Wanli Xinming

Chapter 380 Masbate

Chapter 380 Masbate
Human beings in the 14th year of Wanli have experienced various things because of the different regions they live in.People near the equator, the hot climate does not allow them to work hard, and there are so many gifts from nature, they can eat without too much hard work, so they have passed down some lazy characters from generation to generation. The world of great contention will inevitably be mermaid.

In the cold northern polar regions, there are a group of "raw meat lovers" who live in igloos and tents, and feed on seals and polar bears. Their survivability makes every so-called "survival expert" in future generations ashamed.But at the same time, extremely harsh natural conditions make it impossible for them to expand their scale and power.

Only people in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere—the climate is suitable for farming or grazing, and they have the ability to domesticate large herbivores such as horses and cattle, all of which have become the most favorable support for people in the process of expanding their living space.The right conditions are such that they need to work hard to survive, but not so bad that they limit reproduction.

Therefore, since the history of civilization - joys and sorrows mostly occur between the Tropic of Cancer and the Polar Circle.The people here are driven by climate and biosphere, build nations, give birth to monarchs, produce weapons and poisons, and finally decorate it all with intrigue.

This year, the cannon designed and built by Russia's Andrei Chokhov was completed. The cannon weighed 40 tons, the muzzle diameter was 0.92 meters, and each cannonball weighed one ton. The "Cannon King" not only showed the insecurity of Tsarist Russia, but also showed great ambition.

This year, Mary Stuart, the former queen of Scotland and French widow Queen, who was imprisoned by Elizabeth I for 18 years, was beheaded and executed. Philip II's conspiracy to use Mary to disrupt Britain was completely shattered. Sworn to avenge Scotland's former queen - a war between the two countries is imminent.Drake and other naval admirals who accepted the idea of ​​"battle line" are desperately refitting his pirate ship, and the nascent steel foundry industry of the British Empire has also been tested.

This year, the Spanish colonial governor of the Philippines, Santiago de Bella, received an order from the Spanish mainland. Felipe II informed him that the negotiation with Xu Guangqi had broken down and asked him to be careful of attacks from Daming.

The Santiago governor is related to Miguel Lopez, the first governor who conquered Luzon 20 years ago.Miguel once formulated a plan to attack Daming with a total of eleven chapters and 79 chapters and thousands of accompanying charts. He believed that Daming could be conquered with twelve Fragada-class warships and 5000 people, and he proposed to the King of Spain Reported a memorandum signed by himself, the bishop, and senior military officers, in which the reasons for attacking Daming were very naked - "by God's will, this is a sufficient reason for us to enter this country." destroyed but not implemented.

Although history does not allow assumptions, if the original time and space did not have the demise of the Armada, it will be an interesting question where China's history will go. How to save the country and survive in the face of strong ships and cannons can only exist in overhead imagination. .This memorandum at least shows that Zhu Yijun's rhetoric of humiliating ministers when he reformed the reform was tenable.

After Zhu Yijun ascended the throne in this time and space, Daming reorganized his army and prepared his military force, and his strength recovered rapidly.In the first war in Burma, all parties from North Korea to Goa were shocked by Daming's clean victory.Immediately, Daming took over Japan in the First World War, and took down Annan like a broken bamboo. De Bella's eyes were red with jealousy, but he did not dare to make trouble.

After the successful visit of Luo Mingjian's mission, the colonists in Luzon, Goa and Manlaga completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking Ming.The information obtained by the mission is that although Daming was a closed country before, its mobilization ability and firearms are now as good as Spain's, or even better.If it weren't for the fact that the navy was still weak, the colonies would only be worried about the Ming Dynasty.

After that, all I heard was that the Ming Dynasty was expanding its territory in the north. His Majesty the emperor seemed to have turned his energy to the northwest, and business transactions with the colonies were normal.In the eyes of the Governor of Santiago, these Chinese people are particularly fascinated by history, as if they would feel sorry for their ancestors in the "Han and Tang" periods if they did not restore the old territories.

Daming's diversion of expansion direction is of course a good thing for the Governor of Santiago. In fact, even if Spain does not come to give an order to remind him, the colonial governor has no intention of being hostile to Daming at this time.

The Chinese settlements in Manila have expanded rapidly in recent years, and the princes and princes of the Ming Dynasty have set up offices here.

These so-called servants are the "mercenaries" who implement the spirit of the imperial court meeting. Most of them are composed of retired officers and soldiers from Burma and Annan. They are under the unified command and dispatch of the Military Intelligence Bureau and receive a basic salary.At the same time, they also accept "commissions" from princes who are interested in making profits in the colony. This commission is rich enough for them to leave their homes and businesses to work on this blood-licking business.

In the past two years, their footprints have spread all over Little Luzon (by: Luzon Island) and between Sa Yao and Nabei (by: Mindanao), constantly discovering new islands that have not been marked by the colonists, and exploring the stillness of the Spanish colonial authorities. The mineral deposits that were not found - of course, in the eyes of the princes and princes, the occupation and naming of the Spanish colonists does not mean that the place has belonged. This is the "new land" promised by His Majesty the Emperor in the seventh year of Wanli.

What's more, the Spaniards didn't come for a few days.Manila was occupied by the Spaniards in the fifth year of Longqing - and the Chinese pirate Lin Feng almost took Manila down in the second year of Wanli, which shows that Manila's "status is uncertain".

Of course, Lin Feng was a rebel, and Daming did not support him.At that time, the local officials in Fujian were in sympathy with the Spanish colonists, and they killed the pirates with their backhands.

In recent years, Daming princes have begun to make no secret of their coveting of Greater Luzon (press: refers to the Philippine Islands, referred to as Luzon for short), and the Governor of Santiago has also heard of the disturbing public opinion, but what he can do is extremely limited: able to Maintaining the current situation has exhausted him.

The Chinese who have taken root here have gradually changed their image of being timid and fearful because of the powerful martial arts of the Ming Dynasty, and they no longer hold back when negotiating with the colonial authorities.These Zhangquan adherents have struggled to survive on these islands since 200 years ago, and now they have basically monopolized various industries in Luzon through hard work, with a population of more than [-].

In addition to haircuts, tailoring, repair services, restaurants and other service industries, most of the food and animal husbandry in Luzon are also in the hands of the Chinese - the local natives have no experience in farming and animal husbandry, and they are too lazy to learn.

Although some land has been allocated to the Spaniards, these so-called "colonial estate owners" also need to hire Chinese to manage them.These landlords were not good at instructing native serfs in farming and grazing—and these skills are precisely the innate skills of the Chinese.

Therefore, in addition to the profits made by the Spanish colonial authorities from trading with Daming, [-]% of the local tax revenue in the colonies came from the contributions of the Zhangquan survivors.And these people stood up straight, and after the Spanish colonial authorities could not ask for anything, the contradiction between the two sides gradually deepened.

In September of the 14th year of Wanli, the expedition team hired by King Zhou discovered large open-pit gold and copper mines on Masbate Island, a large V-shaped island between Little Luzon and Panay Island.The news was sent back in a very fast and very secret way—the king of Zhou and the king of Lu immediately played Zhu Yijun closely, asking the court to allow them to occupy the island for mining and smelting.

Since Miguel, the first Philippine Governor, occupied Cebu, in the past 60 years, the Spanish colonists have expanded south and north, and have occupied Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan and other major islands.Although there is no Spanish garrison on the large V-shaped island discovered by King Zhou's expedition, the colonial authorities have surveyed and mapped it and marked it on the map as the governorship of "New Spain"—if the Ming court dispatches the navy to occupy the island , that means that Ming took the initiative to start a war with the Spanish colonies.

(End of this chapter)

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