It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 129 Is 129 an enemy or a friend?

Chapter 129 Is 129 an enemy or a friend?

Xiao Sheng's hand suddenly passed through the wall, as if the wall was transparent under his hands.

Seeing Xiao Sheng's hand disappear into the wall, Shu Shu came over and touched the wall under Xiao Sheng's hand, the hard touch could not pass through at all.

But Xiao Sheng's hand can pass through, and can move around in the wall.

"What's going on here?" Shu Shu stared at Xiao Sheng's hand in confusion and asked.

Xiao Sheng didn't know what was going on, he tried to walk through the wall with his whole body, and reached the other side of the wall with one step.

Here is a corridor similar to the outside, without any light source, and the surroundings are pitch black.

Looking around with the energy lamp in hand, Xiao Sheng found that tire marks could still be seen under his feet.

Back outside, Xiao Sheng saw Shu Shu staring at him with wide eyes.

She opened her mouth wide and asked, "How did you do it?"


Film Emperor Xiao could pass through, but she couldn't.

I have to ask Jiang Cha to take a look at what this wall is, Shu Shu believes that Jiang Cha will be interested.

"I don't know." Xiao Sheng shook his head.

He could pass, but Shu Shu couldn't.

Could it be because he is a man and Shu Shu is a woman?
After thinking about it, Xiao Sheng thought it was impossible, after all, Shu Yue should have been taken away from here as well.

Shu Shu stepped forward to hold Xiao Sheng's hand, and then touched the wall with the other hand.

This time, her hand also went through the wall.

Shu Shu felt that this feeling was very strange as she moved her hand back and forth in the wall a few times.

Obviously there is a solid wall in front of her, but her hands seem to be touching the air.

After confirming that her body could pass through the wall, Shu Shu pulled the stiff Xiao Sheng through the wall.

She didn't rush to continue walking along the tire tracks, but stopped and opened the light curtain.

Finding that the signal here was restored, Shu Shu concentrated on the light curtain.

It took Xiao Sheng a while to come back to his senses, he was really not used to being touched by others, he seemed to be frozen when Shu Shu held his hand, his whole body was stiff and let Shu Shu take a few steps forward.

After Shu Shu let go of him, Xiao Sheng came back to his senses.

When he saw Shu Shu's hand speed operating the light curtain, he was stunned.

After rubbing his eyes and confirming that he was not mistaken, Xiao Sheng was amazed in his heart.

As expected of Yun'er's younger sister!

Outside the amphitheatre.

When Arnold came out of the amphitheater, he saw chaos outside the exit.

There were many people lying on the ground, and a group of guards were confronting several robot security guards.

Although the number of guards is large, the robot security guards are not afraid of pain and are ruthless in attacking. It is impossible to tell the odds of winning for a while.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a figure flashed among the robot security guards.Several robot security guards seemed to be turned off suddenly, the eyes of the energy lights dimmed, and their hands were beaten down.

The guards immediately seized the opportunity to rush up, one by one with weapons, and dismantled the robot security guards.

Arnold recognized who the shadow was, and he shouted, "Orlando!"

Like a phantom, Orlando 'floated' to Arnold.

"Master Arnold." Orlando shouted respectfully.

Arnold didn't bother to correct Orlando's habitual address to him. He quickly asked, "Where is Earl Sacketti? Why isn't he with you?"

"The master brought people in just now." Orlando pointed to the amphitheater.

Arnold frowned: "The signal inside is blocked, can you find someone to restore the signal first?"

Count Sacchetti is not here, so he can only find Orlando.

"Shielding?" Orlando repeated in surprise. He quickly opened the light curtain to contact Count Sacchetti, but found that he really couldn't get in touch.

Orlando suddenly felt that the situation was not good, he nodded and said, "I'll contact the technical staff to come over and take a look."

"Well, hurry up."

Amphitheatre, edge of the stage.

Andre looked at the stage that had been burnt to black charcoal in front of him, and said in amazement: "Tsk tsk, it's all burned like this."

The 'corpses' of the security robots on the ground, Andre knew who did it without guessing.

Just where did that guy Simon go?
A few seconds before the explosion, Simon and Arnold left the private room.Andre wanted to follow, but he was attracted by the explosion that followed, and by the time he realized it, the two had disappeared.

"Master, the signal here is blocked." A subordinate said to Andre holding the light curtain.

Andre froze for a moment, then opened his own light curtain and found that there was really no signal.

Pressing his tongue against his cheek, Andre ordered: "Go outside and tell Orlando the situation here, and ask him to find someone to restore the signal here as soon as possible."

After the subordinate left, Andre continued to lead the rest forward.

Walking on the ruined stage, he suddenly heard a bang bang bang, as if it came from under his feet.

"Did you hear that?" Andre asked.

Several subordinates listened carefully for a while, then they nodded and said, "It seems to be coming from the floor."

bang -- bang -- bang --

Andre touched his chin and walked forward following the sound.

bang -- bang -- bang --

The sound was getting closer, and Andre found that the sound came from under a collapsed high shelf.

The shelf was originally vertical, about ten meters high, but now it is horizontal on the stage, and there are still traces of burnt on it.

"Move this shelf away," Andre ordered.

Several people immediately stepped forward and removed the one-ton shelf with bare hands.

As soon as the shelf was removed, a loud bang was heard.

This time the sound was much louder than what he had heard intermittently before. Hearing the sound, Andre looked around, and a door opened on the ground, and several people climbed out from it.

Andre was surprised to find that Xi'an Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan were among them. He ran over and asked with a puzzled face, "Why are you here?"

"Go find a bomb expert, there's another bomb down here." Xiao Tingyuan shouted at Andre.

Andre froze for a moment and repeated: "Bomb?"

"Don't restore the signal here. Once the signal is restored, the bomb below will explode." Sian Weiger said solemnly.

Andre was stunned for a while, and it took a few seconds for him to come back to his senses. He ordered the people behind him: "Quick! Tell Orlando not to restore the signal here."

Several people immediately turned into a black shadow and ran out, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Scratching his curly hair irritably, Andre asked Sian Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan with question marks all over his face: "Can you explain to me what's going on?"

"Let's take them out of here first." Sian Weiger pointed to Lei Lei and the others.

Leilei and the others were so frightened that they couldn't speak. They thought that being trapped in the locker room was already very hopeless, but they didn't expect that walking all the way would be even more terrifying.

Andre nodded, turned and walked out.

After walking a few steps, he heard the people behind him ask, "Do you know where Shu Yue is? Did she leave safely?"

"Shu Yue?" Andre turned to look at the person who spoke, and seeing that it was a female human, he asked, "What's your relationship with Shu Yue?"

Lei Lei quickly said, "I'm Shu Yue's manager."

"I didn't see her, I should have evacuated here with the others." Andre replied truthfully.

It's not easy for Lei Lei to ask too many questions. She can only contact Shu Yue when she gets a signal.

Seeing the mess around her, Lei Lei felt uncomfortable.

This is Shu Yue's largest concert. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I don't know if Shu Yue is being scolded again on the Internet.

Some time ago, it finally stopped, and Lei Lei felt that she didn't need to look at it to imagine that now the Internet has started to scold Shu Yue for being a bastard.

Lei Lei should not have imagined that there is no such thing as Shu Yue in the current trending search.

Since the video of robot security guards attacking ordinary people has been uploaded on the Internet, discussions on robot safety have been sparked throughout the empire.

The group that was originally opposed to robots immediately jumped out and posted wildly.

"I knew that robots were not safe, but no one believed me. Now that something so big has happened, someone will come out to discuss it."

"There are many incidents of robots intentionally hurting people every year, but they are all settled by robot manufacturers with money. If it weren't for the whole network to see this incident today, I don't know how many people are still in the dark."

"Even if there is no AI with an emotional system, it will still attack humans when it malfunctions. Please ask the cabinet to take care of this matter. Robot manufacturers have certain responsibilities."

Of course, there were also doubts.

"Don't robots have a set program, if they attack humans, won't they automatically shut down? How can these robots ignore the program?"

"You're naive! Do you think that program actually works? Do you really think it will work if it actually fails?"

"Yeah, and the firewalls of the robots are all weak. Manufacturers will not spend money on the research and development of the firewalls of the robots. Anyone who knows a little about computers can easily hack into them."

"God! In this case, if there are hackers maliciously attacking the robot's system, wouldn't it be possible to control all the robots in the empire?"

"very scary!"

Gradually, discussions on the Internet have developed in the direction of conspiracy theories, and the imperial cabinet can no longer sit still, especially the Imperial Security Department.

Not long after their minister was dismissed, the interim minister who just took office is sitting on a mat of needles.

Originally, because of the Luna No. [-] Academy entrance exam, the entire security department was under investigation by the cabinet, and the entire department was trembling.

Now that the robot hurts people, it's just worse.

You must know that the system of every robot that goes on the market needs to be approved by the Ministry of Safety, and it doesn't matter if there have been no major incidents before.

But now that something has happened, the cabinet will definitely intervene.

Regardless of whether it was late at night, the interim head of the Ministry of Security immediately held an internal meeting of the department to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"I found the map of the SPQR underground tunnel, we should be here now, and the second sister is just ahead." Shu Shu pointed to the light curtain and said to Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng glanced at the light curtain and asked suspiciously: "Can you contact Shu Yue?"

If she was kidnapped, shouldn't all the devices on Shu Yue be turned off and confiscated?
"No, I controlled her device remotely." Shu Shu clicked on the light curtain a few times, "Now I can hear the sound from where the device is located."

Immediately, a strange voice came from the light curtain.

"Sorry, I don't want to invite you in this way, but we don't have time."

The voice sounds very young, but for some reason it gives people a sense of vicissitudes.

Then came Shu Yue's voice: "What's the lack of time? Why did you kidnap me? Did the explosion at the concert have anything to do with you?"

"No, the explosion has nothing to do with us. We blocked all the signals from the amphitheater, but we were still one step too late, and a few bombs exploded. And our original intention was not to kidnap you, but to ask you to help us Save someone."

Shu Yue obviously didn't believe the other party's words: "I'm not a doctor, how can I help you save people?"

"No, you can, your singing can save people."

Hearing these words, Xiao Sheng's face darkened.

Singing to save people is something only elves with healing powers can do.

There was no sound behind for some reason, Shu Shu tapped the light curtain a few times, and finally could only say helplessly: "Second Sister's equipment seems to have been taken to another place."

And it was packed into a soundproof box, these people are not the usual discreet.

"Let's go and have a look first." Xiao Sheng suggested.

Involvement of 'special groups' is no ordinary kidnapping.

Taking advantage of Shu Shu's inattention, Xiao Sheng turned on the light curtain and sent Que Fangwei a message.

When the two walked along the tunnel to the end, they saw a wooden door. Apart from this door, there was nothing around.

When the two walked to the door, the door was opened, and a young girl in a plain dress came out.

Seeing Xiao Sheng, the girl raised her hand to her mouth and shouted in disbelief: "Ah! Are you Xiao Yingdi?"

Xiao Sheng suddenly felt uncomfortable, but still nodded politely and said, "It's me."

"It's great! I saw the actor Xiao! He's still alive!" The girl stared at Xiao Sheng with twinkling eyes.

Xiao Sheng has long been used to this kind of admiring look in his eyes, and he asked with a smile, "Do you want to sign?"

"Yes! Of course!" The girl nodded vigorously.

Xiao Sheng took out a pen from his portable space and said, "Where do you want to sign?"

"Here!" the girl said, pointing to her left shoulder.

Xiao Sheng responded, and signed his name on the girl's shoulder.

Standing aside, Shu Shu took a deep look at Xiao Sheng, and her affection for Xiao Sheng dropped a little.

She obviously likes her second sister, but she still plays tricks everywhere, so she must tell her second sister.

After getting the male god's signature, the girl almost fainted from excitement.

After putting away the pen, Xiao Sheng asked, "Are you here to welcome us?"

"Ah!" The girl patted her forehead, "I almost forgot the business."

She stuck out her tongue to Xiao Sheng and Shu Shu and said, "Both of you should be our partners, please follow me."

After speaking, she made a gesture of please.

"What's your partner?" Shu Shu asked with a puzzled face.

The girl laughed and said, "Only our buddies can go through that wall."

Shu Shu looked at Xiao Sheng subconsciously. Could it be that Xiao Sheng is with these people?

No, probably not.

Xiao Sheng didn't speak, he followed the girl and entered the wooden door, Shu Shu followed closely behind.

The door closed automatically behind them, and the tunnel was quiet again.

 2020 has passed, and 2021 is here!
  I wish you all a happy 2021!

(End of this chapter)

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