Chapter 1 001 Go to Luna?
Shu's villa, early in the morning.

Before dawn, this three-storey U-shaped villa has been busy.

Wearing a black and straight tuxedo, a butler robot with a face that looks serious but is actually an artificial skin is shuttling through the corridors of the villa.

Its slender body is about the height of an average male adult, but its legs do not walk like humans, and it has four tires under its feet, allowing it to glide on flat ground.

Every morning, before the owners of the villa wake up, it must check whether every corner of the villa is clean and dust-free.

This is the first task to be completed every day in its schedule.

After confirming the breakfast progress of the hosts with the kitchen robot, the butler robot went to the second floor of the left wing according to the preset procedure.

As each owner wakes up, different robots in the villa are activated and put into work.

In the dining room on the second floor of the left wing, a large long table was covered with a clean white tablecloth, and a variety of exquisite dishes were placed on white gold-rimmed ceramic plates.

There were only three people, two men and one woman sitting at a long table to eat.

Shu Yubin put down the tableware, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and asked expressionlessly, "Alfred, where is the general now?"

The robot steward who was quietly waiting by the side bent slightly, and said with a very natural expression on his face: "The general's warship has entered the wormhole and is expected to arrive in the Rowan galaxy in 48 hours."

Shu Yubin nodded slightly, and he and his wife, Tong Xiufang, who was sitting across from each other, looked at each other.

Tong Xiufang's appearance is dignified and gentle, and she is well maintained. There are no traces of time on her face, and she can't tell at all that she has given birth to four children.

"What about the key?" Tong Xiufang put down the tableware and asked.

There is eagerness in the eyes.

As long as the two eldest daughters can't be contacted, they can make a move.

Thinking of them arranging a blind date for the younger daughter and trying to avoid the two older daughters, Tong Xiufang felt a pain in her liver.

Obviously they are parents, but the right to speak at home is not as high as that of the two eldest daughters.

Who told her two daughters are so outstanding.

Everyone envies that the Shu family has raised two outstanding daughters, who are now highly respected figures, but how do outsiders know how careful their parents are in front of their daughters.

But Tong Xiufang has to admit that their current life is all because of the glory of their two daughters.

They were just offshoots of the Shu family, and Shu Yubin was not a particularly talented person. He managed the property left by his ancestors and lived a peaceful life.

At that time, Tong Xiufang never dreamed that one day she would live in such a big house, with the most advanced butler robot like Alfred, and many robots that take care of their lives.

Alfred looked at Tong Xiufang, and he said respectfully: "Second Miss is about to start recording a reality show, and I won't be able to contact you until about ten hours later."

"Has Shu Shu woke up?" Shu Yubin asked impatiently.

Alfred shook his head: "Third Miss hasn't woken up yet."

"What time is it? Go and wake her up and let her come down wearing the clothes I bought for her yesterday." Disgust flashed in Tong Xiufang's eyes.

The youngest daughter caused trouble everywhere before she was an adult. If it wasn't for the protection and doting of her two older sisters, Tong Xiufang would have thought of throwing the little daughter to a remote planet to fend for herself.

After receiving the order, Alfred immediately drove the four wheels under his feet and quickly left the dining room.

"Mom, can I go to Luna with Shu Shu? I haven't been there yet." Shu Jiaxing asked with a smile.

Without waiting for Tong Xiufang to answer, Shu Yubin said with a sullen face: "Your sister is on a blind date, not to play. Besides, it is rumored that the young master of the Ning family likes men. Do you want to follow the young master of the Ning family to see him?"

Hearing that the young master of the Ning family liked men, Shu Jiaxing shuddered, quickly shook his head and said, "No, I'm just joking, I still have a lot of homework to do."

"Jiaxing is going to take the college entrance examination next year. You have to study hard. Next year, you will definitely get the entrance examination qualification for Luna No. [-] Academy." Tong Xiufang paused, with a disgusted expression on her face, "You must not be like your sister. , wasted such good resources, and only got into a third-rate university.”

Hearing Shu Jiaxing's answer, Shu Yubin's expression turned slightly better, but when his wife mentioned Shu Shu's grades, his expression became gloomy again.

That unfilial girl usually skips classes, is addicted to video games, and often hangs out with a group of dubious people.

The eldest daughter and second daughter also provided her with a lot of resources, but she only got a passing score in the college entrance examination last month.

If those resources are used on the youngest son, Shu Yubin believes that the youngest son will definitely be able to get a high score and get the entrance examination qualification for Luna First Academy.

However, the Ning family has already agreed.

After about an hour, when Shu Yubin and the three of them were waiting impatiently, a girl in casual clothes arrived late.

With a round baby face, big sparkling eyes, fan-like eyelashes, and long pink thick hair, she looks like a delicate ceramic doll.

She was petite and harmless.

But the Shu family all knew that the third miss of the Shu family only looked harmless to humans and animals.

At this time, she was yawning, she didn't even look at the three members of the Shu family, she just sat down on a chair.

"Yar, bring me a strawberry muffin, I want to put the little strawberries planted on Diana's house." Shu Shu rubbed her eyes and ordered.

Alfred stepped forward and poured Shu Shu a glass of water: "I have ordered the kitchen to prepare it for you."

Shu Shu raised her glass and took a sip of water with sleepy eyes.

"Ahem." Shu Yubin coughed lightly.

Only then did Shu Shu look at the three people at the other end of the long table. She blinked her big black eyes and asked doubtfully, "What time is it? Are you guys having breakfast now?"

Shu Yubin and Tong Xiufang almost choked on their saliva, Shu Jiaxing stared at Shu Shu and shouted, "Is there a mistake? We are all waiting for you."

"So you were waiting for me to have breakfast together." Shu Shu shouted with a face full of surprise, with a small hand raised in front of her mouth, which was very vivid.

After waiting for more than an hour, Shu Jiaxing had a lot of anger in his heart, but now it all exploded.

He shouted at Shu Shu: "We're not waiting for you!"

"But you just said clearly that you were waiting for me." Shu Shu said with a puzzled face.

Shu Jiaxing choked, and the anger in his heart was even stronger, but he didn't know what to say to Shu Shu's innocent baby face.

His sister, who was only one year older than him, definitely had the ability to piss people off.

Seeing that her son was defeated so quickly in the face of Shu Shu, Tong Xiufang quickly said, "How did your sister do it? Why didn't you let your brother go."

"Obviously he was the one who yelled at me." Shu Shu pointed at Shu Jiaxing dissatisfiedly.

It happened that Shu Jiaxing made a face at Shu Shu, Tong Xiufang didn't even look at Shu Jiaxing, she stared at Shu Shu and said, "You're an older sister, so you should let your younger brother go."

Just as Shu Shu was about to refute, Shu Yubin finally said, "Enough!"

Both Tong Xiufang and Shu Shu kept their mouths shut, it was rare for Shu Yubin to regain his majesty as the head of the family.

Being suppressed by his eldest daughter for a long time, he almost forgot that he was the head of the family.

"After breakfast, go back to your room and get ready, and leave for Luna in an hour." Shu Yubin looked at Shu Shu and announced loudly.

Shu Shu pointed to her nose and asked doubtfully, "Me? To Luna?"

 The lovely Shu Shu is here!

  The heroine is definitely not a soft girl, but occasionally she will pretend.

  Ask for collection, ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~
  Recommend completed articles "Ming Ju will be better with you", "Master Guoshi is chasing after you again"

  ps: In this article, there will be guest appearances by characters from "The Master of the National Teacher is Chasing Again"

(End of this chapter)

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