It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 125 Chapter 125 Good Luck

Chapter 125 Chapter 125 Good Luck
Backstage of the amphitheatre.

"Are you ready for the first dance?"

"Are the devices ready?"

"Lighting group! Are all the equipment adjusted?"

When Shu Shu arrived backstage, she saw chaos, with people and robots crowded into a narrow space.

It looks chaotic, but everyone knows what they should do. There is an order in the chaos that outsiders can't understand.

The backstage of the amphitheater is below the stage and has several floors.

Because of the staff badge that Shu Yue gave her, Shu Shu shuttled back and forth without hindrance.

Following the instructions Shu Yue sent her, she found Shu Yue's dressing room on the second basement floor.

After entering the dressing room, Shu Shu saw that Shu Yue was surrounded by makeup artists and stylists, and not far away, Lei Lei was standing beside her on the light curtain, constantly replying to messages.

Although she was just discharged from the hospital yesterday, Lei Lei has already started working soon.

Shu Yue wants Lei Lei to rest well, but Lei Lei is really worried, after all, this concert is a big event.

Shu Yue really had no choice but to tell her not to be too tired.

"Little Shushu is here." Shu Yue waved to Shushu.

The hairstylist was styling her and she couldn't move her whole head.

Shu Shu avoided the crowd and walked in front of Shu Yue. She watched the hair stylist pile up decorations on Shu Yue's head, and couldn't help but ask, "Second Sister, isn't it heavy?"

At this moment, a half-meter-high crown was placed on Shu Yue's head, which was formed by strips of silver wires and formed a hollow and graceful crown. The hair stylist coiled up Shu Yue's long hair, revealing Shu Yue's elegant swan neck.

To match the crown, she had a silver make-up on her face.

Silver pearls are added to the long eyelashes. The beads are very small, only about one to two millimeters in diameter. They swing up and down with the movement of the eyelashes, which is very beautiful.

With silver-blue lipstick, Shu Yue looks like a noble queen who has stepped out of the world of ice and snow.

"Heavy, how could it not be heavy?" Shu Yue kept her head still and said unhappily.

This look is really dead, if I knew she would have changed her look.

But Lei Lei said that this look fits the style of the new song, so Shu Yue could only bite the bullet.

Shu Shu looked at Shu Yue sympathetically, she blinked her big eyes and said, "But it's beautiful."

Hearing Shu Shu's praise, Shu Yue couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

With Xiao Shushu's words, she felt that everything was worth it.

The makeup artist standing aside looked at Shu Shu's cute baby face, and couldn't help but ask, "Little girl, do you want to put on makeup too?"

It was the first time for her to see such a cute baby face, smooth skin like a ceramic doll, big eyes, it must look good with makeup.

Seeing Shu Shu's small face, the makeup artist's hands itch.

"Me?" Shu Shu pointed to herself and asked doubtfully.

Shu Yue thought it was a good idea: "You should put on makeup too."

Before Shu Shu could react, the make-up artist had already pulled Shu Shu to sit down and began to fiddle with her face.

The boss has spoken, and she has to seize this opportunity quickly.

Shu Shu sat in front of the mirror beside Shu Yue, staring at the mirror in front of her.

Why is this happening?

VIP room.

"Big cousin, has the concert started?" Philip's impatient face appeared in front of the light curtain.

In order to watch the concert, he parked the starship outside the atmosphere of a planet without life and let the starship rotate around the planet.

The starship in flight will affect the signal, and Philip doesn't want to see the live broadcast of stuttering.

Seeing Philip wearing a small light curtain with the words "I love Yueyue" on his head and holding a heart-shaped energy lamp with both hands, Simon had an urge to turn off the light curtain immediately.

He turned off the sound and turned the light curtain to face out of the window so that Philip could see the stage.

Andre looked at Simon's actions and asked suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

Because Simon was in privacy mode, Andre didn't hear Philip's voice.

"Someone can't come and wants to watch the live broadcast." Simon fixed the light curtain on the window and said casually.

When Andre heard it, he thought it was Paul, so he didn't ask any more questions.

There was still half an hour before the concert started, and Andre asked the robot butler in the private room to pour himself a drink.

Thinking of some news he heard recently, he looked at Simon and said, "Someone is assassinating half-breeds recently, have you heard?"

"Well, it seems that people from the werewolf clan did it." Simon said casually, but a cold light flashed in his light blue eyes.

Andre didn't see it, he shook his head and sighed softly: "The old guys of the werewolf clan are the most combative. They used to fight humans, but now they kill hybrids. It seems that if they don't kill people, they won't survive..."

Looking at Arnold, Andre immediately shut his mouth.

He even forgot that there was a werewolf here, and Andre quickly said to Arnold: "Arnold, I'm not talking about you, don't get me wrong."

"It's okay." Arnold didn't take Andre's words to heart at all. He waved his hand and said, "What you said is true. The werewolves are really warlike."

Looking down at his powerful hands, Arnold clenched his fists and said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have created a... devil like me."

Andre knew that he had said the wrong thing, he opened his mouth, but he never made a sound.

The white demon, once the most powerful warrior of the werewolf tribe, once pushed the werewolf tribe to the top of the "special group", but it was a taboo in Arnold's heart.

Simon unceremoniously stretched out his long legs and kicked Andre hard to the ground.

"Ouch!" Andre got up and glared at Simon: "What are you doing?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Simon squinted at Andre, "It seems that the werewolf clan can only fight and kill. Don't forget that the Borgia family is the richest man in the empire, and your family is behind them."

Andre has always been worried about the fact that his family ranks behind the werewolves on the rich list.

It would be fine if they were ranked behind the Wu clan, who told them to control most of the empire's technology patents.

From the smallest screws to large starships or artificial satellites, they all need to use the patents in the hands of the Wu people to make them.

But the Borgia family of the werewolf clan who sat firmly at No. 1 on the rich list turned out to be too puzzling for Andre.

In Andre's view, if it weren't for the shit luck of the Borgia family hundreds of years ago and the right to develop the Schiller galaxy, it would be impossible to become the richest man in the empire.

So this time the empire decided to develop the Rowan galaxy, and Andre was very active, and it took a lot of effort to get a development right.

Andre stood up, patted the invisible dust on his body, and said disdainfully: "After I develop the Rowan galaxy, I will definitely be able to sit on the throne of the richest man in the empire!"

For Andre's challenging goal, Simon only said lightly: "Good luck."

  There will be one more later!
(End of this chapter)

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