It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 136 Vivian is the examiner, Shu Shu goes to the academy

Chapter 136 Vivian is the examiner, Shu Shu goes to the academy
Xiao Tingyuan gritted his teeth and stared at the light curtain, who said Cheng Kuan was aboveboard?

The next time he hears such a compliment, he must be anxious to the person who said it. How can this despicable and nasty guy in front of him be aboveboard?

Before Xiao Tingyuan heard that it was Bailey's family who helped them rescue the survivors on Reese, otherwise the number of candidates who were injured or injured this time might be even more.

According to Finn Bech's estimation, if it weren't for the Bailey family's help, the number of candidates who survived might be less than half of the current number.

Xiao Tingyuan didn't take this matter to heart at the time, so he didn't know what condition Cheng Kuan agreed to.

He really didn't expect that the female devil would come to Luna No. [-] Academy to study, and also wanted to go to his art department.

How could he sleep with such a witch in his academy?
Cheng Kuan nodded with satisfaction: "After the entrance exam is over, I'll take Bailey to see you, just in time for you to help her arrange her major."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Kuan directly turned off the video without waiting for Xiao Tingyuan to respond.

Staring at the dimmed light curtain, Xiao Tingyuan took a deep breath.

Come on, come on, he doesn't believe that he can't control a little human being.

"All the teachers of the art department, come to the conference hall in 10 minutes for an emergency meeting."

The command department simulates actual combat classrooms.

In a large classroom with an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, rows of game cabins are parked in an orderly manner.

There are three independent game cabins side by side next to the podium. Standing in front of one game cabin, Cheng Kuan said, "This is where the actual combat simulation is usually done. You can set the environment, difficulty and other data on the podium."

Vivienne glanced at the huge classroom, and asked lazily with one hand around the end of her hair: "Any combat mode is fine?"

"Yes, you are the examiner and you decide." Cheng Kuan nodded.

Vivienne gave Cheng Kuan a sideways glance: "Each exam has a maximum of ninety candidates, and today there are nearly four hundred candidates for the entrance exam of the Command Department. Are you trying to exhaust me to death?"

"Theoretical candidates will screen out a batch of candidates, and there should be less than [-] students left in the end. Take the test twice." Cheng Kuan said with a smile, but his eyes were full of inquiry.

He did not provide Vivienne Bailey with any specific information about the entrance exam, and the student registration data would not be disclosed to the public, but she knew such details.

Vivienne chuckled lightly: "If you leave it to me like this, aren't you afraid of making mistakes?"

"I want to see Patriarch Bailey's strength." Cheng Kuan said frankly.

Planet Carat is a planet that even the imperial army cannot enter, but the person in front of him took down the entire planet more than [-] years ago.

Cheng Kuan has always been curious about how Vivienne Bailey did it, and he became even more curious after seeing the combat capabilities of Bailey's family on Reese.

Although the teaching ability of the command department is the best in the empire, Cheng Kuan always feels that it is not enough.

Most students will only follow instructions, but will not respond in actual combat.On a rapidly changing battlefield, it is useless to just wait for instructions.

Although the empire is peaceful on the surface, there are intrigues within the cabinet, and the Freedom Alliance and some villain forces outside have been eyeing the edge of the empire.

Before becoming the dean of the Command Department, Cheng Kuan was a soldier.

He is loyal to the empire, and only hopes that Luna First Academy can train more outstanding soldiers to protect the empire.

Glancing at the lecturer's over-control console, Vivienne gently brushed her long hair: "A, you come, Mech Warfare."

"Yes." A replied respectfully, and then walked to the console.

Cheng Kuan didn't stop him. He asked Vivienne Bailey to be the examiner, and he didn't say that she should do it alone.

Vivian walked into a game cabin, opened the cabin door and said to Cheng Kuan with a smile, "It's still early anyway, do you want to play with me?"

"Very happy." Cheng Kuan smiled and walked to another game cabin.

Luna First Academy, outside gate 99.

Jumping off the suspended bus, Shu Shu looked at the semicircular square surrounded by a dozen Roman columns with a height of more than 50 meters.

There is no difference from the last time I came, and there are still no people in the square.

Because the entrance exam is held in the academy, Luna First Academy is closed to the public during this period, and only teachers and students can enter and leave from the academy.

Shu Shu walked to the largest arch in the middle of the Roman column. This time, the invisible wall did not appear, and she successfully entered Luna No. [-] Academy.

When Shu Shu stepped through the door, a light curtain appeared on her left.

Seeing her name and department displayed on the light curtain, Shu Shu smiled.

After the last professional test, Xiao Tingyuan applied for a student ID for her.

She is now a freshman in the Department of Art, majoring in Piano.

"Little girl, you are here again." A voice sounded from behind Shu Shu.

Shu Shu turned around to look, and an old man in a dark blue uniform appeared behind her at some point.

The old man's back was a little hunched, and he put his hands behind his back, looking at her kindly.

Such a scene seemed familiar to me when I first came to Luna First Academy.

"Grandpa, are you the security guard here?" Shu Shu asked curiously.

When she first came here, she saw the old man and didn't think much about it, but now she felt that it was a bit strange that the old man suddenly appeared here.

Now the work of security is replaced by robots, and few people will do this job.

The old man said with a smile: "I have retired a long time ago."

"Then why are you here?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

The old man raised his head to look at the arch above his head, and sighed softly, "Because I can't let it go."

Shu Shu imitated the old man and looked up, Gao Song's Roman columns and arches, she didn't know what to say for a while.

From the old man's voice, she heard nostalgia, reluctance and a trace of vicissitudes that she could not understand.

"My surname is Cai, you can call me Grandpa Cai." The old man looked at Shu Shu with a smile, "If you pass by here in the future, can you chat with me more? I haven't met anyone who can chat for a long time."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Of course."

Grandpa Cai looks so lonely, she will come here to accompany him more in the future.

The eldest sister taught her to care for the elderly.

Shu Shu chatted with Grandpa Cai for a while before entering the academy. The old man looked at Shu Shu's back with a kind face.

What a sweet little girl.

After entering Luna No. [-] Academy, Shu Shu walked to the Art Academy.

Follow the signs to the reference room of the composition major, but there is no one in the reference room at this time.

After all, school hasn't officially started yet, and most of the students haven't come back yet.

After finding a random seat and sitting down, Shu Shu opened the light curtain on the table and at the same time opened her own light curtain.

"The second entrance exam for the command department is a real combat simulation. The first exam is not over yet, and there is still time." Shu Shu glanced at her light curtain and muttered to herself.

Le Huanming came to take the entrance exam for the conducting department today, just look for him before he leaves.

Moving her own light curtain aside, Shu Shu began to look through the information on the light curtain on the desktop.

As one of the oldest academies in the Empire, the First Academy of Luna has collected many ancient documents.

In addition to the library that can be viewed in the college, the literature of each major is in the professional reference room.

The composition major’s reference room has collected music scores from ancient times to the present, and many orphan copies are kept in the safe in the reference room.

After all the physical scores are digitized, students can come here to view them on the light curtain.

These are valuable materials of the college and can only be borrowed in the reference room.Although it cannot be copied and taken away, students can still copy it down manually.

While Shu Shu looked at the light curtain on the table, she scribbled on her light curtain.

Luna First Academy, practice field.

When Finn Becky saw that the time was up, he immediately shouted, "It's time."

His voice was broadcast to the entire practice field by the broadcaster, and the light curtain in front of each candidate disappeared at the same time.

"Ah! I still have the last question to solve!"

"No! I haven't finished writing yet!"

"Wooooow! I must have failed."

Most of the candidates were frustrated and howled.

The questions of the theory test greatly exceeded their expectations. They thought that the theory test of the command department would be biased towards historical war questions, but they didn't expect it to be all about chemistry, physics, astronomy and other scientific questions.

The candidates all suspected that they had gone to the wrong examination room, and that this was not the examination room of the command department but the science department.

Allen sat at the table and breathed a sigh of relief, this time he would like to thank Ash.

If it weren't for his reminder to review science subjects, Allen might have reviewed American History like everyone else.

"The results will come out in a few minutes. Candidates, please take a rest in your seat." Finn Bech said seriously while sitting on the examiner's seat.

Candidates are still sitting in their original positions, anxiously waiting for the test results.

Only candidates who pass this theory test are eligible to take the next practical mock test, and those who fail can go home.

While waiting, some people gathered together to chat, and some people opened the light curtain.

Allen opened his light curtain and saw an unread message, so he opened it suspiciously.

Seeing the above content, Allen was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes.

What did Shu Shu come to the academy for?
Allen didn't think clearly, and Finn Becky's voice sounded again: "A total of 150 students passed the test. The students who received the message will go to the actual combat simulation classroom to take the next exam at [-] pm. The students who have not received the message can go home. "

Hearing this sentence, all the candidates turned on the light curtain to check the news.

"Wow! I passed!"


"Damn! I actually passed!"

The students who received the news cheered, but those who did not receive the news could only watch helplessly.

Although some people have already prepared in their hearts that they will fail, when they really find out that they have failed, they will inevitably feel a little bit disappointed.

There are also confident candidates who collapsed on the spot when they did not receive the news.

"how is this possible?"

"Why didn't I receive it?"

Amidst the chaotic voices, Allen was relieved to see the news he had received.

In the afternoon, there will be a practical mock exam. As long as he passes it, he can become a student of the command department.

He is one step closer to his dream.

Le Huanming, who was not far from Alan, was in a terrible mood at the moment, and he stared at his light curtain in disbelief.

He didn't receive the message.

There is nothing on the light curtain!

Le Huanming looked up and saw Finn Bech and the other examiners stood up, ready to leave.

He suddenly stood up and rushed to Finn Becky: "Director Becky, will there be any problems with the test results?"

"The result was revised by the AI ​​of our school. There is absolutely no problem. If you think there is a problem, you can go to the website of the Admissions Office to apply to view the test paper." Finn Bech said expressionlessly.

He has seen too many people like the student in front of him, overconfident, thinking that he can pass the exam.After the results came out, instead of reflecting on where I made a mistake in the exam, I came to question him instead.

Most of these students are from big families,

Luna No. [-] Academy is definitely a fair and just place, regardless of the background and only the grades of the students themselves.

After Alan left the practice field, he walked to the Art Academy alone.

The students who passed the exam all went to the cafeteria for lunch, and those who failed, some went home to prepare for the exam two days later, and some decided to stay to see who finally passed the entrance exam to the command department.

"Master Ai, do you want to go to the cafeteria with us?" Mi Xueer yelled at Allen with a smile.

Several students had already gathered around her, and everyone had a smile on their faces, obviously all candidates who had passed the exam.

Allen shook his head and said, "No, I still have something to do."

Mi Xueer didn't force it either, and walked towards the cafeteria with the others.

Before they had walked a few steps, someone suddenly said, "Isn't that Young Master Le Jia?"

Le Huanming stood not far from them, completely lost, and felt nothing about the people passing by.

Mi Xueer glanced at it: "Let's go eat."

Trash, he failed such a simple exam, and he still claims to be a genius of Lejia.

The others wanted to invite Le Huanming to join them, but they immediately shut up after hearing Mi Xueer's words, and they followed Mi Xueer away.

Allen also saw Le Huanming, and he knew he had failed the exam when he saw him like that.

After hesitating again and again, Allen walked over.

He patted Le Huanming on the shoulder and said, "I'm going to the Art Academy to find Shu Shu, do you want to go together?"

Le Huanming raised his head and looked at Allen, who nodded slightly.

The family was waiting for his 'good news'. The housekeeper had already called him several times, but he didn't answer any of them.

He didn't know how to face the housekeeper, no, not just the housekeeper, he didn't know how to face his parents and all the family members.

Because he was born with B-spiritual power, the family invested a lot of resources on him, hoping that he could enter the Command Department of Luna First Academy, and then graduate and enter the army smoothly.

He thought he would succeed, but he failed the exam.

Not even the first theory class.

Le Huanming didn't know how to tell his family now, he was afraid of seeing the disappointment on their faces.

Seeing him like this, Allen opened his mouth and closed it again.

He is not a person who comforts others. If he fails the exam, he might be like Le Huanming.

The two were speechless and walked quietly side by side.

 Come on.

  Eleven is a bit busy recently, so I will make it up for everyone on weekends.

  I'm so sorry <(__)>
(End of this chapter)

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