Wanli Xinming

Chapter 364 Battle Line

Chapter 364 Battle Line

Under God, the Pope, the highest living human being, was shivering under the quilt, wheezing and panting for treatment, and Xu Guangqi's last trace of reverence for him was gone.Gregory XIII had been knocked down by malaria for more than two months at this time, and his body was close to collapse. He couldn't even communicate normally with Xu Guangqi, and it all depended on Giovanni to relay his meaning.

In order to protect the health of the members of the mission and take into account the study of nautical medicine, the mission set up a medical security team this time, sending a total of 36 doctors and bringing countless medicines - more than enough to open a pharmacy.

The medical team leader is Li Shizhen's disciple Pang Lumen. After entering the capital with Li Shizhen in the second year of Wanli, he participated in the whole process of research and development of the smallpox prevention method. The apricot forest master.

This time Wang Jiaping beat the Vatican so loudly, although he said "I am not responsible for the bad results", but Pang Lumen stepped in, as long as Gregory XIII did not suffer from carbuncle, he would have no difficulty in dying.

Sure enough, after hearing and asking about it, Pang Lumen smiled and said to Xu Guangqi: "The patient has repeated fevers, and now he is too weak. Today, we can use Artemisia annua to control the symptoms of hesitation first. Then, use some dispersing methods to first calm down the internal fire. Let it out, and then use some good medicine to replenish the Qi——by then, you will be able to walk on the ground."

"When you can move around and dissipate the power of the medicine, you can attack together with Artemisia annua and strong medicine. As long as you don't get pneumonia, this test will be passed-this old guy is still in good health. Preventing pneumonia is the most important thing. It's a slapstick It’s not scary, the complications are the fatal ones. Also, don’t let those quack doctors bleed the patient, it’s too late to do the bloodletting if you’re already weak?”

The corner of Xu Guangqi's mouth twitched, and he ignored Pang Lumen's calling the Pope an "old guy" and only translated his doctor's order.While translating, he said in his heart: "Sure enough, he is Li Shizhen's disciple. This loss of strength seems to be a complete failure."

Although Giovanni couldn't understand Chinese, when he saw Pang Lumen's pulse, he went from frowning to smiling, and he was determined in his heart, and he fully agreed to Xu Guangqi's request.

After the diagnosis was completed, when Giovanni said goodbye to Xu Guangqi, he held Xu Guangqi's hand tightly and said, "Your Excellency, when the Pope recovers from illness, you must get the position of Cardinal, because this is a miracle that only the Lord can create."

Xu Guangqi first smiled and said: "Your Excellency, you hurt my hand." After Giovanni let go of embarrassment, he followed up and said: "Of course, if I can be lucky enough to wear the red dress, this ticket will always belong to you .”

Giovanni cautiously glanced at his surroundings first, and then looked at the sky, his eye sockets seemed to be glistening with something about to flow down: "The people of Seres are so frankly bright in their work!"

Immediately, Xu Guangqi's words made him feel mixed feelings: "Of course, even if I am promoted to cardinal, this teaching position still needs the approval of the imperial court. In Seris, the teaching power cannot be greater than that of the imperial court."

The corner of Giovanni's mouth twitched, and he patted Xu Guangqi's shoulder lightly: "I think the Pope may not be able to understand the details of things that are hundreds of thousands of miles away."

Xu Guangqi: "."

On the basis of full research and careful consideration, Xu Guangqi made a choice for the emperor: Giovanni belonged to the faction of Gregory XIII and the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Although Spain was the biggest force behind them, the Pope and Felipe There is a lot to do between the two generations.

It is conceivable that when Daming and Spain meet in battle, if the Medici Bank can give Felipe II a bottom line, the expression of the King of Spain at that time must be very exciting.

Therefore, although Giovanni avoided the issue of the right to appoint bishops, Xu Guangqi did not take it seriously.On the emperor's chessboard these days, bishop appointment is not a pressing issue—it doesn't even matter.Now a small thread is enough.

After solving the problem of the Pope's treatment, Xu Guangqi returned to the station and continued to study the whole European situation with Wang Jiaping and others.These days, the mission has established close ties with Britain through the British spy Francis Worthinghay who reported in Madrid.

Now the mission has seen that the conflict between Spain and the United Kingdom has become irreconcilable in the fight for sea power, and there will be a war between the two countries in the future. Whether Ming can catch up in the age of great voyages, or even take shortcuts to become the top player directly, the key is It depends on what choice the mission makes in Europa.Thinking of this, Xu Guangqi deeply felt that he seemed to be burdened with a heavy burden.

The sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked, when Xu Guangqi feels the pressure is great.The Tudor Queen in the Greenwich Court was smiling all over her face, listening to Worthingham's report on Mary Stuart's latest developments.

Mary Stuart is Elizabeth's cousin, the former Queen of Scots, Queen of France, and the daughter-in-law of the Medici Dowager, known for her beauty.Because she believes in Catholicism, Elizabeth, who has always claimed to believe in Protestantism, is not eligible to inherit England. Mary Stuart should be the co-lord of England and Scotland.

After a series of marriages, betrayals and wars, in 1567, Stuart was put on the neck with a knife by Baron Lindsay of Scotland, and was forced to give up the Scottish throne.The year after her dethronement, she fled to England to seek asylum from her cousin.

But the personal existence of Mary Stuart also poses a huge threat to the status of Tudor Queen Elizabeth—even though England believes in Protestantism, there are still a large number of Catholic nobles. These people need a Catholic king, and Mary Stuart Tuart is legally impeccable.

Therefore, after the two plastic sisters made out for a few days, Elizabeth immediately turned her face and put Mary Stuart under house arrest, which lasted for 16 years.

As the great king who created the "Golden Age" of the British Empire, Elizabeth is extremely sensitive to power, and there is no shortage of people around this king who share his worries.Over the years, the favorites, led by William Cecil and Robert Dudley, have collected many charges, and now they have woven an airtight net. Mary Stuart is charged with treason and conspiracy Assassinate Elizabeth I.

Worthingham, as the Queen's chief intelligence adviser, has been traveling back and forth between the Chinese mission and London these days, and his belly has run away.Although he has the largest intelligence network in England and should undoubtedly be on Elizabeth's side, he has a little sympathy for Mary Stuart.

Therefore, after he reported Mary Stuart's latest movements, he tried to do his best, swallowed, and said to the increasingly majestic Queen: "Your Majesty, my subordinates have found a forgery." Boswell Letters' people."

The so-called "Boswell Letters" refers to the eight letters written by Mary Stuart to her lover Boswell and some documents. In addition to talking about love, there are also some contents of conspiracy to rebel against Elizabeth I.When Mary was tried for treason, these letters were used as evidence to arouse the indignation of the English - but discerning people among the nobles knew that the evidence was not credible, after all, forging letters is not difficult.

The Queen of England glanced over the face of her spy chief, as if judging what he meant by saying this.Then she said in a casual tone: "This is not an important issue, because the court did not accept these so-called 'evidence' at that time."

She put an accent on the word "evidence," and Worthingham groaned at the implications.He bowed his head and said: "Yes, my lord." In response, he also emphasized the word "mine".

The queen didn't seem to want to waste too much time on her cousin, so she changed the subject and asked, "Is there any latest news from the Seris Mission?"

"Your Majesty, before I left Tuscany, I heard that they were going to leave for Rome."

"Hmm." The queen asked about the mission just to change the subject, but after hearing Worthingham's answer, she didn't continue to ask. The living room in Greenwich fell into a short silence.

Worthinhai, who didn't want to resign, suddenly remembered something. He raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, His Excellency Earl Xu Guangqi asked me to tell you that in future naval battles, the gunfire on the ship's side will be decisive. He hopes that England can reform in the navy. continue on the path of the Navy and let me pass a word through you to Drake and the other Admirals."

When the Queen heard this, she straightened herself up on the high-back chair, "What is it? Your Excellency Walsinger?"

Worthinhai swallowed again: "Battle line."

(End of this chapter)

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