Wanli Xinming

Chapter 392 Records

Chapter 392 Records
When Felicia saw that the native servant was not moved by her plea, she stepped forward with a knife and was about to do it, so frightened that she almost shed urine and feces.

At this moment, Wang Jingyi suddenly opened her arms to block the native.The native looked at her suspiciously, reached out and nudged her shoulder, motioning her to move away.

Wang Jingyi couldn't stop her in Spanish, and said in Quanzhou dialect: "You can't kill her!" The servant sneered, and suddenly opened his mouth, Wang Jingyi screamed in fright: The man's tongue was only halfway in his mouth, looking at the seepage Incomparable people.

Felicia still knelt down and begged bitterly. Although Wang Jingyi was frightened, she still opened her arms to stop the servant.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire and fighting was loud in the streets, and the servant's face showed anxiety.Seeing this, Wang Jingyi turned around abruptly and put the knife in Felicia's hand.

Seeing Felicia froze with a knife, Wang Jingyi pointed to Cologne, who was lying on the ground, and motioned her to go and kill Cologne.Seeing this, the servant's eyes lit up, and he put away his long dagger and stood aside.

Felicia panicked, and Wang Jingyi said in Spanish, "Kill him, not you." The servant smiled and nodded in agreement.

Felicia looked at the two and understood her situation - she had no other choice.So she walked forward with tears on her face and knelt beside Cologne.At this time, Cologne had no strength to struggle, because his lungs were punctured, and his mouth was full of blood, which was described as terrifying.

The servant saw that Felicia was trembling and did not dare to make a move, so he took a step forward and raised his dagger to stab her.Felicia closed her eyes and shouted, and stabbed the table knife through Cologne's neck with force, until it reached the handle.

She stabbed with all her strength, and then she was paralyzed, her hands trembled, and she was unable to pull out the knife.Cologne's throat was mortally wounded, his eyes were round, and he stopped struggling.The native servant saw it, with a relaxed smile on his face, snorted, and turned to leave.

Wang Jingyi stretched out her hand to hold him and said, "Don't go." Seeing that the servant looked inquiring, Wang Jingyi gestured and said, "Set fire first, then take it with you, let's go out."

The aboriginal who was forced to become a dumb servant lit up again and nodded in agreement.Wang Jingyi took him upstairs quickly, and ran to the study in Cologne to scavenge for some valuables - where else, the entire study had been rummaged by the housekeepers and servants who had escaped earlier, and there was nothing but wooden desks, chairs and books and documents.

Seeing this, the servant was not annoyed, he found a small candle from the drawn drawer, lit it and lit the documents in the study.Then he took Wang Jingyi downstairs with a handful of burning papers and set fire to each room.

When they were placed next to Cologne's body, they saw that the whale oil lamp that had fallen to the ground had ignited the nearest door.Felicia felt nothing by the flames, just buried her head in her knees and kept talking about God.

Wang Jingyi pulled Felicia up and led her away from the flames.Seeing that the door was on fire, the servant smashed it with force, and threw some burning wood in the corridor, and he threw two more pieces at Cologne.

Seeing this, Wang Jingyi hurriedly stopped her and said, "Wait." After she finished speaking, she leaned down, turned over Cologne's pocket, and found a velvet purse. Seeing Cologne was wearing a gold wedding ring, she also pushed hard. It came down.

Immediately, she showed a smug smile and said to the servant, "Now, burn it."

In the middle of the night on the last day of June in the 15th year of Wanli, the Ming army and the spies of the Military Intelligence Bureau in the city cooperated inside and outside and blew up the north gate of Manila City with explosives. The city was broken.

As expected by Zhong Yanwen, the indigenous army stationed in the city saw that the Ming army was caught off guard by the Spanish army, and they had already planned to rebel against the water. Call the war the Manila Riot.

In the historical records of Spain in later generations, June 15th in the [-]th year of Wanli was called the Manila Catastrophe.Below the governor of Santiago, the Spaniards were almost massacred regardless of good or bad.One of the documents is recorded as follows:
"The Seris deceived Santiago with a false pretense of peace. He wholeheartedly discussed the word 'apology document' with the imperial commissioner, trying to lift the blockade of the fleet on Manila without causing great confusion to Felipe II."

"But the Seris are gearing up. They secretly called out all the explorers who could use a musket, and they mobilized extensively on the north bank of the Passy."

"Survivors of the Manila catastrophe testified that Sirius promised that as long as Manila was conquered, all the wealth in the city would be given to those who broke the city without taking any money. Therefore, the rich people who were extremely jealous of the Spaniards were dominated by greed. They have completely forgotten the civilization the Spaniards brought to the region and the trade that enriched them.”

"There is also evidence to show that some traders from Malaga came to Manila to supply supplies at that time, and these traders participated in the looting shamelessly. All the Spanish handicrafts, works of art, gold and silver in the Royal City of Manila were sold to them with great value. Purchased at a low price and brought back to Seris to sell, these bloody riches once made the entire south of Seris fall into ecstasy."

"We have to say that the whole Manila catastrophe is the most disgraceful page in the process of the Seris gaining their huge territory. No matter how the current Seris beautify their history, this war caused by inexplicable reasons. , full of intrigue and deceit, massacres and atrocities.”

"There is evidence that the Seris had no intention of attacking Manila in the first place because they were clearly not ready to attack the city - in every sense of the word. But why did the St. John, as the Seris say, take the initiative to them Attacking has become the most difficult puzzle to solve."

".But the real slaughter came from the indigenous army. Although these rabble were incompetent, they were extremely ruthless in the face of the civilians in the royal city. They took advantage of the Seris to attack the Governor's Palace, and they split up and carried out looting, massacres and rapes in various neighborhoods. ."

"Blanca Hernando Colon and her tutor, who later became famous throughout Europe, survived this catastrophe thanks to the protection of a kind native servant."

“As of now, her memoirs remain the strongest and most direct evidence of the Manila devastation. Here is an excerpt from the author: 'Indigenous soldiers killed anyone they saw, regardless of age—as long as he was white. On the way to the church, there were screams of white women in almost every room. I saw with my own eyes that there were many clashes between the Seris soldiers and the indigenous army to stop the atrocities.'”

"'The atrocities did not end until three days later. At that time, Felicia was even lucky enough to see her daughter survived, but then the two were separated in the chaos. It was not until 30 years later that her daughter adopted by the Sires was found. her mother, and Felicia doesn't know her favorite Emily anymore'”

(End of this chapter)

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