It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 100 100 Ghosts Believe!

Chapter 100 100 Ghosts Believe!

Seeing Xiao Tingyuan's actions, the ministers present remembered that Sian Weiger did the same thing yesterday.

Some ministers thought in their hearts that after the meeting, they should ask the two deans of Luna No. [-] Academy where they bought such a large portable light curtain.

It's so convenient.

Every time they want to play something in the conference hall, they have to apply, and they may not be approved.

If there is such a light curtain that can be enlarged at will, they don't have to worry about the content of each meeting.

Xiao Tingyuan didn't notice that some ministers had strayed from the topic, and he was talking about the damage of this entrance examination to the candidates and Luna First Academy.

Under Xiao Tingyuan's lengthy speech, the ministers listened in a daze, and some older ministers felt drowsy.

Sian Weiger, who was sitting next to Xiao Tingyuan, saw Xiao Tingyuan talking redundant words there by himself, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and kicked Xiao Tingyuan hard.

If I had known that she had spoken by herself, Xiao Tingyuan would talk endlessly around a topic every time.

It would be a waste for this guy not to teach literature students.

He can talk about one thing for a long time without repetition.

Xiao Tingyuan staggered a few steps after being kicked by Xi'an Weiger, and he stood still by holding on to the handrail in front of him.

He knew that he had talked for too long, and was disgusted by Xi'an.

Xiao Tingyuan raised his fist to his mouth, coughed lightly and said, "My lords, I think the family members of the deceased want an explanation. Does the cabinet have a specific plan for this?"

As soon as the words fell, a minister sitting opposite Xiao Tingyuan said: "If I remember correctly, all candidates who take the Luna No. [-] College entrance exam will sign a waiver."

"Since they have signed the waiver, the family members of the candidates who died accidentally during the exam have no right to ask for compensation."

Many ministers wrote loudly, expressing their agreement with this point of view.

Everyone knows that before the candidates for the entrance exam set off, Finn Bech, the director of the admissions office of Luna First College, told the destination of the exam.

Many candidates gave up their qualifications for the exam on the spot, and those who were willing to go to Reiss to take the entrance exam signed a waiver.

Under this premise, it is a bit unreasonable for the family members of the deceased candidates to ask for compensation.

Listening to what the ministers said, Xiao Tingyuan and Xi'an Weiger looked at each other with ironic smiles on their faces.

They had long expected that this group of old foxes would make a fuss about the waiver letter that Luna First Academy asked the candidates to sign. After all, this loophole is too obvious.

"Although the candidates have all signed the waiver, there is a rule on the waiver." Sian Weiger stood up calmly, "The number of victims during the entrance examination must not exceed 20.00% of the total number of candidates, otherwise the waiver will be invalid." deemed invalid."

Hearing this, many ministers couldn't sit still.

"This is stipulated by your Luna First Academy. What does it have to do with us?"

"Yes, what does it have to do with our cabinet?"

"This is a matter of your Luna First Academy, and it is you who must compensate the families of the victims."


Facing questioning voices from all directions, neither Sian Weiger nor Xiao Tingyuan panicked.

Xiao Tingyuan looked at Sian Weiger with a harmless smile, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Honey, they don't seem to understand the point of this matter, and you need to review it for them. "

"Luna No. 50.00 Academy, since its establishment, the fatality rate of each entrance examination has been less than [-] percent." Sian Weiger scanned the first few people who spoke with a stern look, "Only this education In the entrance examination led by the Ministry, the number of victims accounted for nearly [-]% of the total number of candidates."

"I would like to ask everyone present, how to explain this? Isn't this the responsibility of the cabinet?"

After a brief silence, a minister said loudly: "The Minister of Education and the Minister of Security have both been arrested. The only thing we can do now is to wait for the results of the investigation before we can figure out the ins and outs of this matter."

"Yeah, we don't know what happened now, and we can't give a clear explanation."

"Yes, we can only wait for the results of the investigation."

Sian Weiger looked at this group of so-called ministers indifferently, and pushed all the responsibilities to the two unlucky ghosts who were already in prison.

Although she had expected such a scene, it still annoyed her to see it with her own eyes.

Xiao Tingyuan raised his hand and gently wrapped his arms around Xi'an Weiger's shoulders. He whispered in her ear, "Honey, bear with me for now. When Cheng Kuan delivers the witnesses, we can settle accounts with these old foxes."

Raising his hand to slap Xiao Tingyuan's hand away, Xi'an Weiger sat back to his previous seat without even looking at Xiao Tingyuan.

Looking at the back of his hand that was a little red, Xiao Tingyuan shook his head lightly.

I really don't know when his baby will accept him, he can only take his time.

Luna, SPQR.

Hotel Barberini, Penthouse Suite.

It was almost noon when Shu Yue was sent over by Orlando, and she almost stayed up all night in the police station, with serious dark circles under her eyes.

"Do you want to eat something first or take a bath and sleep?" Xiao Sheng asked with concern.

An Jialiang who was standing on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he was concerned about this and insisted that he had nothing to do with Shu Yue.

Ghosts believe it!

Shu Yue didn't have much appetite, she shook her head and said, "I'll go wash up first."

Xiao Sheng thoughtfully pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. After Shu Yue entered the bathroom, he returned to the sofa and sat down.

Looking at Xiao Sheng's beautiful face, An Jialiang couldn't help but ask, "Film Emperor Xiao, since you like Shu Yue so much, why don't you confess your love to him?"

With Xiao Sheng's appearance, there should not be many women who would refuse.

Moreover, the two had had an affair before, if they were really together, it would be fine.

At most, Shu Yue would be trolled by actor Xiao's wife fans on the Internet for a period of time. An Jialiang felt that Shu Yue's physique, which was often blackmailed, was really nothing.

Xiao Sheng raised his head from the light curtain and glanced at An Jialiang, his eyes seemed to care for the mentally retarded.

An Jialiang was a little confused by Xiao Sheng's eyes, what did he say wrong?

In the past two days, Xiao Sheng turned off all his work and ran back and forth for Shu Yue's matter.

If it's not because he likes Shu Yue, what is it for?
An Jialiang felt that he couldn't understand Xiao Sheng more and more. Thinking of this, he stood up and walked outside, looking for a quiet place.

Wuxi, who just heard that Shu Yue was being sent back, came from the suite next door, and saw An Jialiang, who was worried, coming out of the suite. He stepped forward and asked, "Xiao Anzi, what's wrong with you? What happened to Shu Yue?" Yet?"

An Jialiang didn't respond immediately, he stared at Fifth Xi's face for a while.

Then he asked, "Director, do you think Xiao Sheng likes Shu Yue?"

If he didn't like it, why would Xiao Sheng do so many things for Shu Yue?
Even if Shu Yue is the younger sister of Xiao Sheng's friend, she doesn't have to take care of her so meticulously.

An Jialiang has known Xiao Sheng for more than ten years, and he thinks he understands Xiao Sheng's temper quite well.

On the surface Xiao Sheng seems to be friendly to everyone, but he never cared too much about others, even his uncle's family.

Apart from Fifth Xi and Que Fangwei, An Jialiang has never seen Xiao Sheng being particularly 'close' to anyone.

From a certain point of view, Xiao Sheng is a cold person from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiao Sheng likes Shu Yue? How is it possible?" Fifth Xi opened his mouth wide.

Didn't that silly boy always miss that woman?
How can you like Shu Yue?
Seeing Fifth Xi's reaction, An Jialiang was stunned for a moment, and then he expressed his doubts all at once.

Fifth Xi was stunned for a moment, and after hearing what An Jialiang had to say, he stepped forward and patted An Jialiang on the shoulder.

"Little Anzi, I didn't realize that you have the potential to be a screenwriter." Fifth Xi said with approval.

Based on Xiao Sheng's actions, Xiao Sheng was thought of as a brat who liked Shu Yue but didn't dare to speak out.

Wu Wuxi had to sigh that this kid's imagination was really rich, he couldn't even think of such a story.

Hearing Fifth Xi's praise, An Jialiang looked at the sky speechlessly.

Sure enough, he and Fifth Xi, the great director, will never be on the same channel.

In the bathroom, the Cloud Window and Fog Pavilion.

After taking a hot bath, Shu Yue felt as if she came alive.

Shu Yue stood in front of the sink with a bath towel wrapped around her body, looking at the person in the mirror, she sighed softly.

Because Lei Lei was hurt like that, she really hated Wang Yingying, but she never thought of killing Wang Yingying.

Mr. Orlando, who was called by the fifth director, said that the police had restored the surveillance in the visiting room, and the video showed that the killer was not her but someone else.

The suspicion on her was completely eliminated.

It was the first time in her life that she was treated as a murderer, and Shu Yue felt that she was lucky.

She was lucky to have friends who cared for her like Xiao Sheng and Wu Wuxi, who helped her find connections and released her from the police station.

After coming out of the police station, Shu Yue received Shu Yun's voice.

Apart from caring about her, Shu Yun told her not to worry about this matter.

Shu Yue felt that her previous guess might be right, and blaming Wang Yingying's death on her was just a means used by some people to deal with the elder sister.

Shu Yun would never tell Shu Yue and Shu Shu about her situation, she would always be the protector who blocked all threats for them.

Sometimes Shu Yue really wanted to help Shu Yun relieve her of her burden, but unfortunately she was not in the position to intervene in the affairs of the military department.

Suddenly, Shu Yue received a video request.

Seeing the word 'Philip', Shu Yue smiled.

After turning off the video function, Shu Yue converted the video into voice.

Before she could speak, Philip said hastily: "Yueyue, what happened? Why don't you and Lei Lei answer my video? Where are you now?"

Since yesterday, Philip has been trying to contact Shu Yue or Lei Lei, but neither of them responded to his call.

There was no news on the Internet, and Philip couldn't find anyone. He was so anxious that he died.

"I'm fine, something happened to Lei Lei, she can't take the video in the hospital now." Shu Yue said with a smile.

Hearing Philip's concern, Shu Yue felt that she really didn't love this kid in vain.

Because she thought he should be about the same age as Shu Shu, Shu Yue always treated Philip as a little brother.

"What?!?" Philip yelled, "all in the hospital? How are you? Are you hurt?"

Shu Yue knew that Philip must be dying of anxiety, she thought for a while and said: "I'm fine, we just arrived in Luna yesterday, and there was a traffic accident on the road. Leilei was injured and sent to the hospital .I went to the police station to take notes, and forgot to reply to your video for a while.”

Shu Yue didn't make up the talk about the traffic accident, it was Xiao Sheng who helped her think about it.

Now the police are investigating the cause of Wang Yingying's death, so it cannot be publicized and must be kept secret.

When Shu Yue was locked up in the police station, Xiao Sheng told the public that they had a traffic accident and she went to the police station to take notes.

I don't know what method Xiao Sheng used. There is no report on the Internet about the hotel attack and Lei Lei's hospitalization.

If Xiao Sheng hadn't handled the whole matter seamlessly, Shu Yue believed that when she left the police station today, she would have encountered a bunch of reporters surrounding her at the gate of the police station.

Entertainment journalists who are never too busy will definitely use exaggerated titles to attract attention, such as "Famous Singer Becomes a Murderer", "Singer Kills Resident Guest Because of Being Unfairly Treated in Variety Shows", "Shu Yue, why did you kill Wang Yingying?"

Anyway, there is nothing that entertainment journalists dare not write, no matter whether it is true or false, as long as it can create a topic, they will write.

"Where are you now? It will take about ten days for me to get to Luna, and I will look for you then." Philip said nervously.

Shu Yue was stunned for a moment, and she asked subconsciously: "Didn't you say that you can't come to the Olga Galaxy because of something in the Schiller Galaxy?"

It's only been a few days, why is this kid coming?

"You and Lei Lei didn't answer the video or reply to my messages all day, which made me anxious to death." Philip's tone was full of complaints, and he was also a little bit wronged.

I don't know why Shu Yue thought of an abandoned little milk dog, looking at her with teary eyes.

Shaking his head, he drove this inexplicable picture out of his mind.

Shu Yue thought for a while and said, "I'm currently staying at the Barberini Hotel in SPQR, and Xiao Sheng and the fifth director are both there."

Xiao Sheng? ! ?

It's that old man again! ! !
"Why is Actor Xiao in Luna?" Philip asked in an unhappy tone.

It was rumored on the Internet that his family Yueyue and the old man's CP, he was really mad at him.

Hearing Philip's toothless tone, Shu Yue suddenly had the feeling that his wife was cheating on her and she was being questioned by her husband.

"Pfft!" Shu Yue laughed out loud at her ridiculous idea.

Thinking of Philip's jealousy, she patiently explained: "Xiao Sheng is here with the fifth director, and the fifth director wants to ask Shirley to compose the music for his new movie, so he came to Luna to watch my singing meeting."

Ghosts believe it!

Philip rolled his eyes, his family Yueyue is so nice, he never believed that the old man didn't have unreasonable thoughts about his family's Yueyue.

After chatting with Shu Yue for a few more words, Philip immediately made a video call to Simon after hanging up the voice.

Yueyue lived in the same hotel as that old man, so he couldn't rest assured.

If Philip knew that Xiao Sheng and Shu Yue were living in the same suite, he might explode in anger.

"Big Cousin!!!!!!"

As soon as the video was picked up, Simon wanted to hang up the video when he heard Philip's ending sound dragged on for so long.

He seriously suspected that Philip was not the grandson of the old man of the Borgia family. How could such a shrewd person have such a bastard grandson?
Could it be that I hugged it wrong when I was a child?

"If you have something to say, if it's nothing, I'll hang up."

After finishing speaking, Simon raised his hand to close the light curtain.

Philip quickly shouted: "No, I really need you this time. I really don't know who to turn to except you."

"Speak." Simon squinted at Philip, motioning him to speak quickly.

Philip immediately said: "My Yueyue is in Luna, just in SPQR. Something happened to her, can you take care of her for me?"

It doesn't take long, only ten days.I'm already on my way, and I'll be in Luna in ten days. "

"You escaped under the nose of your old man?" Simon raised his eyebrows.

It seems that this kid still has some skills.

Philip touched the tip of his nose, and said a little embarrassedly: "Good luck, I just encountered a stowaway."

Thanks to the fact that I met some big brothers who engaged in smuggling when I was "running away from home", and I was willing to give him IOUs.

Otherwise, Philip really doesn't know how to escape from the house, and he really doesn't have any money on him now.

Simon seriously doubts whether Philip has been cheated. Whether he can go to Luna in more than ten days is a problem.

But Simon felt that this was not something he should care about. As for Philip's talk about taking care of Shu Yue.

Simon smiled and said to Philip: "About Shu Yue, Fifth Xi has already asked Andre for help, so you don't have to worry."

"I'm worried about that old man Xiao Sheng!" Philip suddenly said angrily, "He has been following my Yueyue all this time, so he must have some shameful intentions towards my Yueyue."

Simon: "..."

He doesn't understand the thinking of these star chasing teenagers, but he thinks that Philip is definitely mentally retarded.

Before Philip could react, Simon hung up the video directly.

This kid is so annoying.

Just after turning off the light curtain, Andre, who was sitting opposite Simon, asked curiously, "Who was looking for you just now?"

Although I didn't hear the conversation between the two, just by looking at Simon's expression, it can be seen that the man has a good relationship with Simon.

"An annoying dog," Simon said casually, tugging at his collar.

Simon also knows a talking dog?

Andre's brain suddenly opened up, and Simon was talking with a huge husky in his mind.

Shaking his head vigorously, the picture was so beautiful that Andre didn't dare to think about it.

Simon didn't know what Andre thought of because of his words.

He suddenly said in a deep voice: "Arnold said that those blood servants came to Luna by mixing with the Le family. I didn't expect the small family of the Le family to have a relationship with Prince Stark."

Hearing this, Andre was rarely serious: "How dare you make trouble on the Saketti family's territory, even if you are a prince? This time I will sue them to the elders."

"Go back and clean up those flies first, Stark is not that stupid." Simon said coldly.

A cold light flashed in the light blue eyes.

 I have already applied for the lifting of the 099 ban, and it is being lifted, please wait patiently~
  Full order can be added to verify the skirt [-]-[-]-[-], and find the administrator to enter the genuine skirt with the screenshot of the full order.

(End of this chapter)

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