heart: "Maybe the Lord you believe in is pure, but under the leadership of the emperor, I will goug out this evil sore that threatens civilization, so that under the splendor of heaven, evil will be destroyed. Never give up."

(End of this chapter)

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