Chapter 107 Chapter 107
Simon raised his eyebrows and asked ruffianically, "Then how are you going to repay me?"

After pulling her, I feel that I am good to her. This little girl is too easy to be satisfied.

Being easily gratified is a good thing, though.

"How about making a promise with your body?" Shu Shu raised her face and asked with big eyes shining.

There is a light of expectation in the eyes.

Simon looked Shu Shu up and down, shook his head lightly and said, "You're too young, you're still underage."

If Si Jun knew that he hooked up with such a small human girl, he would definitely despise him.

Shu Shu lowered her head in disappointment, as if in the 'mirror', the Duke also said that she was too young.

But Shu Shu didn't feel lost for a long time, she raised her head and asked, "Then can I promise you with my body when I'm an adult?"

"We'll talk about it when you're an adult." Simon smiled and flicked Shu Shu's forehead.

The little girl didn't let him pinch her cheeks, which looked soft and easy to pinch, but she could poke her forehead.

Thinking of this, Simon subconsciously looked at his hand.He suddenly found that he seemed to be a little addicted, which was not a good sign.

Withdrawing his hand without a trace, Simon coughed lightly and walked forward.

Shu Shu followed Simon with a smile on her face, thinking that when she became an adult next year, she would be able to make a promise to the Duke.

The Duke doesn't remember her, but she remembers it very clearly.

They met for the first time in Carat when they were six years old.

She didn't know his name or his identity at that time, but she remembered his face and the faint smell of myrrh on his body.

Hu Lan said that it was fate that the two met again, and Shu Shu always believed that she would see him again one day.

The closer you get to the square, the more people there are.

Shu Shu grabbed the corner of Simon's sleeve, Simon just glanced at it, didn't say anything, and let her pull.

The two of them passed through the crowd and arrived at the square without stopping. Simon took Shu Shu to a small hill on the north side of the square.

There is a rooftop overlooking the entire SPQR on the hillside, called Pingqiu Terrace.

This is a place where SPQR young people and tourists like to gather. Behind the roof is SPQR's well-known Polez Villa.

When Simon and Shu Shu arrived at the Pingqiu rooftop, there were not many people here.

Most of them are tourists, shooting the scenery of SPQR on the rooftop.

Blocked by railings cut from marble at the edge of the roof, Simon and Shu Shu found a relatively open area.

Simon leaned against the marble and turned to Shu Shu, "Are you hungry?"

This point should be dinner time, humans should be hungry.

"Not hungry." Shu Shu shook her head vigorously and said.

I am really happy to be able to come out with the Duke.

Shu Shu didn't feel hungry at all, she felt full just looking at Simon's overly good-looking face.

Simon didn't know what Shu Shu was thinking, but seeing her staring at him with unusual enthusiasm, he always felt weird in his heart.

Digging around in the portable space, I found a few bottles of drinks that I didn't know when I stuffed them in.

Putting the drink on the table in front of Shu Shu, Simon took a bottle at random and said, "Look at what you like to drink."

After speaking, he opened the drink bottle and drank it on his own.

After just one sip, Simon was sweetened.

It is too sweet!
Seeing the yellow label on the drink, which said 'Bingtang Huangtaoli', Simon silently put the drink aside.

It was definitely stuffed by Andre at some point, and the taste was really unacceptable to Simon.

Shu Shu found a relatively normal-looking bottle among several bottles of strange-looking drinks, opened the bottle cap and took a sip. It was sour-sweet sparkling water.

"Master Duke, are we here to see the scenery?" Shu Shu put down the bottle and asked.

There is no daytime in SPQR, and the night view of the entire SPQR can be seen from the rooftop of Pingqiu.

The tallest building in the distance is St. Peter's Basilica, whose vault towers over all the buildings.

Simon shook his head, pointed to the sky and said, "Look up."

Shu Shu raised her head to look at the black sky, but she couldn't see anything but twinkling stars.

Looking up for about a minute, Shu Shu felt that her neck was sore, when she suddenly saw a flash of light in the black sky.

Rubbing her eyes, when Shu Shu opened her eyes again, she saw another light flashing in the air.

Immediately, streaks of light appeared on the black sky like lighted raindrops, and each light appeared for a short time before disappearing.

"Wow!" Shu Shu pointed to the sky and shouted excitedly: "It's a meteor shower!"

It was the first time for her to see such a large meteor shower.

The atmosphere of Blue Star has been modified, in order to maintain the temperature like spring all year round, it is no longer possible to see the real starry sky.

The people on the Pingqiu platform also noticed the strangeness in the sky, and they all raised their heads to look at the sky, where meteors streaked across the sky and then disappeared.

The short appearance made people excited.

Simon looked at Shu Shu's excited face and smiled. He raised his hand and touched Shu Shu's small head and said, "In the past, people would make a wish when they saw a meteor shower. Maybe you can make a wish."

Although wishes will basically never come true, Si Jun also said that human beings like to find spiritual sustenance.

The process of making a wish is often more important than the result of the wish.

Shu Shu looked at Simon with bright eyes: "Will the wish really come true?"

"It depends on whether Meteor is willing to help you realize it." Simon said with a smile.

Seeing the little girl close her eyes and make a wish, Simon couldn't help shaking his head.

Why do I look more and more like Si Jun?

Looking up at the sky streaked by meteors, Simon remembered the rumors about Si Jun that the Great Demon King had given him.

"On the evening of August 8, I took a girl to the Pingqiu rooftop to watch the meteor shower together."

Simon knew that he had been fooled by Si Jun again, but he still came and brought a girl.

Watching the meteor shower on the rooftop of Pingqiu, Kui Sijun figured it out.

Hotel Barberini, Penthouse Suite.

"Hey, why is there a meteor shower today?" Fifth Xi asked suspiciously.

He was lying on a deck chair on the roof, looking up at the sky.

Que Fangwei raised his head and glanced at the meteor shower in the sky, then turned his gaze back to the light curtain and said, "It seems that the starship near Luna tonight is going to suffer."

Traveling in space is most afraid of encountering meteor showers, and meteor showers of this density cannot be avoided no matter how big the starship is.

If hit by a meteor, the starship is prone to failure, and serious failure may cause the starship to be scrapped directly, so traveling in space is most afraid of encountering this kind of high-density meteor shower.

Fifth Xi watched the meteor shower for a while, and turned to Que Fangwei when he felt bored, "Xiao Quezi, did Andre contact you later?"

"No." Que Fangwei said without raising his head.

Unlike Fifth Xi, he didn't have that much trust in Andre Saketti, who was a vampire.

But he couldn't deny that the efficiency of Andre's people on Luna was really good.

They were able to restore the destroyed surveillance video in such a short period of time, so Que Fangwei looked at them differently.

"Hey, there are still more than ten days until Shu Yue's concert, do you think Master Shirley will come?" Fifth Xi asked worriedly.

Que Fangwei raised his head from the light curtain, looked at Fifth Xi and asked, "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Due to the problem of film composition, the later progress was delayed a lot.

Que Fangwei was having a headache about this matter, the more the delay, the higher the cost, and if Fifth Xi didn't choose an arrangement, they would run out of money.

Although Wuxi is the chairman of Yide Entertainment, the budget of each film is limited, and it is impossible for him to spend money at will.

As the producer of Fifth Xi's films, Que Fangwei has been heartbroken for every Fifth Xi's film.

The consequence of Wuxi's every waywardness is that the budget is not enough.

"Forget it." Fifth Xi waved his hands, as if thinking of something, he sat up straight and asked excitedly, "Can we reshoot some scenes from the movie?"

"What? Say it again!" Que Fangwei shouted in disbelief.

He felt like his heart was going to fail.

Fifth Xi said calmly: "I was not very satisfied with the actor who stared at Xiao Sheng's sister before, but I had no other choice at the time. But after seeing Shu Yue's sister this time, I think she is very suitable. Want to ask her to retake some shots."

"No, absolutely not." Que Fangwei refused without thinking.

Not to mention that the female star's salary is not low, it is too wasteful to cut it off like this, and a reshoot requires a new set.

They have been completed for more than a month, and the scenes used before must be gone.

Fifth Xi didn't seem to hear it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Shu Yue's sister was very suitable to play Xiao Sheng's sister.

"I'm going to ask Shu Yue if her sister wants to be an actress." Fifth Xi said as he opened the light curtain on his own.

Que Fangwei: "..."

He just said no.

There is no one left for such a willful director.

Seidna, Shu Yun's office.

"So the travel agency where Shu Shu works is run by the idle and idle Duke of Orsini?" Shu Yun frowned and said to the light curtain.

The intelligence agent on the light curtain did not show his face, he nodded and said: "Yes, the New Moon Travel Agency was opened after the Duke of Orsini came to Luna. There are usually no customers, and the only customer found so far is Count Sacchetti .”

The voice was obviously disguised by a voice changer, and intelligence agents would not easily reveal their appearance and voice, which was their most basic professional criterion.

"Is there any other information?" Shu Yun asked in a deep voice.

Although she has never had contact with the Duke of Orsini, she has heard of the surname Orsini.

Rumor has it that the ancestors of the Orsini family were the ones who helped the first emperor of the empire unify the Blue Star.

It is said that the Duke of Orsini has many territories, and he has several planets in the Olga galaxy.

And the current Duke of Orsini left Blue Star shortly after inheriting the title of Duke. No one knew where he went, but he was actually in Luna.

It is said that this Duke is idle and has not done anything serious, but no one knows what he is doing, and he is an unpredictable person.

 I thought the duke was enlightened, but it was Si Jun who asked the big devil to forward him a message...

  It can only be said that Lord Si Jun is too good at playing, and he can play around with Lord Duke.

(End of this chapter)

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